Download Third Grade Spelling Test For Friday, March 9, 2012 (only 10 words

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Third Grade Spelling Test
For Friday, March 9, 2012 (only 10 words – but they’re hard!)
6. establish
7. fantastic
8. interrupt
9. interruption
10. September
This week’s lesson will focus on syllable division with overlapping patterns. Students
will begin dividing words with a vccvccv pattern into three syllables. This is an
important word-attack strategy for longer words.
Students have already been taught the following regarding vccvccv syllable division:
When they see a word with three vowels that are not side by side, they know the word needs
to be divided into three syllables.
The procedure for dividing a vccvccv word into syllables is as follows:
o Code suffixes and final, stable syllables.
o Look for obvious coding such as digraphs, trigraphs, combinations, diphthongs, kbacks, and so on.
o Place a small v below each vowel in the word. Remember, a small v will not be placed
below the vowels in a suffix or a final, stable syllable.
o Look between the vowels and mark a small c below the consonants between those
o Students should now have two vccv patterns. The middle v (vowel) is used in both
patterns. Draw a vertical line between the two consonants in each pattern.
o Now the word is in three parts (syllables), each of which is treated independently.
When working with three-syllable words, try accenting the first syllable first. If it
doesn’t produce a familiar word, try the second, and finally the third.
o Determine whether the vowel in each syllable is, or is not followed by a consonant and
code the vowel accordingly.
o Read the word. If it isn’t a familiar word, shift the accent to the second syllable and
repeat the previous step and this step. From here, try the third syllable. At some
point, a familiar word should be discovered. You will probably notice that threesyllable words with the vccvccv pattern are surprisingly dependable.
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