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UOI Summative
By: Reyner 6B
Brief introduction (species, the fact that the population is
decreasing, etc):
This species is called the Wondiwoi Tree Kangaroo, this animal is now is critically
endangered wondiwoi tree kangaroo now is the least known mammal species in the
world today, this tree kangaroo is now critically endangered because some people likes
to hunt wondiwoi tree kangaroo and they failed to adapt from there predators. Because
this animal failed to adapt and they can’t defend themselves from predators, climate,
nature, and hunting this animal starts to get endangered. In the years of the 2008-2012
is the year when wondiwoi tree kangaroo is being hunt and getting critically
endangered. But in the years of 1928 is the year when Professor Ernst Mayr have
discovered that there were a new species, the word of wondiwoi tree kangaroo is
actually, “Dendrolagus Mayri” and professor Mayr give that name because he wants to
make that species that he found like his son. When 1928 wondiwoi tree kangaroo was
still normal the population of wondiwoi tree kangaroo was still in balanced, but things
get worst some people tried to keep them in the zoo to make more population of that
species but they don’t know that wondiwoi tree kangaroo needs to stay in a temperature
of 6-12 C. But some people hunt them because they were cute and after people hunt
wondiwoi tree kangaroo they tried to keep them at their house, but if wondiwoi tree
kangaroo don’t live in temperature of 6-12 C wondiwoi tree kangaroo could die. As
scientist they to find more information about this animal to make wondiwoi tree
kangaroo to have more population its already less than 50 tree kangaroo is left in the
world, even in wondiwoi’s tree kangaroo original habitat and other habitat in total there
are only 50 kangaroo in this world. Scientist is still trying to find and make more
population of this wondiwoi tree kangaroo.
The species’ names (English, Latin and Indonesian):
This species is called the Wondiwoi Tree Kangaroo in English, but in other language it
is called the Dendrolagus Mayri.
Class (mammal or etc) & Relations to the closest species (not the same species) &
Family tree:
This animal is a mammal, this animal don’t really have close relationship with other
animal, this animal starts to get critically endangered in the years of 2008-2012 because
people hunt them
Existence :
o Status of this species (vulnerable-endangered-critically endangered-extinct in
the wild)
o Assessment information (when its status applied, the cause of its status, other
additional information) example, the process how that animal got into
vulnerable-endangered-critically endangered-extinct in the wild
This animal now is critically endangered, this animal in the years of 1928 is not
evaluated, and 1959 it is data deficient, 1969 least concern, then in 1981 wondiwoi tree
kangaroo is near threatened, then in the years of 1989 this species starts to be vulnerable, in
2001 tree kangaroo is endangered and in the years of 2008 is critically endangered.
Original Habitat : Detailed explanation of the habitat (condition, climate, weather, body
of water, etc) & Countries/Continents/Area:
Wondiwoi tree kangaroo’s original habitat is in Montane Forest, montane forest is in
Australia. In there the condition is not safe lots of predators like to kill wondiwoi tree
kangaroo. The climate is around 6 and 12 C. The weather in Montane Forest is cold.
Food chain (predators, preys) & Diet (herbivore, omnivore etc):
This animal is not in the top of the food chain and this animal is a herbivores.
Types of adaptations :
 Morphological adaptation: The outer part of their body system characteristics
(ear, legs, hands, fingers, claws, fur, skin, fat, body, etc).
 Physiological adaptation: Their inside body system characteristics (circulatory,
digestive, endocrine, immune, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive,
respiratory, skeletal & urinary system)*.
 Behavioral adaptation: the way they eat, move, reproduce, live, hunt, socialize
(social system), nurture babies, communicate, defense, etc:
Type of adaptations:
 Morphological adaptations: This animal has 4 legs, 2 ears, 6 fingers, 6
claws, little and soft fur, brown skin, little fats, and the body shape are
oval wondiwoi tree kangaroo also have 1 long tail and the tail is around
10 cm long.
 Physiological: This animal have all bones just like human, 1 lungs, 1
heart, 1 small intestines, 1 large intestines, 1 stomach, 1 liver, 1
pancreas, and also 1 brain. He also have muscles in the arms, belly, legs,
and also head.
Circulatory system: So in wondiwoi tree kangaroo he have nervous and a
heart. That heart is the main thing in this species, so that heart pump
and give oxygen to this animal, it can carry carbon dioxide and oxygen.
Digestive system: In wondiwoi tree kangaroo there are 3 main thing in
wondiwoi tree kangaroo to digest something, like stomach, small
intestines and also large intestines. Stomach is the one that could make
the food that a tree kangaroo eat to be crushed more into liquid, then
small intestines job is to absorb the nutrition’s from the food that tree
kangaroo eats, then the last one large intestines job is to make the food
that are not used and wasted to be thrown.
Endocrine system: The endocrine system on tree kangaroo is that like
the system of glands, each of which secretes different types of hormones
is directed into the bloodstream.
Immune system: Immune system is a system of biological structures and
the process inside of tree kangaroo’s body that protect against disease.
To function the Immune system properly, an immune system must
detect a wide variety of agents from viruses.
Lymphatic system: Lymphatic system is a part of circulatory system but
lymphatic system is focusing on vessels that call the lymphatic vessels.
Lymphatic system carry’s a clear fluid called lymph. Just like in tree
kangaroo, tree kangaroo also have lymphatic vessels.
Muscular system: Muscular system is a muscle in a living thing to move
their body like wondiwoi tree kangaroo also have muscles everywhere to
move here and there, to eat, to climb and other movements.
Nervous system: Nervous system is like a nerve that makes wondiwoi
tree kangaroo knows feelings like pain, cold, hot and etc. If a living thing
don’t have nerve they can’t feel any feelings like pain, cold, hot and etc.
Reproductive system: Marsupials have a unique method of reproduction
in which the young is born in a much undeveloped state. It is then
suckled, usually in a pouch, which it vacates gradually as it develops and
becomes more independent in feeding and moving. It finally reaches
adulthood only after having permanently vacated the pouch.
In their reproductive mode, tree-kangaroos are quite extreme as far as
marsupials are concerned. They display one of the longest marsupial
offspring development/maturation periods and, if compared with similarsized marsupials, they have the longest.
Not much is known about their reproduction in the wild. The only
published data is from captive animals at QPWS facilities at Cape
Pallarenda, north of Townsville. However, very recent field research (yet
unpublished) aims to shed some more light on things in the wild and
personal communication thereof is in parts presented below.
It is not known for sure if they mate and give birth only at certain times
of the year, i.e. if they have a seasonal reproductive pattern. At least in
captivity they show a kind of seasonality, as most young are born during
the wet season. Recent research from the wild suggests a similar
pattern. In addition there are records from wildlife carers of orphaned
young that must have been born at different times of the year. In
concordance with the ecological paradigm of arboreal folivores having a
low overall reproductive potential, Lumholtz's tree-kangaroos have been
found to produce about one young per year.
The fertile period of female tree-kangaroos (oestrous) in general is
estimated to be about 2 months (approximately a bit less than 60 days).
In captive Lumholtz's tree-kangaroos the oestrus cycle ranged from 47 to
64 days.
Provided a female is fertile, mating in captive Lumholtz's tree-kangaroos
takes place over at least 2 days in repeated, brief episodes of
approximately 20 minutes and is fairly violent from the male's side. If
mating is successful the female becomes pregnant. Pregnancy (with
animals it is called gestation) takes about 45 days in captive Lumholtz's
tree-kangaroos. Embryonic diapause (i.e. suspended embryonic
development during adverse environmental conditions, a common
feature in macropods) has not been observed in captive Lumholtz's treekangaroos.
Ending gestation, one young (weighing only a few grams) is born and it
takes the foetus less than 5 minutes to crawl just with its forelimbs (hind
limbs are just beginning to develop) to the pouch entrance. In the pouch
it (permanently) attaches to a teat and continues to develop for about 3
At 3 months old, weighing about 100 grams, hair starts to grow, and at 4
months of age they open the eyes. First emerging from - but not leaving the pouch at about 5 months old, they then gradually cease returning to
the pouch from foraging over the next 3 to 4 months. In captivity they
vacated the pouch permanently aged about 8-9 months. At this point a
considerable growth 'explosion' was observed until the offspring was
weaned at an age of about 13 months. From recent research in the wild
it is estimated that they accompany the mother for another year
(subadult males might stay in the mother's home range even for up to
yet another year) before they start to find their own area to live and stay
they need another friend to help them find a space to live and stay.
Respiratory system: Respiratory system is a system in a living thing
body that control oxygen that the body need. Usually the main organ
that control oxygen is nose, lungs, esophagus, heart, and also mouth.
Just like wondiwoi tree kangaroo, this animal have nose, lungs,
esophagus, heart and also mouth.
Skeletal system: Skeletal system is a bone in a living body, to make our
body can move and not loose. This wondiwoi tree kangaroo have 1 skull,
and other bones that we have. The function of having bones like rib cage
is to protect our heart and lungs because heart and lungs are weak. And
the other bones is to do something and to produce white blood.
Urinary system: Urinary system is a system to produce, store and
eliminate urine. The organs that have in this system is 2 kidneys, 2
ureters, the bladder and the urethra.
 Behavioral adaptations: These animals like to climb and live on trees
and live on trees, wondiwoi tree kangaroo is a herbivores, wondiwoi tree
kangaroo also likes to eat carrot very much. Wondiwoi tree kangaroo’s
daily life time is just staying on trees and make communication with
their friends, sleep and also eat plants.
Population (past – present):
In the past wondiwoi was very popular, but now lots of human hunt them and also predators
hunt wondiwoi tree kangaroo, so the population of wondiwoi tree kangaroo now is decreasing.
Threats faced by the species (nature cause, human cause – what for):
Humans hunt wondiwoi tree kangaroo to keep them or adopt them because they were cute, but
actually wondiwoi tree kangaroo could only live in the temperature that’s between 6 to 12 C but
humans keep wondiwoi tree kangaroo in human’s house, so wondiwoi tree kangaroo can’t live
and stay in a temperature of 12-above. And also there are little trees for wondiwoi tree
kangaroo to climb and stay and live there.
Human actions to conserve/breed (treat in captivity, law, regulation, media – put them into icon,
Human keep wondiwoi tree kangaroo in a safe spot in the zoo, in a temperature that is suitable
for that species to stay there, and also human tried their best to keep them safe and not starve
to dead. Some wondiwoi tree kangaroo could also starve to dead because he can’t hunt for food.
Humans also try their best to keep this wondiwoi tree kangaroo in 100% safe, and humans try
to keep wondiwoi tree kangaroo in colonies to make better relationship and to avoid wondiwoi
tree kangaroo into Extinct In The Wild.