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Islamic Civilizations
Muhammad and the birth of Islam (610 –
661 CE)
The First Khalifs (632 – 530 CE)
The Umayyad Dynasty (661 – 750 CE)
The Abbasid Khalifate (750 – 800 CE)
Invasions of Islamic Lands (800 – 1258 CE)
Islam around the year 1500
Ancient China
The Shang Dynasty (1700-1027 BCE)
The Zhou Dynasty (1027 – 256 BCE)
The Qin Dynasty (256 – 202 BCE)
The Han Dynasty (202 BCE – 220 CE)
Period of Chaos (220 CE – 589 CE)
The Sui Dynasty (589 – 618 CE)
The Tang Dynasty (618 – 901 CE)
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms (907 –
960 CE)
Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 CE)
Yuan Dynasty (1279 – 1370 CE)
Ming Dynasty (1370 – 1600 CE)
Ancient Japan
The Jomon Period (4500 – 250 BCE)
The Yayoi Period (250 BCE – 250 CE)
The Kofun Period (250 – 710 CE)
The Nara Period (710 – 794 CE)
The Heian Period (794 – 1185 CE)
Feudal Japan (1185 – 1600 CE)
Mayan World
 The Pre-Classic Period (660 BCE – 300 CE)
 The Classic Period (300 CE – 925 CE)
 The post Classic Period (925 CE – 1250 CE)
 The Period of Decline (1250 CE – 1546)
Incan World
 Origins (1000 – 1200 CE)
 Period of Consolidation (1200 – 1438 CE)
 The Inca Empire (1438 – 1532 CE)
 The Spanish Conquest (1532 – 1572 CE)
The Aztecs
 Origins (750 – 1325 CE)
 Height of the Aztecs (1325 – 1519 CE)
 Spanish Conquest (1519 – 1521 CE)
Ancient India
 Indus Civilization (2500 – 1500 BCE)
 Vedic Age (1500 – 500 BCE)
 Mauryan Empire (321 – 184 BCE)
 Formative Period (184 BCE – 409 CE)
 Gupta Empire (320 – 650 CE)
 Age of Regional Kingdoms (650 – 1206 CE)
 The Delhi Sultanate (1206 – 1526 CE)
 Mughal Empire (1560 – 1707 CE)
Other Ancient Civilizations (up to 1600 CE)
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