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(480) 965-5479
PO BOX 873503
TEMPE, AZ 85287-3503
(480) 965-2455
[Insert Recipient Institution’s Name and Address]
Depositor’s Technology Letter Agreement
Dear __________________________:
Arizona State University (ASU) is in possession of various plasmids (the “Plasmids”) that
incorporate the Flexi® Technology and bacterial transformants (the “Bacteria”) comprising E.
coli BR610 (the “Host Cell”) transformed with at least one of the Plasmids. The Plasmids,
Bacteria and Host Cell (collectively the “Technology”) are proprietary to Promega Corporation
In addition to being subject to the terms and conditions of the accompanying “Standard Plasmid
Transfer Agreement for Plasmids” from ASU, [Recipient Institution]’s use of the Plasmids,
Bacteria, Host Cell, and their progeny, modifications and derivatives (collectively the
“Technology”) is subject to the terms and conditions of this Technology Letter Agreement. This
Technology Letter Agreement shall control in the event of any conflict between the two
The Technology is to be used in [Recipient Institution]’s own, internal research by Researchers
at [Recipient Institution]. The Technology is subject to one or more of the following Promega
patent applications: US 10/678,961, US 10/702,228, US 10/987,411, US 11/505,650, EP
04821603.0 and related patent applications and issued patents. Researchers shall not distribute
the Technology to others without Promega’s prior written consent. No other use or transfer of
the Technology is authorized without the express, written consent of Promega including, without
limitation, Commercial Use. Commercial Use means any and all uses of the Technology by a
party for monetary or other consideration and may include but is not limited to: (1) use in
product manufacture; (2) use in providing a service, information or data to another party; and/or
(3) resale of the Technology, regardless of whether said Technology is resold for use in research.
With respect to such Commercial Use, or any diagnostic, therapeutic or prophylactic uses, please
contact Promega for supply and licensing information.
[Recipient Institution] assumes all liability for claims for damages against it by third parties
which may arise from its or its scientists use, storage, or disposal of the Technology, except to
the extent damage is caused by the gross negligence or willful misconduct of Promega. Unless
prohibited by law from doing so, [Recipient Institution] agrees to hold Promega harmless from
and to indemnify Promega for all liabilities, demands, damages, expenses and losses arising out
of [Recipient Institution]’s or its scientists’ use of the Technology.
Please indicate your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Technology Letter Agreement
by having your institution’s authorized representative sign this letter below and returning it to my
attention. ASU shall provide Promega with a copy of this Technology Letter Agreement within
thirty (30) days immediately following its date of full execution.
Catherine Cormier
Agreed and accepted this __ day of ______________, 200_ by
(authorized signature)
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