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union for
Cancer Control
uicc aims
In 2008, UICC members highlighted the challenge we
face by publishing a set of targets for 2020 to stop, if
not reverse, the growth in cancer deaths. UICC members
individually and collectively undertake actions to support
delivery of these targets, as documented in the World
Cancer Declaration.
World Cancer Declaration
The World Cancer Declaration is a call to action to
significantly reduce the global cancer burden. It is a joint
statement from civil society, government officials, public
health experts and cancer advocates from around the
world and outlines 11 targets to be achieved by 2020.
The targets include:
A call for all countries to have an effective
national cancer control plan in place;
Founded in 1933, the Union for
International Cancer Control (UICC)
is the largest cancer fighting
organisation of its kind, with more
than 380 member organisations
across 120 countries.
Significant drops in global tobacco
consumption, obesity and alcohol intake;
Headquartered in Geneva,
Switzerland, it is the leading
non-governmental, non-profit,
non-political and non-sectarian
cancer organisation.
Universal availability of effective pain relief;
UICC’s mission is to eliminate
cancer as a life-threatening
disease for future generations.
Gives everyone concerned a long-term vision
and clearly outlines the steps that need to be
taken to reduce the global cancer burden.
Universal vaccination programmes against
cancer causing infections;
Increasing the number of cancers diagnosed
through screening and early detection;
Major improvements in global cancer
survival rates.
The Declaration:
Allows individuals to demonstrate their support
through signing the declaration.
Helps UICC advocate for governments to place
cancer at the top of their agendas and match
this with commitment and resources.
Guides UICC’s activities to support the delivery
of the organisation’s mission.
The UICC World Cancer
Declaration Fund
The World Cancer Declaration Fund has been created
to support global activities which will deliver the World
Cancer Declaration targets. Any organisation, individual
or company can support the delivery of the Declaration
by donating to the Fund and know that their financial
support will make a difference in the fight against cancer.
UICC is committed to delivering the targets of the World Cancer Declaration through strategic
partnerships involving members and other institutions interested in fighting cancer. Together
we aim to save millions of lives by focusing on what needs to be done by taking the lead in:
UICC has expertise in planning and managing
educational activities on a global scale.
World Cancer Day: is coordinated by UICC on
4 February each year. Together with its members and
the support of the World Health Organization
(WHO), UICC aims to raise awareness of cancer
prevention worldwide.
International Cancer Fellowships: UICC facilitates
the professional development of cancer
investigators, clinicians, nurses, cancer society
staff and volunteers by giving individuals the
opportunity to travel to other parts of the world
to learn new skills to take back to their own country
or organisation. The programme has been highly
successful with over 6,000 fellowships awarded
in the last 20 years.
UICC continues to use its unique position as a leading
NGO to press governments to address cancer globally,
coordinating its advocacy efforts across all its
members in every country. UICC gives the cancer
world a single and compelling voice to be heard
by all political decision-makers. Additionally, UICC
works with the International Diabetes Federation,
the World Heart Federation and the International
Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease to
ensure that non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
are recognised in the Millennium Development
Goals. The UICC and its advocacy partners, which
form the NCD Alliance, are delighted that the UN
has agreed to meet in a High Level Summit
in September 2011 to discuss NCDs. This pivotal
event provides an opportunity to increase the global
political priority given to cancer, raise awareness
about prevention and treatment and mobilise
the international community to take action.
There has been only one UN General Assembly
Special Session focused on health since 1947.
The announcement of this High Level Summit on
NCDs is an unprecedented step in the fight against
cancer and represents an opportunity for our
generation to help future generations.
UICC’s global network of members gives it a unique
platform to distribute resources rapidly to those
organisations that can make a difference in their own
country or region. It builds on member knowledge
to guarantee the safe distribution of funds to those
who need it most. UICC takes the lead on global
programmes that demand international coordination,
advocacy efforts, cross-country management and
the delivery of local solutions to meet local needs.
The current global
programmes include:
· My Child Matters , which addresses childhood cancer,
· the Capacity Building Fund, which helps resource-
constrained countries improve their cancer control capabilities,
· the Cervical Cancer Initiative, helping to fight cervical cancer globally,
· and GAPRI (Global Access to Pain Relief Initiative),
which seeks to deliver effective pain relief to
those in need.
The World Cancer Leaders’ Summit: The summit
is an annual one-day event, which convenes key
players in the cancer world, health ministers and
leaders of international businesses to assess progress
in the delivery of the Declaration targets and to
plan the next steps.
World Cancer Congress: Held every two years, the
Congress brings together the world’s leaders in the
fight against cancer to share knowledge and learn
from each other. Participants focus on transforming
the latest knowledge into strategies that can be
implemented worldwide to reduce the cancer burden.
A Membership organisation
Nearly 80 years ago, cancer
researchers recognised
the need to share knowledge
and expertise globally and
so founded UICC - the Union for
international cancer control.
Since then, UICC has grown to
embrace member organisations
engaged in all aspects of
cancer prevention and control,
including: voluntary cancer
societies, research and
treatment centres, public
health authorities, patient
support networks, advocacy
groups and ministries of health.
UICC is governed by its member organisations, which meet
in a general assembly, held in conjunction with the World
Cancer Congress, every two years. Between assemblies,
a board of 17 directors, elected by the General Assembly,
act as the executive body of UICC.
In 1953, UICC adopted the TNM classification of
malignant tumours created by Dr Pierre Denoix.
Today, TNM is the global standard for cancer staging,
and through the TNM classification project led by Dr
Leslie Sobin and Dr Mary Gospodarowicz, UICC
regularly reviews and updates it.
UICC also publishes the Manual of Clinical Oncology,
a concise and accessible reference tool on cancer
detection, diagnosis and treatment.
The International Journal of Cancer, UICC’s official
journal, is a leading publication in experimental and
clinical cancer research. It is renowned for publishing
epidemiological studies from around the world, to a
magnitude not found anywhere else in oncologyrelated literature.
All these publications are available through the
Wiley-Blackwell website:
UICC also publishes expert reports within the theme
of cancer prevention, visit: for more
Working in partnership
UICC works closely with key international UN agencies
including: the World Health Organization (WHO), the
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT),
and has consultative status with the UN Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC).
In addition to this, UICC offers corporate partners a
unique opportunity to demonstrate social responsibility
on a global scale.
Useful links
UICC website:
World Cancer Declaration:
World Cancer Congress: