Download Sports Performance Nutrition Questionnaire

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Sports Performance Nutrition Questionnaire
Please print legibly, answer all questions, and return completed questionnaire to Performance Unleashed Staff.
Youth Athlete Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
Primary Contact Phone: ________________________Primary Email: ___________________________________
Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________
How would you describe your athlete’s eating habits? ___ Good ___Fair ___Poor
How many times a day does your athlete eat? ___ Times Per Day
Does your athlete have days of rest? __Yes __No If so, how frequently? ______________
Rate your athlete’s average activity level (1=low, 3=moderate, 5=intense, 5+=off the charts):
If your athlete has “intense” and/or “off the chart” days, please describe:
Rate how you and your athlete feel that your athlete’s body handles the sports activity load
(1=struggles, 3=ok/could improve, 5=good, 5+=very well/bounces right back):
Does your athlete experience any of the following? (check all that apply)
__Joint Pain __Periods of Exhaustion or “Crash” __Seasonal Allergies __Asthma
__Recurring Colds __Difficulty Focusing __Any Medical Condition Not Mentioned
If you checked anything, please describe (i.e., frequency, duration, etc.): _______________
Describe any relevant past/current injury & effect on your athlete’s sports performance:
Current Age & DOB: _________________ Height: ______________ Weight: __________
Has your athlete experienced any recent growth spurts? __Yes __No If so, please describe:
Are their concerns about your athlete’s current weight/build? __Yes __No
If so, please describe: ______________________________________________________
If your athlete is trying to increase weight/muscle mass, please describe current strategy:
If your athlete is trying to decrease weight, please describe current strategy:
Diet & Hydration
Please describe your athlete’s average daily diet: _________________________________
Specifically, what does your athlete typically eat for breakfast?
What types of foods does your athlete snack on in between classes, practices, games, etc.?
Does your athlete ever go long periods w/out eating? __Yes __No If so, when/why?
Average Daily Caloric Intake (if known): _________________________________________
Is your athlete following a specific diet program? __Yes __No If so, please describe:
How many 8 oz. cups of fluid does your athlete normally consume per day? ___cups/day
In a typical workout session, how many cups of water, sports drink, juice, or other
beverages does your athlete drink before and/or during exercise? (check one)
__None __1-2 Cups __3-5 Cups __More than 5 Cups
Does your athlete currently take any vitamins or dietary supplements? __Yes __No
If so, which ones? (check all that apply & list brand, dose, frequency of use, etc.)
__ Protein Shakes/Powders __Creatine __ Vitamins __ Minerals __ Amino Acids
__ Sports/Energy Drinks __Sports Bars __Amino Acids __HMB __Glutamine __Herbs
__ Glucosamine/Chondroitin __ Ephedra/Fat Burners __NO2 __Other, Specify __________
Is your athlete taking any medications? __Yes __No If so, please list & state reason:
Do you or your athlete have any concerns/issues relative to diet & sports performance that
have not been covered in this questionnaire? __Yes __No If so, please describe:
Rate from 1-5 how important you and your athlete feel nutrition is to sports performance:
Are you interested in learning more about nutritional supplements that are customized to
meet the needs of your athlete based on the information provided? __Yes __No
If so, what is the best way to reach you? __ Phone __Email __Mail