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Study Notes – Channel Info Ht/SI, Bl/K, P/SJ
Heart Channel of the Hand Shaoyin
What is Mu Xi and how does it relate to the Heart Channel?
Mu Xi is translated as 1) the eye system or 2) the tissues connecting the eyes to the brain.
Heart Channel ascends to the face and connects to Mu Xi. (Condition of Heart is expressed in the inner
and outer canthus of the eyes.)
What other channel is related to eyes?
Liver. Liver and Heart have yang aspects and are the only two yin channels traveling to the face.
What are the yang-like aspects of the Heart Channel?
1) Heart has fire
2) Goes to the face – eyes and tongue.
Where does the Heart channel begin?
Heart organ.
What are the branches of the primary channel?
1) Descends from Heart through diaphragm to Small Intestine organ
2) From Heart, ascends next to esophagus, to face/cheek/eye.
3) Heart to Lung to axilla…
Some books say heart to lung, descends, then goes to axilla...
down medial aspect of arm to terminate at the radial corner of the nail on the pinkie.
Where on the tongue can you find Heart expressed?
Heart travels to root of tongue, upper surface of tongue (not lower surface! That’s spleen.)
Small Intestine Channel of the Hand Taiyang
Where does the Small Intestine channel begin?
Ulnar side of little finger on corner of fingernail.
What is the path of the SI primary channel?
Ascends along the ulnar (yang) side of the arm, to medial side of elbow (but still on the yang aspect), to
shoulder then to Du 14. Goes over shoulder to anterior side of body, up neck to cheek below eye, around
and into ear.
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One branch descends to the lower he-sea point at ST 39.
To what organs does the SI channel connect?
Heart, Stomach, Small intestine.
Bladder Channel of the Foot Taiyang
How many points on the Bladder channel?
Where does the Bladder channel originate?
At the inner canthus, BL 1
What are the 3 main branchings of the Bladder Channel?
1. Transverse from BL 1 to the Du channel, Du 20
2. Oblique from BL 1 to the temple and ear.
3. Along the main channel to the occipital area at BL 9-10
Where does the Bladder channel branch from the occipital area?
1. Oblique and down to meet with the other Yang channels at the Du area.
2. Two branchings down the posterior to make up the 2 bladder lines.
a. 1st Bladder Line: starts level with the tip of the spinous process of the T1 and 1.5 cun
lateral, down the vertebrae to BL 30 at the level of S4, where it zigzags and goes over the
openings of the sacral foramen, making up BL 31 – 34. BL 35 is at the tip of the coccyx
and ½ cun lateral. This line continues down the back of the thigh to the center of the
popliteal crease where it meets the 2nd bladder line.
b. 2nd Bladder line: starts at BL 10, drops obliquely to the level of the tip of the spinous
process of T2 and 3 cun lateral. Bladder channel points on this line are level with and
associated with the 1st bladder line. BL 41 – 54 are on this line. After the level of S4 this
line drops down the posterior aspect of the upper leg and meets the 1st bladder line at BL
The bladder channel continues down the gastrocnemius and then to the lateral aspect of
the lower leg, terminating at BL 67 on the lateral aspect of the little toe.
What are the scalp points on the Bladder channel?
BL 3 – 9 are scalp points and all scalp acupuncture techniques apply
To what organs does the Bladder channel connect?
Bladder and Kidney
Kidney Channel of the Foot Shaoyin
How many points on the Kidney channel?
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What organs does the Kidney channel enter?
All Yin organs except for Spleen. The only Yang organ it enters is the Bladder.
What is the termination point of the main Kidney channel?
Terminates at KID 27 which is located 2 cun lateral to the midline just below the clavicle.
Where does the Kidney channel begin?
Beneath the little toe.
How far from the midline is the main Kidney channel on the trunk?
The abdominal points are ½ cun lateral to the midline. The chest points on the Kidney channel are 2 cun
lateral to the midline.
Discuss the internal branchings of the Kidney channel. Where does it go into the body cavity and
where does it go?
Enters the cavity at the groin area.
1. Enters the spine at the coccyx, exiting at L2 (BL 23 area), then to Kidney and Bladder. It’s at the
level of the Bladder that it goes to the outside and the lower ab Kid points begin.
2. From Kidney goes upward through the Liver and diaphragm, heart, lung and pericardium. Up
through throat to terminate at the root of the tongue.
Pericardium Channel of the Hand Jueyin
Where does the Pericardium Channel begin?
Originates in the center of the chest (upper jiao) from the Pericardium organ.
The Pericardium goes downward to where?
Through diaphragm to connect with upper, middle and lower jiao
What 2 branchings are on the main Pericardium channel?
1. From chest area to 3 cun below anterior end of the axillary fold, then curves upward to the fold
and travels down the medial arm between the hand Shaoyin (HT) and hand Taiyin channels (LU)
between the tendons of the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi radialis to the tip of the middle
2. Split from the main channel a the palm to the ring finger to connect with the SJ.
How may points on the Pericardium channel?
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San Jiao Channel of the Hand Shaoyang
How many points on the San Jiao channel?
Where does the SJ channel begin and travel?
Begins on the ulnar corner of the nail of the little finger. From here it travels up the back of the hand and
arm (lateral aspect in the TCM anatomical position, posterior aspect in the western anatomical position)
to the shoulder, to a point above the scapula on the back and meets the other Yang channels at Du 14.
Goes to the lateral side of the neck and to the face behind the ear.
What are the 3 branchings of the SJ channel on the face/head?
1. Enters the ear and emerges at the anterior ear. Travels up the zygomatic arch to the outer
canthus, meeting the GB channel.
2. Goes to the apex of the ear, curving down the front side of the ear, cheek, then to the infraorbital
ridge of the eye.
3. From the supraclavicular fossa goes to the face on the lateral side of the neck and to the thoracic
cavity to Heart and Pericardium, entering diaphragm and connection to the other Jiao’s.
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