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© Adam vanLangenberg -MSSS
 Assyrians and Chaldeans used it 3,000 years ago
 Babylonians created the 12-sign zodiac in 450BCE
 The Greeks made it popular
 Christianity slowed it down for a while
 Renaissance picked it up again
 The Chinese have their own version
Tropical is based on the Sun
365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes and 46 seconds
Divides sky into 12 sectors
Sidereal is based on the stars
365 days, 6 hours, 9 mins and 9.5 seconds
More precise, has 13 signs
Sidereal vs. Tropical
Astrology dates
Which one is correct?
When does birth actually occur?
Why is a star more important than the mother or
 Why are the initial conditions more important than
the current ones?
 How on Earth does it work!?
 It affects the tides, why not us?
▪ We are 70% water
▪ Don’t violent crimes and suicide rates go up during a full
▪ The stars exert almost zero gravity on us
 Are the planets concious bodies?
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