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Selina A. Ruzi
Program of Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology
MC-122, 515 Morrill Hall
505 South Goodwin Ave.
Urbana, IL 61821
2012-Present. PhD student. Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology. School of Integrative
Biology. University of Illinois, Urbana, IL. (Advisor: A. V. Suarez)
2008-2012. B.S. Ecology and Natural Resources. School of Environmental and Biological
Sciences. Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. (Research Supervisor: S. N. Handel)
summa cum laude. (Cumulative GPA 3.875/4.0)
Professional Experience
2014. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Fellow
2012. (September) – Present. Doctorate Researcher, School of Integrative Biology, University of
Illinois, Urbana, IL.
2011. (Summer) – 2012 (May). Undergraduate Researcher, Handel Laboratory, CURE, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, NJ.
2011. (September) – 2011 (December). Dendrology Teaching Assistant, Department of Ecology,
Evolution, and Natural Resources, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
2011. (March) – 2011 (October). Assistant Naturalist, ETM Associates, Highland Park, NJ.
2010. (September) – 2011 (May). Research in Applied Ecology, Handel Laboratory, CURE.
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ.
Related Training
2013. (August). Ant Course. California Academy of Science. Villa Carmen Biological Station,
Grants/ Scholarships/ Fellowships
2015. Conference Travel Grant (U. Illinois) ($498.10)
2015. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Fellow Travel Award Program (STRI) ($1,200)
2015. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation Conference Fellowship (ATBC)
2015. PEEC Travel Grant (U. Illinois) ($500)
2015. Harley J. Van Cleave Research Award (U. Illinois) ($1,000)
2014-Present. Graduate Research Fellowship (U. Illinois) (awarded 20,000/year – max 2 years)
2014. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute Short-Term Fellowship (STRI) ($4,000)
2012-2014. IGERT (VInTG) Fellowship (National Science Foundation) ($30,000/year)
2014. PEEC Summer Research Grant (U. Illinois) ($1,000)
2013. Conference Travel Grant (U. Illinois) ($500)
2013. Dissertation Travel Grant (U. Illinois) ($2,898)
2013. SIB Enhancement Fund (U. Illinois) ($1,000)
2008-2012. Carr Scholar (Rutgers University) ($10,000 per school year)
2012. Elizabeth and Arthur Reich Scholarship (Rutgers University) ($1,500)
2012. Class of 1944 Endowed Scholarship. (Rutgers University) ($5,000)
2011. (Fall semester). Aresty Undergraduate Research Grant (Rutgers University)($231.87)
2008-2012. Academic Excellence Award (SEBS, Rutgers University) ($1,000 per school year)
Awards and Distinction
2014. (November) President’s Prize Award (1st place), ESA Student Competition, Entomological
Society of America ($175)
2013. (April) National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF GRFP)
Honorable Mention.
2012. Young Botanist Award, Botanical Society of America
2012. (May) M. Buell Outstanding Student in Ecology Award, Rutgers University ($250)
2012. (April) New Jersey Agricultural Station (NJAES)/ School of Environmental and Biological
Sciences (SEBS) Research Poster Award, NJAES ($200)
2012. (Spring) Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Research, Aresty Undergraduate
Research Symposium
2008-2012. Deans List. Rutgers University.
Manuscripts in Preparation (*undergraduate researcher, 1authors contributed equally to the
Ruzi, S.A., D.P. Roche, A.C. Robison*, P.C. Zalamea, J.W. Dalling, and A.V. Suarez.
Explaining observed removal patterns in Neotropical pioneer tree species through
variation in local ant communities. In prep.
Ruzi, S.A.1, D.P. Roche1, P.C. Zalamea1, A.C. Robison*, A.V. Suarez, and J.W. Dalling. Seed
removal of 12 Neotropical pioneer tree species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. In
Ruzi, S.A.*, E.S. Tartaglia, and S.N. Handel. Garlic mustard (Brassicales: Brassicaceae) may act
as a preferred host for the imported cabbageworm (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) in the forest
understory. In prep.
Teaching Experience
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2013 – IB329, Animal Behavior (Grader) (Professor: A. V. Suarez)
Rutgers University (Teaching Assistant)
Fall 2011 - 11:704:272, Dendrology (Lab) (Professor: M. C. Vodak)
2015. (November) Dispersal and predation of a Neotropical pioneer tree species, Zanthoxylum
ekmanii, by a common, ground dwelling ant, Ectatomma ruidum (Entomological Society
of America, Annual Meeting – Synergy in Science joint meeting: Minneapolis, MN)
2015. (July) The role of seed chemistry in ant-mediated seed dispersal and predation in a
Neotropical pioneer tree species, Zanthoxylum ekmanii (Association for Tropical Biology
and Conservation, Annual Meeting: Honolulu, HI)
2014. (November) Chemical cues associated with ant-mediated seed dispersal. (Entomological
Society of America, Annual Meeting: Portland, OR)
2014. (September) Chemical cues associated with ant-mediated seed dispersal in Neotropical
pioneer tree species. (IGERT ViNTG Symposium: University of Illinois, Urbana, IL)
2014. (July) Chemical cues associated with ant-mediated seed dispersal in Neotropical pioneer
tree species. (International Society of Chemical Ecology – Chemical Signals in
Vertebrates joint meeting: University of Illinois, Urbana, IL)
2014. (April) Ant-mediated seed dispersal of neotrpical pioneer tree species on Barro Colorado
Island, Panama. (EcoLunch Seminar Series: University of Illlinois, Urbana, IL)
2014. (February) Ant-mediated seed dispersal of neotropical pioneer tree species. (Bambi
Seminar Series: Barro Colorado Island, Panama)
2013. (November) Chemistry as a factor in ant-mediated seed dispersal of Neotropical tree
species on Barro Colorado Island, Panama (Annual Ant Symposium: Chicago, IL)
2013. (February) Seed chemistry as a factor influencing ant-mediated seed dispersal. (Capybara
Seminar Series: Barro Colorado Island, Panama). Invited Speaker.
Poster Presentations
Ruzi, S.A., W.T. Wcislo, J.W. Dalling, and A.V. Suarez. 2016. Testing the suitable microhabitat
hypothesis for ant-mediated seed dispersal of Neotropical pioneer trees. Smithsonian
Tropical Research Institute (STRI) Fellow Symposium, Annual, Panama City, Panama.
Ruzi, S.A., D. Roche, C. Zalamea, J. Dalling, and A.V. Suarez. 2013. Factors influencing antmediated seed dispersal of neotropical pioneer tree species on Barro Colorado Island,
Panama. Entomological Society of America. Annual Meeting, Austin, TX.
Ruzi, S.A., and S.N. Handel. 2012. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) invasion may facilitate
spread of the non-native cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae). New Jersey Agricultural
Experiment Station and School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Rutgers
University. Student Poster Competition. New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Ruzi, S.A., and S.N. Handel. 2012. Garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) invasion may facilitate
spread of the non-native cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae). Rutgers University.
Aresty Undergraduate Research Symposium. New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Online Media/ Photos
Patel, V. and S. Ruzi 2012. "Carukia barnesi" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web.
Ectatomma ruidum photos:
Sugar is key ingredient to evolutionary success of ants, researchers find. (2014, January 31).
Retrieved October 9, 2015.
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC), International Union for the Study
of Social Insects North American Section (IUSSI-NAS), Botanical Society of America,
Entomological Society of America, Alpha Zeta Service and Honors Fraternity (Chair of
Outreach Committee, Spring 2011-Spring 2012), Graduates in Ecology and Evolutionary
Biology (GEEB; Webmaster, Present)
Service/ Outreach
2015-Present. (November – Present) Maintenance of Suarez Lab webpage
2016. (February) Guest on three skype lessons from the Rainforest Connection Live aspect of the
Wipro Science Education Fellowship (SEF) program at Montclair State University (Barro
Colorado Island, Panama) (6th grade and kindergarten classes)
2015. (November) Volunteer at new graduate student seminar
2015. (October) Volunteer at Pollinatarium (Urbana, IL)
2013-Present. (September – Present) Peer mentor
2013. (November) Austin Insect Rodeo/ Insect Expo volunteer (Austin, TX)
2013. (March) Mentor prospective students
2012. (Fall) Reviewer for Biological Invasions
2012. (December) Frank Hall Science Night (Aurora, Illinois)
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