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DARD: Distributed Adaptive Routing for Datacenter
Xin Wu
Xiaowei Yang
Dept. of Computer Science, Duke University
Datacenter networks typically have many paths connecting
each host pair to achieve high bisection bandwidth for arbitrary communication patterns. Fully utilizing the bisection
bandwidth may require flows between the same source and
destination pair to take different paths to avoid hot spots.
However, the existing routing protocols have little support
for load-sensitive adaptive routing. We propose DARD, a
Distributed Adaptive Routing architecture for Datacenter networks. DARD allows each end host to move traffic from
overloaded paths to underloaded paths without central coordination. We use an openflow implementation and simulations to show that DARD can effectively use a datacenter network’s bisection bandwidth under both static and dynamic traffic patterns. It outperforms previous solutions based
on random path selection by 10%, and performs similarly to
previous work that assigns flows to paths using a centralized
controller. We use competitive game theory to show that
DARD’s path selection algorithm makes progress in every
step and converges to a Nash equilibrium in finite steps. Our
evaluation results suggest that DARD can achieve a closeto-optimal solution in practice.
Datacenter network applications, e.g., MapReduce and network storage, often demand high intra-cluster bandwidth [11]
to transfer data among distributed components. This is because the components of an application cannot always be
placed on machines close to each other (e.g., within a rack)
for two main reasons. First, applications may share common services provided by the datacenter network, e.g., DNS,
search, and storage. These services are not necessarily placed
in nearby machines. Second, the auto-scaling feature offered
by a datacenter network [1, 5] allows an application to create dynamic instances when its workload increases. Where
those instances will be placed depends on machine availability, and is not guaranteed to be close to the application’s
other instances.
Therefore, it is important for a datacenter network to have
high bisection bandwidth to avoid hot spots between any pair
of hosts. To achieve this goal, today’s datacenter networks
often use commodity Ethernet switches to form multi-rooted
tree topologies [21] (e.g., fat-tree [10] or Clos topology [16])
that have multiple equal-cost paths connecting any host pair.
A flow (a flow refers to a TCP connection in this paper) can
use an alternative path if one path is overloaded.
However, legacy transport protocols such as TCP lack the
ability to dynamically select paths based on traffic load. To
overcome this limitation, researchers have advocated a variety of dynamic path selection mechanisms to take advantage of the multiple paths connecting any host pair. At a
high-level view, these mechanisms fall into two categories:
centralized dynamic path selection, and distributed trafficoblivious load balancing. A representative example of centralized path selection is Hedera [11], which uses a central
controller to compute an optimal flow-to-path assignment
based on dynamic traffic load. Equal-Cost-Multi-Path forwarding (ECMP) [19] and VL2 [16] are examples of trafficoblivious load balancing. With ECMP, routers hash flows
based on flow identifiers to multiple equal-cost next hops.
VL2 [16] uses edge switches to forward a flow to a randomly
selected core switch to achieve valiant load balancing [23].
Each of these two design paradigms has merit and improves the available bisection bandwidth between a host pair
in a datacenter network. Yet each has its limitations. A
centralized path selection approach introduces a potential
scaling bottleneck and a centralized point of failure. When
a datacenter scales to a large size, the control traffic sent
to and from the controller may congest the link that connects the controller to the rest of the datacenter network, Distibuted traffic-oblivious load balancing scales well to large
datacenter networks, but may create hot spots, as their flow
assignment algorithms do not consider dynamic traffic load
on each path.
In this paper, we aim to explore the design space that
uses end-to-end distributed load-sensitive path selection to
fully use a datacenter’s bisection bandwidth. This design
paradigm has a number of advantages. First, placing the
path selection logic at an end system rather than inside a
switch facilitates deployment, as it does not require special
hardware or replacing commodity switches. One can also
upgrade or extend the path selection logic later by applying
software patches rather than upgrading switching hardware.
Second, a distributed design can be more robust and scale
better than a centralized approach.
This paper presents DARD, a lightweight, distributed, end
system based path selection system for datacenter networks.
DARD’s design goal is to fully utilize bisection bandwidth
and dynamically balance the traffic among the multipath paths
between any host pair. A key design challenge DARD faces
is how to achieve dynamic distributed load balancing. Un-
like in a centralized approach, with DARD, no end system or
router has a global view of the network. Each end system can
only select a path based on its local knowledge, thereby making achieving close-to-optimal load balancing a challenging
To address this challenge, DARD uses a selfish path selection algorithm that provably converges to a Nash equilibrium in finite steps (Appedix B). Our experimental evaluation shows that the equilibrium’s gap to the optimal solution
is small. To facilitate path selection, DARD uses hierarchical addressing to represent an end-to-end path with a pair of
source and destination addresses, as in [27]. Thus, an end
system can switch paths by switching addresses.
We have implemented a DARD prototype on DeterLab [6]
and a ns-2 simulator. We use static traffic pattern to show
that DARD converges to a stable state in two to three control intervals. We use dynamic traffic pattern to show that
DARD outperforms ECMP, VL2 and TeXCP and its performance gap to the centralized scheduling is small. Under
dynamic traffic pattern, DARD maintains stable link utilization. About 90% of the flows change their paths less than 4
times in their life cycles. Evaluation result also shows that
the bandwidth taken by DARD’s control traffic is bounded
by the size of the topology.
DARD is a scalable and stable end host based approach
to load-balance datacenter traffic. We make every effort to
leverage existing infrastructures and to make DARD practically deployable. The rest of this paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 introduces background knowledge and
discusses related work. Section 3 describes DARD’s design
goals and system components. In Section 4, we introduce
the system implementation details. We evaluate DARD in
Section 5. Section 6 concludes our work.
In this section, we first briefly introduce what a datacenter
network looks like and then discuss related work.
2.1 Datacenter Topologies
Recent proposals [10, 16, 24] suggest to use multi-rooted
tree topologies to build datacenter networks. Figure 1 shows
a 3-stage multi-rooted tree topology. The topology has three
vertical layers: Top-of-Rack (ToR), aggregation, and core. A
pod is a management unit. It represents a replicable building
block consisting of a number of servers and switches sharing
the same power and management infrastructure.
An important design parameter of a datacenter network
is the oversubscription ratio at each layer of the hierarchy,
which is computed as a layer’s downstream bandwidth devided by its upstream bandwidth, as shown in Figure 1. The
oversubscription ratio is usually designed larger than one,
assuming that not all downstream devices will be active concurrently.
We design DARD to work for arbitrary multi-rooted tree
topologies. But for ease of exposition, we mostly use the
Figure 1: A multi-rooted tree topology for a datacenter network. The
aggregation layer’s oversubscription ratio is defined as
fat-tree topology to illustrate DARD’s design, unless otherwise noted. Therefore, we briefly describe what a fat-tree
topology is.
Figure 2 shows a fat-tree topology example. A p-pod fattree topology (in Figure 2, p = 4)has p pods in the horizontal
direction. It uses 5p2 /4 p-port switches and supports nonblocking communication among p3 /4 end hosts. A pair of
end hosts in different pods have p2 /4 equal-cost paths connecting them. Once the two end hosts choose a core switch
as the intermediate node, the path between them is uniquely
Figure 2:
A 4-pod fat-tree topology.
In this paper, we use the term elephant flow to refer to
a continuous TCP connection longer than a threshold defined in the number of transferred bytes. We discuss how
to choose this threshold in § 3.
2.2 Related work
Related work falls into three broad categories: adaptive
path selection mechanisms, end host based multipath transmission, and traffic engineering protocols.
Adaptive path selection. Adaptive path selection mechanisms [11, 16, 19] can be further divided into centralized and
distributed approaches. Hedera [11] adopts a centralized approach in the granularity of a flow. In Hedera, edge switches
detect and report elephant flows to a centralized controller.
The controller calculates a path arrangement and periodically updates switches’ routing tables. Hedera can almost
fully utilize a network’s bisection bandwidth, but a recent
data center traffic measurement suggests that this centralized approach needs parallelism and fast route computation
to support dynamic traffic patterns [12].
Equal-Cost-Multi-Path forwarding (ECMP) [19] is a distributed flow-level path selection approach. An ECMP-enabled
switch is configured with multiple next hops for a given destination and forwards a packet according to a hash of selected fields of the packet header. It can split traffic to each
destination across multiple paths. Since packets of the same
flow share the same hash value, they take the same path from
the source to the destination and maintain the packet order.
However, multiple large flows can collide on their hash values and congest an output port [11].
VL2 [16] is another distributed path selection mechanism.
Different from ECMP, it places the path selection logic at
edge switches. In VL2, an edge switch first forwards a flow
to a randomly selected core switch, which then forwards the
flow to the destination. As a result, multiple elephant flows
can still get collided on the same output port as ECMP.
DARD belongs to the distributed adaptive path selection
family. It differs from ECMP and VL2 in two key aspects.
First, its path selection algorithm is load sensitive. If multiple elephant flows collide on the same path, the algorithm
will shift flows from the collided path to more lightly loaded
paths. Second, it places the path selection logic at end systems rather than at switches to facilitate deployment. A path
selection module running at an end system monitors path
state and switches path according to path load (§ 3.5). A
datacenter network can deploy DARD by upgrading its end
system’s software stack rather than updating switches.
Multi-path Transport Protocol. A different design paradigm,
multipath TCP (MPTCP) [26], enables an end system to simultaneously use multiple paths to improve TCP throughput. However, it requires applications to use MPTCP rather
than legacy TCP to take advantage of underutilized paths. In
contrast, DARD is transparent to applications as it is implemented as a path selection module under the transport layer
(§ 3). Therefore, legacy applications need not upgrade to
take advantage of multiple paths in a datacenter network.
Traffic Engineering Protocols. Traffic engineering protocols such as TeXCP [20] are originally designed to balance
traffic in an ISP network, but can be adopted by datacenter
networks. However, because these protocols are not end-toend solutions, they forward traffic along different paths in
the granularity of a packet rather than a TCP flow. Therefore, it can cause TCP packet reordering, harming a TCP
flow’s performance. In addition, different from DARD, they
also place the path selection logic at switches and therefore
require upgrading switches.
In this section, we describe DARD’s design. We first highlight the system design goals. Then we present an overview
of the system. We present more design details in the following sub-sections.
3.1 Design Goals
DARD’s essential goal is to effectively utilize a datacenter’s bisection bandwidth with practically deployable mechanisms and limited control overhead. We elaborate the design goal in more detail.
1. Efficiently utilizing the bisection bandwidth . Given the
large bisection bandwidth in datacenter networks, we aim to
take advantage of the multiple paths connecting each host
pair and fully utilize the available bandwidth. Meanwhile we
desire to prevent any systematic design risk that may cause
packet reordering and decrease the system goodput.
2. Fairness among elephant flows . We aim to provide fairness among elephant flows so that concurrent elephant flows
can evenly share the available bisection bandwidth. We focus our work on elephant flows for two reasons. First, existing work shows ECMP and VL2 already perform well on
scheduling a large number of short flows [16]. Second, elephant flows occupy a significant fraction of the total bandwidth (more than 90% of bytes are in the 1% of the largest
flows [16]).
3. Lightweight and scalable. We aim to design a lightweight
and scalable system. We desire to avoid a centralized scaling
bottleneck and minimize the amount of control traffic and
computation needed to fully utilize bisection bandwidth.
4. Practically deployable. We aim to make DARD compatible with existing datacenter infrastructures so that it can
be deployed without significant modifications or upgrade of
existing infrastructures.
3.2 Overview
In this section, we present an overview of the DARD design. DARD uses three key mechanisms to meet the above
system design goals. First, it uses a lightweight distributed
end-system-based path selection algorithm to move flows
from overloaded paths to underloaded paths to improve efficiency and prevent hot spots (§ 3.5). Second, it uses hierarchical addressing to facilitate efficient path selection (§ 3.3).
Each end system can use a pair of source and destination addresses to represent an end-to-end path, and vary paths by
varying addresses. Third, DARD places the path selection
logic at an end system to facilitate practical deployment, as
a datacenter network can upgrade its end systems by applying software patches. It only requires that a switch support
the openflow protocol and such switches are commercially
available [?].
Figure 3 shows DARD’s system components and how it
works. Since we choose to place the path selection logic
at an end system, a switch in DARD has only two functions: (1) it forwards packets to the next hop according to a
pre-configured routing table; (2) it keeps track of the Switch
State (SS, defined in § 3.4) and replies to end systems’ Switch
State Request (SSR). Our design implements this function
using the openflow protocol.
An end system has three DARD components as shown in
Figure 3: Elephant Flow Detector, Path State Monitor and
Figure 3:
DARD’s system overview. There are multiple paths con-
necting each source and destination pair. DARD is a distributed system
running on every end host. It has three components. The Elephant
Flow Detector detects elephant flows. The Path State Monitor monitors
traffic load on each path by periodically querying the switches. The
Path Selector moves flows from overloaded paths to underloaded paths.
Path Selector. The Elephant Flow Detector monitors all the
output flows and treats one flow as an elephant once its size
grows beyond a threshold. We use 100KB as the threshold
in our implementation. This is because according to a recent study, more than 85% of flows in a datacenter are less
than 100 KB [16]. The Path State Monitor sends SSR to the
switches on all the paths and assembles the SS replies in Path
State (PS, as defined in § 3.4). The path state indicates the
load on each path. Based on both the path state and the detected elephant flows, the Path Selector periodically assigns
flows from overloaded paths to underloaded paths.
The rest of this section presents more design details of
DARD, including how to use hierarchical addressing to select paths at an end system (§ 3.3), how to actively monitor
all paths’ state in a scalable fashion (§ 3.4), and how to assign flows from overloaded paths to underloaded paths to
improve efficiency and prevent hot spots (§ 3.5).
3.3 Addressing and Routing
To fully utilize the bisection bandwidth and, at the same
time, to prevent retransmissions caused by packet reordering (Goal 1), we allow a flow to take different paths in its
life cycle to reach the destination. However, one flow can
use only one path at any given time. Since we are exploring
the design space of putting as much control logic as possible to the end hosts, we decided to leverage the datacenter’s
hierarchical structure to enable an end host to actively select
paths for a flow.
A datacenter network is usually constructed as a multirooted tree. Take Figure 4 as an example, all the switches
and end hosts highlighted by the solid circles form a tree
with its root core1 . Three other similar trees exist in the
same topology. This strictly hierarchical structure facilitates adaptive routing through some customized addressing
rules [10]. We borrow the idea from NIRA [27] to split
an end-to-end path into uphill and downhill segments and
encode a path in the source and destination addresses. In
DARD, each of the core switches obtains a unique prefix
and then allocates nonoverlapping subdivisions of the prefix
to each of its sub-trees. The sub-trees will recursively allocate nonoverlapping subdivisions of their prefixes to lower
hierarchies. By this hierarchical prefix allocation, each network device receives multiple IP addresses, each of which
represents the device’s position in one of the trees.
As shown in Figure 4, we use corei to refer to the ith
core, aggrij to refer to the jth aggregation switch in the ith
pod. We follow the same rule to interpret T oRij for the
top of rack switches and Eij for the end hosts. We use
the device names prefixed with letter P and delimited by
colons to illustrate how prefixes are allocated along the hierarchies. The first core is allocated with prefix P core1 . It
then allocates nonoverlapping prefixes P core1 .P aggr11 and
P core1 .P aggr21 to two of its sub-trees. The sub-tree rooted
from aggr11 will further allocate four prefixes to lower hierarchies.
For a general multi-rooted tree topology, the datacenter
operators can generate a similar address assignment schema
and allocate the prefixes along the topology hierarchies. In
case more IP addresses than network cards are assigned to
each end host, we propose to use IP alias to configure multiple IP addresses to one network interface. The latest operating systems support a large number of IP alias to associate
with one network interface, e.g., Linux kernel 2.6 sets the
limit to be 256K IP alias per interface [3]. Windows NT 4.0
has no limitation on the number of IP addresses that can be
bound to a network interface [4].
One nice property of this hierarchical addressing is that
one host address uniquely encodes the sequence of upperlevel switches that allocate that address, e.g., in Figure 4,
E11 ’s address P core1 .P aggr11 .P T oR11 .P E11 uniquely encodes the address allocation sequence core1 → aggr11 →
T oR11 . A source and destination address pair can further
uniquely identify a path, e.g., in Figure 4, we can use the
source and destination pair highlighted by dotted circles to
uniquely encode the dotted path from E11 to E21 through
core1 . We call the partial path encoded by source address
the uphill path and the partial path encoded by destination
address the downhill path. To move a flow to a different
path, we can simply use different source and destination address combinations without dynamically reconfiguring the
routing tables.
To forward a packet, each switch stores a downhill table
and an uphill table as described in [27]. The uphill table
keeps the entries for the prefixes allocated from upstream
switches and the downhill table keeps the entries for the pre-
Figure 4: DARD’s addressing and routing. E11 ’s address P core1 .P aggr11 .P T oR11 .P E11 encodes the uphill path T oR11 -aggr11 -core1 . E21 ’s
address P core1 .P aggr21 .P T oR21 .P E21 encodes the downhill path core1 -aggr21 -T oR21 .
fixes allocated to the downstream switches. Table 1 shows
the switch aggr11 ’s downhill and uphill table. The port indexes are marked in Figure 4. When a packet arrives, a
switch first looks up the destination address in the downhill
table using the longest prefix matching algorithm. If a match
is found, the packet will be forwarded to the corresponding
downstream switch. Otherwise, the switch will look up the
source address in the uphill table to forward the packet to the
corresponding upstream switch. A core switch only has the
downhill table.
downhill table
P core1 .P aggr11 .P T oR11
P core1 .P aggr11 .P T oR12
P core2 .P aggr11 .P T oR11
P core2 .P aggr11 .P T oR12
uphill table
P core1
P core2
Table 1: aggr11 ’s downhill and uphill routing tables.
In fact, the downhill-uphill-looking-up is not necessary
for a fat-tree topology, since a core switch in a fat-tree uniquely
determines the entire path. However, not all the multi-rooted
trees share the same property, e.g., a Clos network. The
downhill-uphill-looking-up modifies current switch’s forwarding algorithm. However, an increasing number of switches
support highly customized forwarding policies. In our implementation we use OpenFlow enabled switch to support
this forwarding algorithm. All switches’ uphill and downhill tables are automatically configured during their initialization. These configurations are static unless the topology
Each network component is also assigned a location independent IP address, ID, which uniquely identifies the component and is used for making TCP connections. The mapping from IDs to underlying IP addresses is maintained by
a DNS-like system and cached locally. To deliver a packet
from a source to a destination, the source encapsulates the
packet with a proper source and destination address pair.
Switches in the middle will forward the packet according to
the encapsulated packet header. When the packet arrives at
the destination, it will be decapsulated and passed to upper
layer protocols.
3.4 Path Monitoring
To achieve load-sensitive path selection at an end host,
DARD informs every end host with the traffic load in the
network. Each end host will accordingly select paths for its
outbound elephant flows. In a high level perspective, there
are two options to inform an end host with the network traffic load. First, a mechanism similar to the Netflow [15], in
which traffic is logged at the switches and stored at a centralized server. We can then either pull or push the log to
the end hosts. Second, an active measurement mechanism,
in which each end host actively probes the network and collects replies. TeXCP [20] chooses the second option. Since
we desire to make DARD not to rely on any conceptually
centralized component to prevent any potential scalability issue, an end host in DARD also uses the active probe method
to monitor the traffic load in the network. This function is
done by the Path State Monitor shown in Figure 3. This
section first describes a straw man design of the Path State
Monitor which enables an end host to monitor the traffic load
in the network. Then we improve the straw man design by
decreasing the control traffic.
We first define some terms before describing the straw
man design. We use Cl to note the output link l’s capacity. Nl denotes the number of elephant flows on the output
link l. We define link l’s fair share Sl = Cl /Nl for the bandwidth each elephant flow will get if they fairly share that link
(Sl = 0, if Nl = 0). Output link l’s Link State (LSl ) is defined as a triple [Cl , Nl , Sl ]. A switch r’s Switch State (SSr )
is defined as {LSl | l is r’s output link}. A path p refers to a
set of links that connect a source and destination ToR switch
pair. If link l has the smallest Sl among all the links on path
p, we use LSl to represent p’s Path State (P Sp ).
The Path State Monitor is a DARD component running on
an end host and is responsible to monitor the states of all the
paths to other hosts. In its straw man design, each switch
keeps track of its switch state (SS) locally. The path state
Figure 5:
The set of switches a source sends switch state requests to.
monitor of an end host periodically sends the Switch State
Requests (SSR) to every switch and assembles the switch
state replies in the path states (PS). These path states indicate the traffic load on each path. This straw man design
requires every switch to have a customized flow counter and
the capability of replying to SSR. These two functions are
already supported by OpenFlow enabled switches [17].
In the straw man design, every end host periodically sends
SSR to all the switches in the topology. The switches will
then reply to the requests. The control traffic in every control
interval (we will discuss this control interval in § 5) can be
estimated using formula (1), where pkt size refers to the
sum of request and response packet sizes.
num of servers × num of switchs × pkt size
Even though the above control traffic is bounded by the
size of the topology, we can still improve the straw man design by decreasing the control traffic. There are two intuitions for the optimizations. First, if an end host is not sending any elephant flow, it is not necessary for the end host
to monitor the traffic load, since DARD is designed to select paths for only elephant flows. Second, as shown in Figure 5, E21 is sending an elephant flow to E31 . The switches
highlighted by the dotted circles are the ones E21 needs to
send SSR to. The rest switches are not on any path from the
source to the destination. We do not highlight the destination
ToR switch (T oR31 ), because its output link (the one connected to E31 ) is shared by all the four paths from the source
to the destination, thus DARD cannot move flows away from
that link anyway. Based on these two observations, we limit
the number of switches each source sends SSR to. For any
multi-rooted tree topology with three hierarchies, this set of
switches includes (1) the source ToR switch, (2) the aggregation switches directly connected to the source ToR switch,
(3) all the core switches and (4) the aggregation switches
directly connected to the destination ToR switch.
3.5 Path Selection
As shown in Figure 3, a Path Selector running on an end
host takes the detected elephant flows and the path state as
the input and periodically moves flows from overloaded paths
to underloaded paths. We desire to design a stable and distributed algorithm to improve the system’s efficiency. This
section first introduces the intuition of DARD’s path selection and then describes the algorithm in detail.
In § 3.4 we define a link’s fair share to be the link’s band-
Algorithm selfish path selection
1: for each src-dst ToR switch pair, P , do
max index = 0; max S = 0.0;
min index = 0; min S = ∞;
for each i ∈ [1, P.P V.length] do
if P.F V [i] > 0 and
max S < P.P V [i].S then
max S = M.P V [i].S;
max index = i;
else if min S > M.P V [i].S then
min S = M.P V [i].S;
min index = i;
end if
end for
13: end for
14: if max index 6= min index then
V [max index].bandwidth
estimation = P.PP.P
V [max index].f low numbers+1
if estimation − min S > δ then
move one elephant flow from path min index to
path max index.
end if
19: end if
width divided by the number of elephant flows. A path’s
fair share is defined as the smallest link fair share along the
path. Given an elephant flow’s elastic traffic demand and
small delays in datacenters, elephant flows tend to fully and
fairly utilize their bottlenecks. As a result, moving one flow
from a path with small fair share to a path with large fair
share will push both the small and large fair shares toward
the middle and thus improve fairness to some extent. Based
on this observation, we propose DARD’s path selection algorithm, whose high level idea is to enable every end host to
selfishly increase the minimum fair share they can observe.
The Algorithm selfish flow scheduling illustrates one round
of the path selection process.
In DARD, every source and destination pair maintains two
vectors, the path state vector (P V ), whose ith item is the
state of the ith path, and the flow vector (F V ), whose ith
item is the number of elephant flows the source is sending
along the ith path. Line 15 estimates the fair share of the
max indexth path if another elephant flow is moved to it.
The δ in line 16 is a positive threshold to decide whether to
move a flow. If we set δ to 0, line 16 is to make sure this
algorithm will not decrease the global minimum fair share.
If we set δ to be larger than 0, the algorithm will converge
as soon as the estimation being close enough to the current
minimum fair share. In general, a small δ will evenly split
elephant flows among different paths and a large δ will accelerate the algorithm’s convergence.
Existing work shows that load-sensitive adaptive routing
protocols can lead to oscillations and instability [22]. Figure 6 shows an example of how an oscillation might happen
using the selfish path selection algorithm. There are three
source and destination pairs, (E1 , E2 ), (E3 , E4 ) and (E5 ,
E6 ). Each of the pairs has two paths and two elephant flows.
The source in each pair will run the path state monitor and
the path selector independently without knowing the other
two’s behaviors. In the beginning, the shared path, (link
switch1 -switch2 ), has not elephant flows on it. According to the selfish path selection algorithm, the three sources
will move flows to it and increase the number of elephant
flows on the shared path to three, larger than one. This will
further cause the three sources to move flows away from the
shared paths. The three sources repeat this process and cause
permanent oscillation and bandwidth underutilization.
Figure 6:
Path oscillation example.
The reason for path oscillation is that different sources
move flows to under-utilized paths in a synchronized manner. As a result, in DARD, the interval between two adjacent
flow movements of the same end host consists of a fixed span
of time and a random span of time. According to the evaluation in § 5.3.3, simply adding this randomness in the control
interval can prevent path oscillation.
To test DARD’s performance in real datecenter networks,
we implemented a prototype and deployed it in a 4-pod fattree topology in DeterLab [6]. We also implemented a simulator on ns-2 to evaluate DARD’s performance on different
types of topologies.
4.1 Test Bed
We set up a fat-tree topology using 4-port PCs acting as
the switches and configure IP addresses according to the hierarchical addressing scheme described in § 3.3. All PCs
run the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS standard image. All switches run
OpenFlow 1.0. An OpenFlow enabled switch allows us to
access and customize the forwarding table. It also maintains
per flow and per port statistics. Different vendors, e.g., Cisco
and HP, have implemented OpenFlow in their products. We
implement our prototype based on existing OpenFlow platform to show DARD is practical and readily deployable.
We implement a NOX [18] component to configure all
switches’ flow tables during their initialization. This component allocates the downhill table to OpenFlow’s flow table
0 and the uphill table to OpenFlow’s flow table 1 to enforce
a higher priority for the downhill table. All entries are set to
be permanent. NOX is often used as a centralized controller
for OpenFlow enabled networks. However, DARD does not
rely on it. We use NOX only once to initialize the static flow
tables. Each link’s bandwidth is configured as 100M bps.
A daemon program is running on every end host. It has
the three components shown in Figure 3. The Elephant Flow
Detector leverages the TCPTrack [9] at each end host to
monitor TCP connections and detects an elephant flow if a
TCP connection grows beyond 100KB [16]. The Path State
Monitor tracks the fair share of all the equal-cost paths connecting the source and destination ToR switches as described
in § 3.4. It queries switches for their states using the aggregate flow statistics interfaces provided by OpenFlow infrastructure [8]. The query interval is set to 1 second. This interval causes acceptable amount of control traffic as shown in
§ 5.3.4. We leave exploring the impact of varying this query
interval to our future work. A Path Selector moves elephant
flows from overloaded paths to underloaded paths according
to the selfish path selection algorithm, where we set the δ to
be 10M bps. This number is a tradeoff between maximizing the minimum flow rate and fast convergence. The flow
movement interval is 5 seconds plus a random time from
[0s, 5s]. Because a significant amount of elephant flows last
for more than 10s [21], this interval setting prevents an elephant flow from being delivered even without the chance to
be moved to a less congested path, and at the same time,
this conservative interval setting limits the frequency of flow
movement. We use the Linux IP-in-IP tunneling as the encapsulation/decapsulation module. All the mappings from
IDs to underlying IP addresses are kept at every end host.
4.2 Simulator
To evaluate DARD’s performance in larger topologies, we
build a DARD simulator on ns-2, which captures the system’s packet level behavior. The simulator supports fat-tree,
Clos network [16] and the 3-tier topologies whose oversubscription is larger than 1 [2]. The topology and traffic patterns are passed in as tcl configuration files. A link’s bandwidth is 1Gbps and its delay is 0.01ms. The queue size is
set to be the delay-bandwidth product. TCP New Reno is
used as the transport protocol. We use the same settings as
the test bed for the rest of the parameters.
This section describes the evaluation of DARD using DeterLab test bed and ns-2 simulation. We focus this evaluation on four aspects. (1) Can DARD fully utilize the bisection bandwidth and prevent elephant flows from colliding at
some hot spots? (2) How fast can DARD converge to a stable
state given different static traffic patterns? (3) Will DARD’s
distributed algorithm cause any path oscillation? (4) How
much control overhead does DARD introduce to a datacenter?
5.1 Traffic Patterns
Due to the absence of commercial datacenter network traces,
we use the three traffic patterns introduced in [10] for both
our test bed and simulation evaluations. (1) Stride, where an
end host with index Eij sends elephant flows to the end host
with index Ekj , where k = ((i + 1)mod(num pods)) + 1.
This traffic pattern emulates the worst case where a source
and a destination are in different pods. As a result, the traffic
stresses out the links between the core and the aggregation
layers. (2) Staggered(ToRP,PodP), where an end host sends
elephant flows to another end host connecting to the same
ToR switch with probability T oRP , to any other end host in
the same pod with probability P odP and to the end hosts in
different pods with probability 1 − T oRP − P odP . In our
evaluation T oRP is 0.5 and P odP is 0.3. This traffic pattern
emulates the case where an application’s instances are close
to each other and the most intra-cluster traffic is in the same
pod or even in the same ToR switch. (3) Random, where
an end host sends elephant flows to any other end host in
the topology with a uniform probability. This traffic pattern
emulates an average case where applications are randomly
placed in datacenters.
The above three traffic patterns can be either static or
dynamic. The static traffic refers to a number of permanent elephant flows from the source to the destination. The
dynamic traffic means the elephant flows between a source
and a destination start at different times. The elephant flows
transfer large files of different sizes. Two key parameters for
the dynamic traffic are the flow inter-arrival time and the file
size. According to [21], the distribution of inter-arrival times
between two flows at an end host has periodic modes spaced
by 15ms. Given 20% of the flows are elephants [21], we set
the inter-arrival time between two elephant flows to 75ms.
Because 99% of the flows are smaller than 100MB and 90%
of the bytes are in flows between 100MB and 1GB [21], we
set an elephant flow’s size to be uniformly distributed between 100MB and 1GB.
We do not include any short term TCP flows in the evaluation because elephant flows occupy a significant fraction
of the total bandwidth (more than 90% of bytes are in the
1% of flows [16, 21]). We leave the short flow’s impact on
DARD’s performance to our future work.
5.2 Test Bed Results
To evaluate whether DARD can fully utilize the bisection
bandwidth, we use the static traffic patterns and for each
source and destination pair, a TCP connection transfers an
infinite file. We constantly measure the incoming bandwidth
at every end host. The experiment lasts for one minute. We
use the results from the middle 40 seconds to calculate the
average bisection bandwidth.
We also implement a static hash-based ECMP and a modified version of flow-level VLB in the test bed. In the ECMP
implementation, a flow is forwarded according to a hash of
the source and destination’s IP addresses and TCP ports.
Because a flow-level VLB randomly chooses a core switch
to forward a flow, it can also introduce collisions at output
ports as ECMP. In the hope of smooth out the collisions by
randomness, our flow-level VLB implementation randomly
picks a core every 10 seconds for an elephant flow. This
10s control interval is set roughly the same as DARD’s control interval. We do not explore other choices. We note this
implementation as periodical VLB (pVLB). We do not implement other approaches, e.g., Hedera, TeXCP and MPTCP, in
the test bed. We compare DARD and these approaches in
the simulation.
Figure 7 shows the comparison of DARD, ECMP and
pVLB’s bisection bandwidths under different static traffic
patterns. DARD outperforms both ECMP and pVLB. One
observation is that the bisection bandwidth gap between DARD
and the other two approaches increases in the order of staggered, random and stride. This is because flows through the
core have more path diversities than the flows inside a pod.
Compared with ECMP and pVLB, DARD’s strategic path
selection can converge to a better flow allocation than simply relying on randomness.
Figure 7:
DARD, ECMP and pVLB’s bisection bandwidths under
different static traffic patterns. Measured on 4-pod fat-tree test bed.
We also measure DARD’s large file transfer times under
dynamic traffic patterns. We vary each source-destination
pair’s flow generating rate from 1 to 10 per second. Each
elephant flow is a TCP connection transferring a 128MB
file. We use a fixed file length for all the flows instead of
lengths uniformly distributed between 100MB and 1GB. It
is because we need to differentiate whether finishing a flow
earlier is because of a better path selection or a smaller file.
The experiment lasts for five minutes. We track the start and
the end time of every elephant flow and calculate the average file transfer time. We run the same experiment on ECMP
and calculate the improvement of DARD over ECMP using
formula (2), where avg TECMP is the average file transfer
time using ECMP, and avg TDARD is the average file transfer time using DARD.
improvement =
avg TECMP − avg TDARD
Figure 8 shows the improvement vs. the flow generating
rate under different traffic patterns. For the stride traffic
pattern, DARD outperforms ECMP because DARD moves
flows from overloaded paths to underloaded ones and in-
Improvement of average
file transfer time
creases the minimum flow throughput in every step. We find
both random traffic and staggered traffic share an interesting pattern. When the flow generating rate is low, ECMP
and DARD have almost the same performance because the
bandwidth is over-provided. As the flow generating rate increases, cross-pod flows congest the switch-to-switch links,
in which case DARD reallocates the flows sharing the same
bottleneck and improves the average file transfer time. When
flow generating rate becomes even higher, the host-switch
links are occupied by flows within the same pod and thus
become the bottlenecks, in which case DARD helps little.
and random traffic patterns. However, given staggered traffic pattern, Hedera achieves less bisection bandwidth than
DARD. This is because current Hedera only schedules the
flows going through the core. When intra-pod traffic is dominant, Hedera degrades to ECMP. We believe this issue can
be addressed by introducing new neighbor generating functions in Hedera. MPTCP outperforms DARD by completely
exploring the path diversities. However, it achieves less bisection bandwidth than Hedera. We suspect this is because
the current MPTCP’s ns-2 implementation does not support
MPTCP level retransmission. Thus, lost packets are always
retransmitted to the same path regardless how congested the
path is. We leave a further comparison between DARD and
MPTCP as our future work.
Figure 8:
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Flow generating rate for
each src−dst pair (number_of_flows / s)
File transfer improvement. Measured on testbed.
5.3 Simulation Results
Figure 9: Bisection bandwidth under different static traffic patterns.
To fully understand DARD’s advantages and disadvantages, besides comparing DARD with ECMP and pVLB, we
also compare DARD with Hedera, TeXCP and MPTCP in
our simulation. We implement both the demand-estimation
and the simulated annealing algorithm described in Hedera
and set its scheduling interval to 5 seconds [11]. In the
TeXCP implementation each ToR switch pair maintains the
utilizations for all the available paths connecting the two of
them by periodical probing (The default probe interval is
200ms. However, since the RTT in datacenter is in granularity of 1ms or even smaller, we decrease this probe interval to
10ms). The control interval is five times of the probe interval [20]. We do not implement the flowlet [25] mechanisms
in the simulator. As a result, each ToR switch schedules
traffic at packet level. We use MPTCP’s ns-2 implementation [7] to compare with DARD. Each MPTCP connection
uses all the simple paths connecting the source and the destination.
Simulated on p = 16 fat-tree.
5.3.1 Performance Improvement
We use static traffic pattern on a fat-tree with 1024 hosts
(p = 16) to evaluate whether DARD can fully utilize the
bisection bandwidth in a larger topology. Figure 9 shows
the result. DARD achieves higher bisection bandwidth than
both ECMP and pVLB under all the three traffic patterns.
This is because DARD monitors all the paths connecting a
source and destination pair and moves flows to underloaded
paths to smooth out the collisions caused by ECMP. TeXCP
and DARD achieve similar bisection bandwidth. We will
compare these two approaches in detail later. As a centralized method, Hedera outperforms DARD under both stride
We also measure the large file transfer time to compare
DARD with other approaches on a fat-tree topology with
1024 hosts (p = 16). We assign each elephant flow from
a dynamic random traffic pattern a unique index, and compare its transmission times under different traffic scheduling
approaches. Each experiment lasts for 120s in ns-2. We define Tim to be flow j’s transmission time when the underlying traffic scheduling approach is m, e.g., DARD or ECMP.
We use every TiECMP as the reference and calculate the improvement of file transfer time for every traffic scheduling
approach according to formula (3). The improvementECMP
is 1 for all the flows.
i =
TiECMP − Tim
Figure 10 shows the CDF of the above improvement. ECMP
and pVLB essentially have the same performance, since ECMP
transfers half of the flows faster than pVLB and transfers
the rest half slower than pVLB. Hedera outperforms MPTCP
because Hedera achieves higher bisection bandwidth. Even
though DARD and TeXCP achieve the same bisection bandwidth under dynamic random traffic pattern (Figure 9), DARD
still outperforms TeXCP.
We further measure every elephant flow’s retransmission
rate, which is defined as the number of retransmitted packets
over the number of unique packets. Figure 11 shows TeXCP
has a higher retransmission rate than DARD. In other words,
even though TeXCP can achieve a high bisection bandwidth,
some of the packets are retransmitted because of reordering
and thus its goodput is not as high as DARD.
Figure 10:
−5% 0
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Improvement of file transfer time
Improvement of large file transfer time under dynamic
random traffic pattern. Simulated on p = 16 fat-tree.
Convergence time (s)
Figure 12:
DARD converges to a stable state in 2 or 3 control intervals given static traffic patterns. Simulated on p = 16 fat-tree.
for a inter-pod elephant flow [11], Figure 13 shows the link
utilizations on the 8 output ports at the first core switch. We
can see that after the initial oscillation the link utilizations
stabilize afterward.
Retransmission rate
Link utilization
Figure 11: DARD and TeXCP’s TCP retransmission rate. Simulated
on p = 16 fat-tree.
Figure 13:
Time (s)
The first core switch’s output port utilizations under dy-
namic random traffic pattern. Simulated on p = 8 fat-tree.
5.3.2 Convergence Speed
Being a distributed path selection algorithm, DARD is
provable to converge to a Nash equilibrium (Appendix B).
However, if the convergence takes a significant amount of
time, the network will be underutilized during the process.
As a result, we measure how fast can DARD converge to a
stable state, in which every flows stops changing paths. We
use the static traffic patterns on a fat-tree with 1024 hosts
(p = 16). For each source and destination pair, we vary the
number of elephant flows from 1 to 64, which is the number
of core switches. We start these elephant flows simultaneously and track the time when all the flows stop changing
paths. Figure 12 show the CDF of DARD’s convergence
time, from which we can see DARD converges in less than
25s for more than 80% of the cases. Given DARD’s control
interval at each end host is roughly 10s, the entire system
converges in less than three control intervals.
5.3.3 Stability
Load-sensitive adaptive routing can lead to oscillation. The
main reason is because different sources move flows to underloaded paths in a highly synchronized manner. To prevent
this oscillation, DARD adds a random span of time to each
end host’s control interval. This section evaluates the effects
of this simple mechanism.
We use dynamic random traffic pattern on a fat-tree with
128 end hosts (p = 8) and track the output link utilizations at
the core, since a core’s output link is usually the bottleneck
However we cannot simply conclude that DARD does not
cause path oscillations, because the link utilization is an aggregated metric and misses every single flow’s behavior. We
first disable the random time span added to the control interval and log every single flow’s path selection history. As a
result, we find that even though the link utilizations are stable, Certain flows are constantly moved between two paths,
e.g., one 512MB elephant flow are moved between two paths
23 times in its life cycle. This indicates path oscillation does
exist in load-sensitive adaptive routing.
After many attempts, we choose to add a random span of
time to the control interval to address above problem. Figure 14 shows the CDF of how many times flows change their
paths in their life cycles. For the staggered traffic, around
90% of the flows stick to their original path assignment. This
indicates when most of the flows are within the same pod or
even the same ToR switch, the bottleneck is most likely located at the host-switch links, in which case few path diversities exist. On the other hand, for the stride traffic, where all
flows are inter-pod, around 50% of the flows do not change
their paths. Another 50% change their paths for less than 4
times. This small number of path changing times indicates
that DARD is stable and no flow changes its paths back and
5.3.4 Control Overhead
To evaluate DARD’s communication overhead, we trace
the control messages for both DARD and Hedera on a fat-
Path switch times
Figure 14:
CDF of the times that flows change their paths under
dynamic traffic pattern. Simulated on p = 8 fat-tree.
Control overhead (MB/s)
tree with 128 hosts (p = 8) under static random traffic pattern. DARD’s communication overhead is mainly introduced
by the periodical probes, including both queries from hosts
and replies from switches. This communication overhead is
bounded by the size of the topology, because in the worst
case, the system needs to process all pair probes. However, for Hedera’s centralized scheduling, ToR switches report elephant flows to the centralized controller and the controller further updates some switches’ flow tables. As a result, the communication overhead is bounded by the number
of flows.
Figure 15 shows how much of the bandwidth is taken by
control messages given different number of elephant flows.
With the increase of the number of elephant flows, there
are three stages. In the first stage (between 0K and 1.5K
in this example), DARD’s control messages take less bandwidth than Hedera’s. The reason is mainly because Hedera’s
control message size is larger than DARD’s (In Hedera, the
payload of a message from a ToR switch to the controller is
80 bytes and the payload of a message from the controller to
a switch is 72 Bytes. On the other hand, these two numbers
are 48 bytes and 32 bytes for DARD). In the second stage
(between 1.5K and 3K in this example), DARD’s control
messages take more bandwidth. That is because the sources
are probing for the states of all the paths to their destinations.
In the third stage (more than 3K in this example), DARD’s
probe traffic is bounded by the topology size. However, Hedera’s communication overhead does not increase proportionally to the number of elephant flows. That is mainly because
when the traffic pattern is dense enough, even the centralized
scheduling cannot easily find out an improved flow allocation and thus few messages are sent from the controller to
the switches.
Figure 15:
Simulated Annealing
Peak number of elephant flows
DARD and Hedera’s communication overhead. Simu-
lated on p = 8 fat-tree.
This paper proposes DARD, a readily deployable, lightweight
distributed adaptive routing system for datacenter networks.
DARD allows each end host to selfishly move elephant flows
from overloaded paths to underloaded paths. Our analysis
shows that this algorithm converges to a Nash equilibrium
in finite steps. Test bed emulation and ns-2 simulation show
that DARD outperforms random flow-level scheduling when
the bottlenecks are not at the edge, and outperforms centralized scheduling when intra-pod traffic is dominant.
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1040043.
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We assume TCP is the dominant transport protocol in datacenter, which tries to achieve max-min fairness if combined
with fair queuing. Each end host moves flows from overloaded paths to underloaded ones to increase its observed
minimum fair share (link l’s fair share is defined as the link
capacity, Cl , divided by the number of elephant flows, Nl ).
This section explains given max-min fair bandwidth allocation, the global minimum fair share is the lower bound of the
global minimum flow rate, thus increasing the minimum fair
share actually increases the global minimum flow rate.
Theorem 1. Given max-min fair bandwidth allocation for
any network topology and any traffic pattern, the global minimum fair share is the lower bound of global minimum flow
First we define a bottleneck link according to [13]. A link
l is a bottleneck for a flow f if and only if (a) link l is fully
utilized, and (b) flow f has the maximum rate among all the
flows using link l.
Given max-min fair bandwidth allocation, link li has the
fair share Si = Ci /Ni . Suppose link l0 has the minimum
fair share S0 . Flow f has the minimum flow rate, min rate.
Link lf is flow f ’s bottleneck. Theorem 1 claims min rate ≥
S0 . We prove this theorem using contradiction.
According to the bottleneck definition, min rate is the
maximum flow rate on link lf , and thus Cf /Nf ≤ min rate.
Suppose min rate < S0 , we get
Cf /Nf < S0
(A1) is conflict with S0 being the minimum fair share. As
a result, the minimum fair share is the lower bound of the
global minimum flow rate.
In DARD, every end host tries to increase its observed
minimum fair share in each round, thus the global minimum
fair share increases, so does the global minimum flow rate.
We now formalize DARD’s flow scheduling algorithm and
prove that this algorithm can converge to a Nash equilibrium
in finite steps.
The proof is a special case of a congestion game [14],
which is defined as (F, G, {pf }f ∈F ). F is the set of all the
flows. G = (V, E) is an directed graph. pf is a set of paths
f|F |
that can be used by flow f . A strategy s = [pfi11 , pfi22 , . . . , pi|F
is a collection of paths, in which the ik th path in pfk , pfikk , is
used by flow fk .
For a strategy s and a link j, the link state LSj (s) is a
triple (Cj , Nj , Sj ), as defined in Section 3.4. For a path
p, the path state P Sp (s) is the link state with the smallest
fair share over all links in p. The system state SysS(s) is
the link state with the smallest fair share over all links in E.
A f low state F Sf (s) is the corresponding path state, i.e.,
F Sf (s) = P Sp (s), flow f is using path p.
Notation s−k refers to the strategy s without pfikk , i.e.
|F |
[pfi11 , . . . , pik−1
, pik+1
]. (s−k , pfikk′ ) refers to the
, . . . , pi|F
|F |
strategy [pfi11 , . . . , pik−1
, pfikk′ , pik+1
]. Flow fk is
, . . . , pi|F
locally optimal in strategy s if
F Sfk (s).S ≥ F Sfk (s−k , pfikk′ ).S
for all pfikk′ ∈ pfk . N ash equilibrium is a state where all
flows are locally optimal. A strategy s∗ is global optimal if
for any strategy s, SysS(s∗ ).S ≥ SysS(s).S.
Theorem 2. If there is no synchronized flow scheduling,
Algorithm selfish flow scheduling will increase the minimum
fair share round by round and converge to a Nash equilibrium in finite steps. The global optimal strategy is also a
Nash equilibrium strategy.
For a strategy s, the state vector SV (s) = [v0 (s), v1 (s),
v2 (s),. . .], where vk (s) stands for the number of links whose
fair share is located at [kδ, (k + 1)δ), where δ is a positive
P e.g., 10M bps, to cluster links into groups. As a
result k vk (s) = |E|. A small δ will group the links in
a fine granularity and increase the minimum fair share. A
large δ will improve the convergence speed. Suppose s and
s′ are two strategies, SV (s) = [v0 (s), v1 (s), v2 (s),. . .] and
SV (s′ ) = [v0 (s′ ), v1 (s′ ), v2 (s′ ), . . .]. We define s = s′
when vk (s) = vk (s′ ) for all k ≥ 0. s < s′ when there exists
some K such that vK (s) < vK (s′ ) and ∀k < K, vk (s) ≤
vk (s′ ). It is easy to show that given three strategies s, s′ and
s′′ , if s ≤ s′ and s′ ≤ s′′ , then s ≤ s′′ .
Given a congestion game (F, G, {pf }f ∈F ) and δ, there
are only finite number of state vectors. According to the
definition of ” = ” and ” < ”, we can find out at least one
strategy se that is the smallest, i.e., for any strategy s, se ≤ s.
It is easy to see that this se has the largest minimum fair share
or has the least number of links that have the minimum fair
share and thus is the global optimal.
If only one flow f selfishly changes its route to improve
its fair share, making the strategy change from s to s′ , this
action decreases the number of links with small fair shares
and increases the number of links with larger fair shares. In
other words, s′ < s. This indicates that asynchronous and
selfish flow movements actually increase global minimum
fair share round by round until all flows reach their locally
optimal state. Since the number of state vectors is limited,
the steps converge to a Nash equilibrium is finite. What is
more, because se is the smallest strategy, no flow can have
a further movement to decrease se, i.e every flow is in its
locally optimal state. Hence this global optimal strategy se is
also a Nash equilibrium strategy.