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Patient Safety Advisory
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 2006)
Produced by ECRI & ISMP under contract to the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge
kin tears are a painful but preventable problem
for older patients.1 When the dermis separates
from the epidermis, a partial thickness wound occurs,
often causing a flap above the exposed dermis.1,2
This common problem has been reported to PAPSRS 2,807 times—accounting for 2% of all reports
from hospitals—during the first twelve months of mandatory reporting.
These skin traumas are not serious enough to extend
the hospital stay but are painful, unsightly injuries for
the patient. Skin tear dressing changes are time consuming and painful. If skin tear dressing changes are
done poorly, the fragile wound bed may sustain further injury.
There is a “dearth of literature available to guide the
clinician in the prevention and management of skin
tears.”3 The literature predominantly focuses on the
long-term care (LTC) experience with skin tears, and
only a few published articles address skin tears in
acute care settings.4-7
Skin tears can be sizeable and, in some cases, require more than the selection of the correct dressing
as the following cases indicate:
When removed from the bedpan a 2 cm x 1 cm
skin tear occurred. Wound was dressed with a
dry sterile dressing and tape.
Escort was moving stretcher into the room
when the patient’s hand fell and became
caught between door jam and the stretcher
resulting in a 9 cm x 9 cm skin tear. Pressure
dressing applied. Doctor ordered wet to dry
This article presents the results of PA-PSRS staff
analysis of reports submitted by Pennsylvania healthcare facilities. We also present information from the
clinical literature on risk factors, preventative interventions, and evidence-based treatment protocols.
Statistical Review of Skin Tear Reports
Reports describing skin tears in the PA-PSRS database were reviewed for demographic information,
location or department where the event occurred,
event type, and other variables. The majority (62%) of
reports involving skin tears were categorized as Skin
Integrity events. However, nearly one-third (32%)
were categorized as Fall events, in which the skin
tear was a result of falling or actions taken to prevent
a fall.
While transferring the patient from the bed to
the chair with a total assist, the left leg was
lifted and a 10 cm x 10 cm skin tear resulted.
The physician ordered Vaseline gauze and a
dressing. Further discussion with the attending
resulted in suturing and stapling the area.
Age and Gender
Not surprisingly, PA-PSRS data demonstrates that
the risk of skin tears increases with age, as shown in
Figure 1 on page 2.
Patient was found on floor after staff member
heard bed alarm and thud. Skin tear assessed
and treated, requiring suturing to left forearm.
Patients aged 65 and older account for 88.2% of all
skin tear reports, though they account for only 31.2%
of patient days. The largest proportion of skin tears
(41.3%) were reported in the 75-84 age cohort, which
only accounts for 18.1% of patient days.
When the procedure was done the drapes
were removed and an IV infiltrate was noted.
The tape over the infiltrate was removed causing an 8 cm skin tear which required suturing.
Use of equipment, patient transfers or falls, treatments and procedures all place the patient at risk of
incurring a skin tear, as these cases illustrate:
When taking off the EKG lead the skin ripped
off the patient (8 cm x 3 cm).
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
This article is reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory, Vol. 3, No.
3—September 2006. The Advisory is a publication of the Pennsylvania Patient
Safety Authority, produced by ECRI & ISMP under contract to the Authority as
part of the Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System (PA-PSRS).
Copyright 2006 by the Patient Safety Authority. This publication may be reprinted and distributed without restriction, provided it is printed or distributed in
its entirety and without alteration. Individual articles may be reprinted in their
entirety and without alteration provided the source is clearly attributed.
To see other articles or issues of the Advisory, visit our web site at Click on “Advisories” in the left-hand menu bar.
Page 1
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
Visit the Patient Safety Authority website for a “Skin
Tears Toolkit” that includes:
● A poster to remind clinicians about prevention
and treatment of skin tears.
● Two sample policies on skin tears based on the
guidance in this article.
● A brief, self-running streaming video on safe
practices related to skin tears, appropriate for
front-line caregivers.
Figure 1. Reports of Skin Tears per 100,000 Patient Days by
Gender and Age Cohort (Jul 2004-Jun 2005)
conditions, especially those that require a protracted
stay, as with the debilitated elderly patient (Figure 2).
Reports of skin tears were more commonly associated with male (51.7%) than female (48.3%) patients.
This is contrary to the literature, which suggests that
elderly woman are at greater risk.2,8,9 There were averages of 31 skin tear reports per 100,000 hospital
patient days, 38 per 100,000 male patient days, and
26 per 100,000 female patient days (patient day estimates based on data from the Pennsylvania Health
Care Cost Containment Council). In other words,
while males accounted for 42.5% of patient days during this period, they accounted for 51.7% of skin tears
reported to PA-PSRS.
Gender-specific differences have been reported in the
literature. Decreased hormone levels in
women are implicated in skin changes predisposing to skin tears.9 The incidence of
skin tears increases for females as they
age, but this is not true for males, according
to Malone.8 The PA-PSRS data found the
opposite—that men were associated with
more reports of skin tears than women—for
all age groups but the 0-4 year cohort.
Injured Body Part
The upper extremities were mentioned as the site of
injury more frequently than other body parts, consistent with the literature. Reports involving skin tears do
not always identify the location on the patient’s body,
but among those that do, the forearm was mentioned
most frequently (425) followed by arm (415) and hand
(308). The lower extremity or leg was mentioned 215
The seminal epidemiological study of nursing home
residents done by Malone in 1991 found that skin
tears occur on the upper extremity 80% of the time,
most frequently on the forearm.8 Estimates from other
General Medical/ Surgical Units
Intermediate Unit
Inpatient Rehabilitation
Specialty Units
Rehabilitation Services
Surgical Services
Critical Care
Radiology Services
Physical Plant
Inpatient Psychiatric
Emergency Department
Reports by Department/Unit
Skin tears are most frequently reported
from general Med/Surg units, which account for 33.2% of reported cases. This is
consistent with the fact that Med/Surg units
are responsible for the largest number of
patient days in a facility and deliver care to
a cross-section of patients for numerous
Page 2
Extended Care
Pediatric Care
Ancillary Departments
Outpatient Clinics
Obstetrical Care
Chemical Dependency
Figure 2. Reports of Skin Tears by Department or Unit
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
studies of the proportion of skin tears occurring on the
arm range from 68 to 74%.3,10 The head, face, and
neck were sometimes reported as sustaining injury,
with the forehead more frequently mentioned than
other locations on the head.
Equipment/Procedures Involved in Skin Tears
The hospital bed (792) is mentioned more than any
other equipment or furnishing followed by chair (174)
and wheelchair (144). Bedrails1,3,9,12 and wheelchairs1,3,8,12,13 are mentioned in the literature as contributing to skin tears. Inspection of surfaces with padding of bedrails and edges of equipment and furnishings is suggested as a precautionary measure to prevent skin tears.9,13,14 Intravenous catheters (164) are
mentioned with skin tears more than any other tube or
drain. Radiographic procedures (107) are the most
frequently mentioned procedure.
Transfers/Positioning and Dressings
Transfers (240) are frequently mentioned in reports
involving skin tears. The literature mentions transfers
and positioning as a time of high risk for the patient
with fragile skin. Proper lifting, turning, positioning and
transferring techniques are urged to prevent skin
tears.1,3,9,13-18 Dressing changes and procedures involving tape removal were also frequently cited.
Identified Risks for Skin Tears
McGough published nine patient risk factors after a
six-month study in a VA nursing home.3 Over 65% of
the sample (154 skin tears) studied had six of the following risk factors: advanced age (76% over 70), sensory loss, compromised nutrition (68%), history of
previous skin tear (80%), cognitive impairment (77%),
and dependency (total 82%). Bruising and poor locomotion were identified in 50% of the sample, and in
40% both polypharmacy and use of an assistive device in combination were thought to have contributed
to their injury. Decreased vision existed in 39% of
patients, and two or more sensory deficits existed in
37% of the sample studied.3 The risk factors frequently mentioned in the literature are summarized in
Table 1.
Preventative Measures
Guidelines available from the National Guideline
Clearinghouse ( provide a framework for initiating preventive skin tear measures in
Table 1. Recognized Risk Factors for Skin Tears Patient Characteristics
Sensory changes/loss
History of skin tears
Assistance with ADLs
Mental impairment
Cognitive function
Pressure points
Bedridden or chair confined
Wheelchair confinement
Ambulating independently
Neuromuscular changes
Spasticity or stiffness
Poor locomotion/balance
Senile purpura
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Multiple actinic or seborrheic keratosis
Dry skin, hydration
Water temperature
Use of soap
Pitting edema
Hemiplegia or hemiparesis
Agitation or restlessness
• Uremia
• Diabetes mellitus
• Hypothyroidism
• Hypoalbuminism
• Peripheral vascular disease
• Immunocompromise
• Steroids
• Anticoagulants
• Polypharmacy
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Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
Table 2. Preventative Measures
● Assure a Safe Environment:
Assessing the environment
Providing adequate light to aid visualization of
furniture and equipment
Offering long sleeves or pants to protect extremities
Educate staff, patient and family the importance of:
Protection from Injury:
Using a lift sheet to prevent sheering injury
Minimizing friction and shearing when: positioning,
turning, lifting, sliding, transferring
Using pillows and blankets to pad and support
body parts
Eliminating quick or harsh movements
Padding bedrails, wheelchair arms and leg supports
Maintaining adequate or improved nutrition and
Supporting dangling arms and legs
Using lotion two times a day especially on dry
skin on extremities
Using non adherent dressing
(gauze wraps, stockinettes, Kerlix)
Using an emollient soap for bathing
Using only paper or cloth tape when unavoidable
Obtaining a dietary consult
Offering fluids between meals
Exercising caution when handling limbs during
transferring, transporting or positioning
cluding: environmental modifications, staff education,
adequate nutrition and hydration, protection from self
injury and/or injury during routine care.9 The patient
and family require education in avoiding friction and
shearing activities9 and other precautionary methods
to minimize or eliminate skin tears (see Table 2).
Caution is especially important when applying or removing tape from an at-risk patient for skin tears. The
recurrent use and removal of adhesive tape and adhesive backed dressings in acute care sets the stage
for skin injuries. One hundred seventy eight PA-PSRS
reports mention tape or tape removal in relation to a
skin tear. When a patient has thin, friable skin, the
smallest amount of paper tape is preferred. A common misconception is that paper tape will not damage
the skin, which has been proven otherwise by the
reports in the database.
Patient allergic to adhesive tape so paper tape
was used by anesthesia to secure ETT. The
tape was removed and a 1” x 1/8” skin tear
was noted on the patient’s left neck and cheek
below the ear. Antibiotic ointment applied and
covered with telfa.
Tape is widely used in the hospital. It is a rare patient
Page 4
Applying adhesive remover
Removing tape by applying counter pressure
and rolling it off
Using emollient antibacterial soap
Using skin sealant (skin prep) with paper tape and any
adhesive tape or dressing
that does not encounter an intervention involving
tape. Multiple procedures predispose the patient with
fragile skin to a skin tear, as the following cases indicate:
Skin tear on hip 17 x 2 x 0.1 from too much
tape on dressing.
When removing tape from an intravenoussite,
a 4 cm by 1 cm skin tear resulted. Area
cleansed and a sterile dressing applied. Skin
tear on left antecubital area from removal of
venipuncture tape on the patient’s arm.
Wound care for skin tear required.
During dialysis treatment skin tear on the patient’s breastbone occurred, 3 cm x 2 cm with
serous fluid. Wound cleansed with normal saline solution and Vaseline gauze and tape applied.
Surgical services uses tape routinely for dressings,
tubes, and drapes. PA-PSRS has received many reports of skin tears occurring in the operating room.
Patient in the OR had tape removed from
the endotracheal tube and a skin tear oc©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
curred to the left cheek, 2 cm x 2 cm area.
Treated with bacitracin and a bandaid was
Skin tear found when surgical drape was
removed. Adhesive tore skin off.
Patient eyes taped shut in OR for protection.
Tape was removed in OR. In PACU, staff
noticed bilateral eyelids had superficial skin
When tape use is unavoidable, as with securing an
endotracheal tube or closing the patient’s eyes, consider foam tape which provides a gentle bond to the
skin. Skin sealant (skin prep) and adhesive remover
are not recommended to be used near eyes. To facilitate tape removal apply careful counter-pressure19 to
the skin near the adhesive dressing as the tape is
slowly rolled off.20
In the acute care setting, awareness of a patient’s risk
for skin tears and implementing preventive measures
Choosing the right products for care
Managing the environment defensively:
– Reducing friction and shearing
– Using a draw sheet
– Padding bed rails and equipment edges
Using paper tape and skin prep 4,14
Removing tape with adhesive remover wipe12
and gently rolling off tape 20
Educating ancillary staff, patients and families
in measures to reduce skin tear risk.
Selection of a dressing that minimizes the necessity
for dressing changes and use of skin sealants prior to
applying tape can help to reduce epidermal trauma.21
Skin Tear Assessment
Skin tears vary in size, location, depth of injury and
amount of tissue lost. A common, uniform language4,9
describing and classifying skin tears is essential to
deliver competent care, document the assessment
and management4 and to be able to track1 the wound
The Payne-Martin22,23 method is the accepted method
of classifying skin tears (see Figure 3).1,3,9-12,15,24 This
method has three levels of injury with increases according to the degree of skin flap or skin loss.22,23
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Skin Tear Treatments in the Literature
The John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric
Nursing guideline “Preventing Pressure Ulcers and
Skin Tears” summarizes treatment recommendations
as follows:
“Gently clean the skin tear with normal saline.
Let the area air dry or pat dry carefully.
Approximate the skin tear flap.
Apply petroleum-based ointment, steri-strips
or a moist non-adherent wound dressing.
Consider putting an arrow to indicate the direction of the skin tear on the dressing to
prevent any further injury during dressing removal.
Assess the size of the skin tear and consider
a wound tracing.
Document assessment and treatment findings.”9
Though there is limited research on skin tear treatment, two recent small studies are encouraging in
innovative treatments that reduce both the pain associated with dressing changes and the healing time:
Category I and II skin tears were treated
using a soft silicone-coated net dressing
(Mepitel). The dressing adheres to the
flapped skin and surrounding tissue,
approximating the edges. A secondary
absorbent dressing is applied to manage exudate and is changed when necessary. By the eighth day, 83% (73/88)
of the wounds had healed.10
Category II and III skin tears were treated
with formulated 2-octylcyanoacrylate topical
bandage (2-OTB). The product’s clear film
dries in approximately 15 to 30 seconds, requires no secondary dressing and allows for
routine inspection. Reapplication is done as
needed if oozing of exudate occurs. Ninety
percent of wounds (18/20) healed in one
week with reports of minimal pain.24
These preliminary studies are encouraging in suggesting new, cost-effective, efficient treatments of
painful, disfiguring skin tears.
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Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
Category I. Without tissue loss either linear, or
with a flap that closes
the tear to within an approximation of 1mm of
the wound edges.
Category I - Linear Type
Category I - Flap Type
Category II - Scant, tissue loss less
than 25%
Category II - Large, tissue loss more
than 25%
Category II. Partial tissue loss, considered
scant when the loss is
25% or less and moderate or large when the
tissue loss is more than
Category III. Complete
tissue loss or no epidermal flap covering the injury.
Identification of risk factors, implementation of prevention strategies, and standardizing assessment and
treatment can reduce the incidence of skin tears in
the acute care setting. The persistent problem of skin
tears, while not life-threatening, is an injury that is
painful and disfiguring to the patient. Treatment of
skin tears consumes both staff time and other limited
resources. Establishing policies and procedures to
address skin tears and providing staff education with
ongoing in-services is a good place to start.
1. Baranoski S. Skin tears: Staying on guard against the enemy of
frail skin. Nursing 2003. 33(10) Supplement: Travel Nursing
2. Edwards H, Gaskill D, Nash R. Treating skin tears in nursing
home residents: a pilot study comparing four types of dressings. Int
J Nurs Pract. 1998 Mar;4(1):25-32.
Page 6
3. McGough-Csarny J, Kopac C. Skin tears in institutionalized elderly: An epidemiological study. Ostomy Wound Manage. 1998 Mar;
44(3A Suppl):14S-24S.
4. Kirkpatrick M. Skin tears; The enemy of the aged. Australian
Resource Centre for Healthcare Innovations. 2005 Dec 21 [cited
2005 Dec 13]. Available from Internet:
5. Murray E. Guidelines for the management of skin tears. Nurs
Monogr. 2005;31-6.
6. McErlean B, Sandson S, Muir D, et al. Skin tear prevalence and
management at one hospital. Prim Int. 2004 May;12(2):83-6, 88.
7. O’Regan A. Skin tears: a review of the literature. World Counc
Enterostom Therapists J. 2002:22(2):26-31.
8. Malone ML, Rozario N, Gavinski M, et al. The epidemiology of
skin tears in the institutionalized elderly. J Am Geriatri Soc. 1991
9. Ayello EA., Preventing pressure ulcers and skin tears. In: Mezey
M, Fulmer T, Abraham I, Zwicker DA, editor(s). Geriaric nursing
protocols for best practice. 2nd ed. New York (NY): Springer Publishing Company, Inc.;2003.p. 165-84.
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept. 2006)
Skin Tears: The Clinical Challenge (Continued)
10. Meuleneire F. Using a soft silicone coated net dressing to manage skin tears. J Wound Care. 11(10):365-9, 2002 Nov.
11. Thomas D, Goode P, LaMaster K, et al. A comparison of an
opaque foam dressing versus a transparent film dressing in the
management of skin tears in institutionalized subjects. Ostomy
Wound Manage. 1999 Jun 45(6):2228.
12. Morey P. Skin tears: a case review. Prim Intent. 2003 Nov;11
(4):197-8, 200-2.
13. Baranoski, S. How to prevent and manage skin tears. Adv Skin
Wound Care. 2003 Sep-Oct;16(5):268-70.
14. Hess K. Skin IQ - Preventing skin tears. Adv Skin Wound Care.
2004 Jul/Aug 17(6):277.
15. White W. Skin tears: a descriptive study of the opinions, clinical
practice and knowledge base of RNs caring for the aged in high
care residential facilities. Prim Int. 2001 Nov;9(4):138-49.
16. Cuzzell J. Wound assessment and evaluation: Skin tear protocol. Dermatol Nurs. 2002 Dec;(6):405.
17. Brillhart B. Pressure sore and skin tear prevention and treatment during a 10-month program. Rehabil Nurs. 30(3):85-91, 2005
18. Birch S, Coggins T. No-rinse, one-step bed bath:The effects on
the occurrence of skin tears in a long-term care setting. Ostomy
Wound Manage. 2003 Jan 49(1):64-7.
19. Koepsel K., Blisters, abrasions, skin tears. [online]. 2002. [cited 2005 Dec 27]. Available from Internet:
20. Cleveland clinic. How to Care for a Skin Tear. [online]. 2003.
[cited 2005 Dec 27]. Available from Internet: http://
21. Gallagher S. Morbid obesity: A chronic disease with an impact
on wounds and relted problems. Ostomy Wound Manage. 1997
22. Payne RL, Martin ML. The epidemiology and management of
skin tears in older adults. Ostomy Wound Manage. 1990 JanFeb;26:26-37.
23. Payne RL, Martin ML. Defining and classifying skin tears: need
for a common language. Ostomy Wound Manage. 1993 Jun;39
(5):16-20, 22-4, 26.
24. Milne CT, Corbett LQ. A new option in the treatment of skin
tears for the institutionalized resident: formulated 2 octylcyanoacrylate topical bandage. Geriatr Nurs. 2005 Sep-Oct; 26(5):321-5.
©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority
Page 7
Reprinted from the PA-PSRS Patient Safety Advisory—Vol. 3, No. 3 (Sept 2006)
An Independent Agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
The Patient Safety Authority is an independent state agency created by Act 13 of 2002, the Medical
Care Availability and Reduction of Error (“Mcare”) Act. Consistent with Act 13, ECRI, as contractor for
the PA-PSRS program, is issuing this newsletter to advise medical facilities of immediate changes
that can be instituted to reduce serious events and incidents. For more information about the PAPSRS program or the Patient Safety Authority, see the Authority’s website at
ECRI is an independent, nonprofit health services research agency dedicated to improving the safety,
efficacy and cost-effectiveness of healthcare. ECRI’s focus is healthcare technology, healthcare risk and
quality management and healthcare environmental management. ECRI provides information services
and technical assistance to more than 5,000 hospitals, healthcare organizations, ministries of health,
government and planning agencies, and other organizations worldwide.
The Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) is an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated
solely to medication error prevention and safe medication use. ISMP provides recommendations for the
safe use of medications to the healthcare community including healthcare professionals, government
agencies, accrediting organizations, and consumers. ISMP's efforts are built on a non-punitive approach
and systems-based solutions.
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©2006 Pennsylvania Patient Safety Authority