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Cancer Survivorship: Transforming
how we deliver cancer care
Catherine Neck
Macmillan Cancer Rehabilitation/
Recovery Package Project Lead
My Role
• Funded by Macmillan to assist clinical teams
to process map and redesign pathways of care
across ASW region
• Involves the introduction of the ‘Recovery
Package’ into the pathway
• Supports teams to adjust to new ways of
working that are better for the patient and
result in increased clinical capacity
• Reduces unnecessary waste in the system
Cancer Pathway Redesign
• Most cancer patients are followed up for years
post treatment
• Most recurrences are detected outside of followup clinics
• If we redesign the pathways we can improve
patient experience, allow patients to play an
active role in their care and improve clinic
• Improved clinic capacity allows more time to see
NP’s and provide appropriate support for
complex patients
The Recovery Package
The Recovery Package
Stratification of patients for follow-up
Holistic Needs Assessments
Health & Wellbeing advice
Treatment summaries
Remote Surveillance
Cancer Care reviews
Improve Information and Support at
the outset
• Prehabilitation – encourage patients to take
an active role in improving their outcomes at
the start
• Provide a clear pathway of care from the
outset. Manage patient expectations
• Provide early health & wellbeing advice
around consequences of treatment, physical
activity, nutrition, work & finance support,
emotional support
End of Treatment
• Holistic Needs Assessment including Care Plan
• Provide clear and comprehensive information
to the patient and GP – Treatment Summary
• Support the patient to self-manage by being
able to identify signs and symptoms of
recurrence and providing timely open access
• Identify and act on early negative
consequences of treatment/ late effects
NBT BCC Pathway
• Long NP waiting times for diagnosis
• High proportion of benign lesions operated on (approx 35%)
New pathway:
• Accurate diagnosis in skin clinic
Pt informed of likely BCC
invite to Education Event
D/C to
open access
• Saved over 400 O/P appointments between Jan & Sept 14
• High patient satisfaction with new system
• Not all consultants using pathway yet therefore scope for
further capacity improvements
Contact Details
If you and your team want support to process
map and look at pathway redesign please
contact me on:
[email protected]
07730 286356