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Weather Factors
Read aloud
October 1, 2015
Weather Factors
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Weather Factors
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Question 1
1. The symbol shown to the side represents what
safety factor:
A. Glassware Hazard
B. Eye/Face Safety
C. Fire/heat Hazard
Question 3
3. The term “S-L-G” chart refers to solids, liquids,
and gases. The process of moving from solid to
liquid and then from liquid to gas:
A. Melting, evaporating = subtract heat
B. Melting, evaporating = add heat
C. Condensing, freezing = subtract heat
Question 4
4. Energy from the sun travels to Earth’s surface by:
A. radiation.
B. convection.
C. evaporation.
Question 6
6. The most abundant (largest percentage of)
gas in the atmosphere is:
A. Nitrogen
B. Oxygen
C. Helium
Question 7
When layering liquids by density, we know that
liquid soap (black with white spots) was most
dense and that rubbing alcohol (totally white)
was the least dense. Water
-was more
dense than vegetable oil .
What would be
the most likely result?
Question 9
Convection takes place because:
Warm air is more dense than humid air.
Warm and cold air have the same density.
Cold air is less dense than warm air.
Cold air is more dense than warm air.
FREE ANSWER = Choose “C”
Question 10
In the “Egg in the Bottle” lab, we were
demonstrating the power of:
A. Pressure differences
B. Altitude
C. Temperature differences
Question 11
Altitude and Density are inversely related. That
A. As altitude increases, density increases
B. As altitude decreases, density increases
C. As altitude increases, density does the same as
Question 12
Winds are caused by differences in:
A. precipitation.
B. humidity.
C. air pressure.
Question 13
Sea breezes (blowing from the sea toward the
land) occur during the day because:
A. Lands heats up faster than water.
B. Lands heats up slower than water.
C. Land cools off slower than water.
Question 14
Land breezes (blowing from the land out to the
sea) occur at night because:
A. Lands heats up faster than water.
B. Lands heats up slower than water.
C. Land cools off faster than water.
Question 15
Clouds form when water vapor in the air:
A. Falls to the ground.
B. Is deposited as ice on the ground.
C. Condenses into liquid water or ice crystals.
Question 16
What condition is necessary for dew to form?
Temperature remains above dew point.
Low humidity in the air.
Temperature falls below dew point.
The sun’s energy is absorbed by the ground
FREE ANSWER = Choose “C”
Question 17
Very high, feather clouds are called:
A. Stratus clouds.
B. Cirrus clouds.
C. Cumulonimbus clouds.
Question 18
If you see thick, layered clouds that are gray in
color, what type of weather might you see:
A. Drizzle, rain, or snow.
B. Sunny, clear skies.
C. Very warm temperatures.
Question 19
When you walk barefoot on hot sand, heat is
transferred to your feet from the sand by:
A. Conduction
B. Radiation
C. Evaporation
Question 20
Imagine that we tried to layer hot water (red),
cold water (blue) and room temperature water
(clear). Which picture would show the correct
order of the successful layers? Hint: think of
heat and density
FREE ANSWER = Choose “B”
Question 21
Food coloring in hot water spreads out quickly,
while food coloring in cold water does not. This
happens because:
A. hot water molecules move slower than
cold water molecules.
B. air pressure pushes on the hot water more
than the cold water.
C. the cold water freezes the food coloring.
D. hot water molecules move faster than cold
water molecules.
FREE ANSWER = Choose “D”
Question 22
Only half of the Earth’s sunlight is absorbed by
the ground because:
A. some sunlight is reflected back into space
by clouds.
B. some sunlight is reflected back into the
atmosphere by Earth’s surface.
C. some sunlight is absorbed by gases in the
D. all of the above.
FREE ANSWER = Choose “D”
Question 23
You walk out in a black t-shirt on a hot day and start
to feel warm. The shirt is being heated by
___________ and your body is being heated by
A. convection, radiation
B. radiation, conduction
C. conduction, radiation
D. convection, conduction
Question 25
Storms like hurricanes will curve based on the
rotation of the earth and the effect that has on
the wind. We call this the
Sea breeze
Trade winds
Horse latitudes
Coriolis effect
FREE ANSWER = Choose “D”
Question 26
Humans are protected from the ultraviolet rays
of the sun by sunscreen lotions, but the earth
has ozone in its atmosphere, too. The layer of
the atmosphere where the ozone layer can be
found is:
A. Exosphere
B. Troposphere
C. Stratosphere
Question 27
The main source of energy for the water cycle is
A. The sun
B. Water
C. Electricity
Question 28
There is a difference in humidity between
summer and winter because:
A. hot air can hold more water vapor than cool air.
B. you sweat more in the summer, so the air around
you is more moist.
C. cool air can hold more water vapor than hot air.
D. You wear jackets in the winter, which prevent
moisture from leaving your body.
FREE ANSWER = Choose “A”