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10 tips about eating well
1. Eat a variety of foods
2. Eat at least five portions of a wide variety of fruit and vegetables
every day
3. Eat lots of starchy foods such as bread, potatoes, rice and pasta
4. Eat moderate amounts of meat, fish and 'alternatives' like beans
and lentils
5. Eat moderate amounts of milk and dairy foods. Choose low fat
options such as skimmed milk where possible
6. Eat less foods that are high in fat and sugar
7. Reduce your intake of salt and foods containing salt, don’t add salt
to your cooking
8. Drink plenty of water - about 2 litres per day (8 glasses)
9. If you drink alcohol, drink no more than the recommended:
3-4 units for men (per day)
2-3 units for women (per day)
Unit = half pint/glass of wine
10. Enjoy your food!
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