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World History Fall Final Exam Review
Chapters: 5
Key Terms: Fill in the blank for the following vocabulary terms.
1. The Romans overthrew the last Etruscan King and established a ____________________, a form
of government in which the leader is not a monarch and certain citizens have the right to vote.
2. The _________________________ were great landowners, who became Rome’s ruling class.
3. Less wealthy landholders, craftspeople, merchants, and small farmers were part of a large class
called _____________________.
4. Two ____________________, chosen every year, ran the government and led the Roman army
into battle.
5. The _____________________ was in charge of civil law- law as it applied to Roman citizens – of
a Roman territory.
6. A _______________________ is a government by three people with equal power.
7. At the heart of the Roman social structure stood the family, headed by the
__________________________ - the dominant male.
8. The rich had comfortable villas, while the poor lived in apartment blocks called
9. The Christian church was creating a new structure in which the _________________ (the church
leaders) had distinct functions.
10. A labor shortage created by _________________ (an epidemic disease) affected both military
recruiting and the economy.
11. To fight _____________________ - a rapid increase in prices- Diocletian issued a price edict in
301 that set wage and price controls for the entire empire.
Key Events and Ideas: For the multiple choice questions, select the best answer available. For the short
answer questions, please write in complete sentences.
1. Who was the gladiator who led the most famous slave revolt in Italy?
a. Leonitus
b. Spartacus
c. Cicero
d. Riff Raff
2. Why were the Romans able to construct buildings larger than those of the Greeks?
a. The Romans had a larger labor force, primarily slaves.
b. The Romans had concrete, which allowed them to build under water, and they
perfected the use of the arch.
c. They used iron tools instead of bronze tools
d. All of the above
3. What were the major impacts of the Punic Wars on the Roman Empire?
a. The Romans were able to gain territories such as Gaul, Britannia, and Greece, while also
becoming the dominant power in Europe. It also forced the Romans to build a strong
land-based army to support an empire.
b. The Romans were defeated by the Greeks and they were forced to adopt Greek culture.
c. The Romans were able to gain territories such as Sicily, Spain, and North Africa while
allowing them to become the dominant force in the Mediterranean. It also forced the
Romans to build a strong navy to support their emerging empire.
d. The Roman people became tired of war and vowed never to fight another one again.
4. After Caesar took power, what steps did he take to weaken the power of the Senate?
a. He shrunk the Senate to 90 members, and shortened their terms in office to only one
b. He increased the membership of the Senate to 900 members, and then filled it with his
c. He increased the membership of the Senate to 900 members, and then filled it with
incompetent and corrupt people.
d. He shrunk the Senate to 90 members, and filled it with his incompetent and corrupt
5. What was the main consequence of General Sulla’s actions?
a. General Sulla’s use of his military strength to gain the Roman throne set a precedent for
other ambitious military rulers.
b. General Sulla’s use of his military strength to gain the Roman throne prevented other
ambitious men from following his lead because he was assassinated by the people
c. General Sulla’s actions led to a rise in political candidates who were wealthy, racist, and
lacked a healthy head of hair.
d. General Sulla’s actions led to land reform that benefitted the poor and antagonized the
6. Why were Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus assassinated?
a. They were greedy and power hungry; swallowing up land from plebian farmers to
further their economic and political control of Rome.
b. They were caught plotting to kill the Roman imperator Augustus.
c. They were becoming too powerful, and the other Senators were jealous
d. They wanted to enact land-reform to help the plebian farmers.
7. During the early stages of Rome’s development, the city of Rome had an “open door” policy for
immigrants. Which two groups were the most influential on the city of Rome?
a. The Greeks and the Latins
b. The Greeks and the Etruscans
c. The Etruscans and the Latins
d. One Direction and 2-Chains
8. How did the geographical advantages of Rome play a role in its prosperity and defensibility?
a. It was near the Tiber River, so it had access to the sea, but it was far enough inland
where it was safe from pirates.
b. It was located near a common Tiber River crossing for north-south travelers.
c. It was built on seven hills so the city was easily defensed.
d. All of the above
9. How were expectations for Roman boys and girls different
10. Explain the main causes of the fall of the Roman Empire.