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CS166 Distributed Operating Systems
L-T-P-Cr: 3-0-0-3
Objectives: This course is designed to explain the principles of distributed systems so that a student can
understand and work on distributed OS.
Prerequisites: Operating Systems.
Outcome: Students is expected to understand principles of distributed systems design and implementation
so that she/he can work on distributed OS.
UNIT I Lectures: 12
Introduction and Review
Definitions, Hardware concepts, Software concepts, Design Issue
Communication in Distributed Systems
Layered protocols, Asynchronous transfer mode Networks, The Client – Server Model, Remote procedure
call, Remote object invocations, and Group communication
UNIT II Lectures: 10
Synchronization in Distributed Systems
Clock Synchronization, Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Election Algorithms, Atomic transactions,
Deadlock in Distributed Systems
Processes and Processors in Distributed Systems
Threads, System Models, Process Allocation, Scheduling in Distributed Systems, Fault Tolerance, Real Time
Operating Systems
UNIT III Lectures: 8
Distributed File Systems
Distributed File System Design, Distributed File Systems Implementation, Trends in Distributed File Systems
UNIT IV Lectures: 12
Distributed Shared Memory
What is Shared Memory, Consistency Models, Page based Distributed Shared Memory, Shared Variable
Distributed Shared Memory, and Object based Distributed Shared Memory
Text book:
1. Distributed Operating Systems, Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Pearson Education.
Reference Book:
1. Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design, Pradeep K. Sinha, Prentice Hall of India.
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