Download Dynamic Fonts - FAQ

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Dynamic Fonts - FAQ
Dynamic Fonts - FAQ
General Questions :
What is a Dynamic Font?
Dynamic Font is a Portable Font that gets downloaded on the users computer when
the user visits your web page. Thus the user does not need to download and install
fonts to view web pages made in some special fonts used by you. Such special fonts
include artistic fonts, Indian Language fonts etc.
Why should I use a Dynamic Font?
If you want to use some attractive fonts on your web site but are sure that such a
font may not be available on the user's system, you can use a Dynamic font for the
particular font being used by you. If you are developing a web site in an Indian
language, you can make use of the Dynamic font as the al the users may not be
having the font being used by you. To save them from downloading the font and
installing it on their computer, a dynamic font is used.
Where do I get Dynamic Fonts from?
We are making Dynamic Fonts and you can get these from us.
Are dynamic Fonts available in Indian Languages?
Yes. Dynamic fonts are available for All Indian Languages.
How many Dynamic Fonts do you have?
We have many of them. In fact we have a large collection of fonts for use on MS
Windows. Any of these fonts can be supplied to you as a Dynamic Font. You can ask
us for a sample file or visit the related links on our web site.
Do you have some standard Dynamic Fonts for Devnagari?
Yes. You can use MillenniumVarun for body text and MillenniumGanesh for Heading
etc. These fonts are becoming a standard on the web for Devnagari script. This
means, now you can make web sites in Hindi and Marathi using these fonts.
How can I use Dynamic Fonts on my web pages?
When you buy a Dynamic font from us, we provide you with all the documentation
and supporting files to help you in using the font in your web page.
What resources do I need to have to use a Dynamic Font on my web site?
Your web server should support dynamic font extension. If you are unsure, you can
check up with your hosting provider. If the web server is not supporting dynamic
font extension, you can ask your hosting provider to activate the support. Apart from
this, you need to place a few files on your web server and also provide a link to some
files on our server. We will guide you on this when you buy a dynamic font from us.
Can I use more than one Dynamic Font on a web page?
Yes, Surely. You can use as many Dynamic fonts as you want on a web page. All that
you need to do is provide suitable links and tags on the web pages.
IL Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 2001-2005.
Tel: 25421185 / 25339003 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Dynamic Fonts - FAQ
How do I type using a Dynamic Font?
Firstly, you are not going to type using a Dynamic font. You will need to have a
software that allows you to type contents. The contents of the web pages having
dynamic fonts used in it are the typed in the same way as you type your normal
contents. All that you need to do to include a Dynamic font on the page is include
some links and tags on the page and the page is displayed in the dynamic font. You
can use any standard HTML Editor as you like to make such pages.
If you wish to type Devnagari text, you will need to have our software for Devnagari
Keyboard Driver. Currently we supply FontFreedom Engine for typing your text in
Devnagari, i.e. Hindi and Marathi. This software is available from our website and
Document Version Update : 20th January 2004
For More Details, Contact:
IL Infotech Pvt Ltd
Chanakya, 2nd Floor, Gokhale Road, Naupada, Thane 400602
Phones: 022- 25421185, 25339003. Email: [email protected]
IL Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 2001-2005.
Tel: 25421185 / 25339003 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Dynamic Fonts - FAQ
A mail written to a user on his qs about web fonts.
It is really a problem for all of us who want to develop websites using dynamic fonts.
The browsers do react irratically. However we can't stop making websites and thus
have tried to overcome this problem for ourselves and for our clients.
You can handle this situation in following ways.
When we offer dynamic fonts to our customers, we also give them license to
distribute the TTF font files to their visitors. Thus if the visitor of the site can not
view the site properly in the dynamic font, he can still download the font and install it
on the local machine. Installing the font on the local machine is not as difficult these
days as it used to be earlier. All that the customer needs to do is copy the font file to
the Windows\Fonts folder and double click on the file. That's a one minute job.
Earlier it used to be a long procedure if you wanted to install the font in Windows
3.11 or Windows 95. But for Windows 98, this has become much easier. Thus for
someone using a latest browser, this is very easy. just see this logic below.
If the customer is using a latest browser, naturally he is not using OS as Win 95. And
if he is using Win 98 and above, all he needs to do to install the font is, copy - paste
it to the Windows\Fonts folder.
Secondly, we are the only font and Indian Language Software vendors who allow you
to distribute fonts to third party from your own site. All we need is that you do not
modify the file in any way, and expressly state on your web site that the fonts are
the property of IL Infotech Pvt Ltd and are licensed for your web site.
I have one more thing to share with you. Although I am making and selling dynamic
fonts, our viwe has always been that of helping people with knowledge and
technology. Normally no vendor would write a negative word about what he is
selling. However this is pure fact that I am presenting here.
The size of dynamic font PFR is about 25 KB. This PFR once downloaded, is available
in browser cache till the cache is deleted. As soon as the cache is deleted, the PFR
gets downloaded again. Now imagine the users who surf the net on a normal basis,
and guess how many times the cache must be getting deleted. Number of times !
Thus you are making your user download the PFR many times. Now if he has to
install the font, all he needs to do is download it once and install it. The size of the
TTF is about 50 KB. But that's one time. Now this is the reason we give you license
to distribute the font from your site.
I think now you should be convinced and I hope you will not say that you have
started loosing interest in our products because we just don't want to sell products
but want to support our customers with information updates.
We offer full support to web developers buying our prodcut Web Development Suite,
which can be bought from us at just Rs.2500/-. This includes :
FontFreedom Engine
FonntFreedom Editor
FontSuvidha 4.0
IL Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 2001-2005.
Tel: 25421185 / 25339003 E-mail: [email protected] Web:
Dynamic Fonts - FAQ
Collection of 50 fonts
3 Dynamic fonts for one domain
License to distribute the font files from your web site
Periodic updates on the font management
If you wish to include typing facility on your website, we can provide you with the
required tools.
If you want your customers to use our FontFreedom Engine, we can offer you the
same at a very attractive rate and you can distribute it from your site.
Our server is fully equipped to handle all font related issues. So if you wish to host
your site on our server, we can get you a good deal.
[email protected]
Dear Sir,
In case of I have received your mail and forwarded to system
administrator for further action. I shall inform you about it when I get info from him
as it is not my regular server provider. he is Mr. Prashant Kanse's service provider.
In general, I wish to know more about following statement in your mail :
As regards problems with some browsers, I have already told you that the browser
developers have withdrawn support for dynamic fonts for the latest generation
browsers. Thus displaying dynamic fonts on browsers 6+ is a problem.
We are planning to launch a scheme for patsansthas and co-op banks to launch their
web site in Marathi at reasonable cost using ILInfotech's fonts. But it gets
problematic when more and more peoples switch to latest browsers. What option are
with you to overcome this problem?
Please help.
For Smart Computers, Satara.
Shri. Kedar Kanhere
IL Infotech Pvt. Ltd. 2001-2005.
Tel: 25421185 / 25339003 E-mail: [email protected] Web: