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2016 Around the Zodiac by Linea Van Horn, Astrologer at Large
2016 Astrological Overview
Cardinal Square – Uranus pulling away from Pluto; 8 deg. maximum separation in 2016. Opportunity for “translation of light” by faster planets.
Mutable T-square – Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Sagittarius are triggered by Jupiter moving through Virgo until Sept. {{Saturn sq Neptune
Nov 26 2015; June 17 and Sept 10 2016, Jupiter square Saturn March 23, May 26}}
Mars Retrograde – April 17 – June 29 from 8 Sagittarius to 23 Scorpio. Mars covers only 2 signs from January to end of September
Mercury Retrogrades in Earth signs -- January 1-25; April 28-May 22; Aug. 30-Sept. 21; Dec. 12 – Jan. 8, 2017
Jupiter trine Pluto – March 16, June 26
Jupiter moves in Libra Sept. 9 (slowest planet to change signs in 2016)
The Zodiac Signs in 2016
NOTE: Best Dates are not limited to these! There are many others. Remember “green light” days every month when Moon transits your Sun sign
3 Major Activities in 2016
Uranus continues through Aries, RX 24 Aries at end of July
Final Aries/Libra Eclipse March 23 (3 degrees Aries/Libra)
Mars RX April 17 – June 29 in Solar 8 & 9
Oct. 19-28: Mars triggers Pluto and Uranus
Mars in Solar 7th house (mostly) until August 2
Mars RX and Saturn in Solar 8th house
Mercury RX in Taurus April 28 – May 22
Saturn in Sagittarius in Solar 7th house of relationship
Mars over Solar 7th Cusp on March 5, May 26 and August 2
Mercury Rx in Earth Signs (see above for dates)
Mercury RX w/ Pluto in Solar 7th Jan. 1 – Feb. 13, Dec. 3 to Jan. 3, 2017
Eclipses in Solar 9th house of Travel -- March 8 and September 16,
Avoid travel one week either side of eclipse
Sept. 9, 2016 – Oct. 2017, Jupiter in Solar 4th House of Home and
Mars in Scorpio in Solar 4th house; wait until after Mars RX is over
(July) to implement home improvement plans
Mars RX in Solar 5th
Mercury RX in Taurus in Solar 10th House April 28 through May 22
Linea Van Horn
Astrologer at Large
Best Dates in 2016
May (Grand trine in work/money houses) $$$$
September 27 – Nov 8, Mars in Capricorn in Solar 10th
May when Taurus planets create Grand Trine $$$$
July 15-27; Venus trine Saturn and Uranus
Mid Sept. when Venus and Jupiter are both in Libra
January 22-29 Mercury conjunct Pluto
April 6 – 28 with Mercury in Taurus grand trine $$$$
Aug. 9-10, Sept. 22-23: Mercury trine Pluto
June 18 through July 21, Cancer planets trine Neptune
Faster planets in Water signs (Sun, Mercury and Venus)
After Sept. 9: Jupiter in Libra
Whenever Moon is in Taurus or Cancer
March 26 – April 9; Sun in Aries trines 2 planets, Uranus
May 3-7 Sun creates Grand Trine $$$$
Aug. 1 – 16, Sun in Leo trines Saturn and Uranus
And of course your birthday
2016 Around the Zodiac by Linea Van Horn, Astrologer at Large
Jupiter in Virgo August 11, 2015 until September 9, 2016
Nodes and eclipses in Virgo/Pisces; NN conjunct Jupiter in Virgo
Mercury RX Aug 30 – Sept 21 (29 – 14 Virgo)
Last Aries-Libra Eclipse March 23 Endings and beginnings
Mars in Scorpio activates Solar 2nd House of Money
Mars RX in Sadge with Saturn in Solar 3rd
Jupiter into your sign Libra Sept 9 2016– Oct 2017
Mercury RX conjunct Pluto January and December
Mars in and out of Scorpio Jan 3 – March 6, May 28 – August 3
Mars Rx in Sagittarius with Saturn in Solar 2nd House of $$
Sagittarius Saturn continues through Sagittarius (9-17 degrees)
Mars in Sagittarius for 20 weeks in 2016. Occurs in two parts:
1. March 2 – May 28
2. August 3 – Sept. 26
Jupiter enters Libra Sept 9
Capricorn Pluto continues through Capricorn (15 – 17 degrees in 2016): Jupiter
in Virgo trines Pluto in March and June of 2016. $$$$
Mercury RX conjunct Pluto in January (refrains in December)
Saturn square Neptune June 17 and Sept 10
Aquarius Quiet in the sign itself so we watch Uranus and Saturn
Uranus moving through Aries, SR July 29 at 24 Aries
Saturn in Sagittarius, Central figure in mutable T-square through
Neptune (7-11 deg.) and Chiron (17-21 deg) in Pisces
Eclipses in Pisces; March 18 at 18 Pisces: Sept. 16 at 24 Pisces
Saturn sq Neptune Nov 26 2015; June 17 and Sept 10 2016
Jupiter trines Pluto March and June 2016, esp. May
July 15-27; Merc. with Venus trine Saturn, Uranus
August 1 – Sept. 20 several planets in Virgo
May with Venus in Taurus, activating trine; $$$$
July 15-27; Mercury in Leo with Venus trine Saturn, Uranus
After September 9 when Jupiter enters your sign
Mars in Scorpio (Jan 3 – Mar 6; May 28 – Aug. 3)
February 2-3 Mars sextile Pluto
September 27 – Nov 8: Mars into Capricorn
Jupiter trine Pluto March and June 2016
Mars in Sagittarius the second time, August 3 – Sept. 26
After Sept. 9, Jupiter in Libra
Mid-April until the end of May transiting planets in Taurus
make Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto. $$$$
Late December: Saturn trine Uranus
March 26 – April 9; Sun conjoins Uranus
Aug. 1 – 16, Sun in Leo trines Saturn and Uranus
Christmas 2016 Saturn Trine Uranus Dec 24: Jupiter
opposite Uranus Dec 26
Jupiter trine Pluto mid March and 6/26
Mid September: Venus and Jupiter are both in Libra
Linea’s 2016 Presentations:
January 8-9 FREE online astrology event with over 15 professional astrologers: “Secrets of 2016 Astrology Forecast”
March 9 –Southern California Astrology Network (SCAN): “The Other Side of Neptune”
March 11 – San Diego Astrological Society (SDAS): Subject TBA
March 12 – pending – San Diego National Council for Geocosmic Research (NCGR)
May 1 – online free talk for Organization for Professional Astrology (OPA): members only, “Before the Client Arrives.”
Ongoing Classes! Visit my website and get on my email list for latest information! Online classes coming soon!
Linea Van Horn
Astrologer at Large
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