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Sun in Aries (
The annual cycle of the zodiac begins again with the solar month of Aries. This initiation is the Spring Equinox when
day and night hours equalize and the daylight again rules in the Northern Hemisphere. Everywhere we look for new
life it is bursting forth. Vegetation turns green again. The early spring bulbs bloom through the snow. Nature brings
us cute baby animals and all species begin the dance of life anew.
This is the energy of Aries, the baby of the zodiac – instinctive action in any and all directions without forethought.
This process of initiation or instinctive action creates reaction and reflection. This is how Aries learns. It is only after
the fact that Aries understands the lesson and the reasons why it acted as it did.
We all carry this instinctive energy to become, to evolve and grow. Life would be very calculating and boring without
this impulse. Aries is a fire sign which relates to the element of spirit. It teaches us that the manifested comes from
the un-manifest, or, energy creates matter. Aries is instinctive, spontaneous energy bursting forth into a new thought,
new emotion and new first step.
All fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) need lots of freedom to allow the energy (spirit) to flow. Aries tends to want
complete freedom under any and all circumstances. Yet unchecked energy or action needs feedback and reflection to
focus and evolve. Aries learns this from Libra, its polar opposite on the zodiacal wheel. The Evolutionary Astrology
mantra for Aries is: I initiate with consideration of others.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of instinctively acting upon our conscious desires. This includes the desire to
separate from That which created us and the desire to return to That which created us. Libra, ruled by Venus, gives us
feedback on the effects of acting out our desires. The twelve signs of the zodiac all have an opposite. Opposite signs
attract each other. They also repel, complement and learn the greatest lessons from each other.
Aries/Mars is loosely known as masculine, active energy. Libra/Venus is loosely known as feminine, passive energy.
Together they learn to dance as do all the zodiac polarities. Aries initiates to see what may come back. Libra waits for
the action to show up. Together they teach each other the balance of give and take which both signs must learn to do.
One of nature’s most common symbols is the circle. It has no beginning or end so astrology creates one in the
zodiacal wheel with Aries. Aries shows us that life always begins again. For every Pisces completion and death there
follows an Aries initiation and rebirth. These natural laws are most observable in nature itself through the cycles of the
seasons and the activity of animals. There is birth, growth, bloom, decay and death. Repeat.
Humans live via the same laws although with all our modernization we can forget this easily and distort or manipulate
our environment. The Pisces-to-Aries path on the circle teaches us reincarnation. Our souls come back again and
again to begin anew and continue our lessons. This is why we will observe the little souls who come in with their own
unique personalities and desires with which we seem to have karmic lessons with. Like the children, we too get as
many chances (lives) as we need to evolve and perfect.
This idea or observation of reincarnation in natural laws can help us understand and ease the pain of losing our loved
ones. It is not over. We are just experiencing the revolving door to start another circle elsewhere. We shall meet
again. We all know that energy of meeting someone for the first time and recognizing a deeper connection. We have
known each other before in a previous circle.
Aries is that effervescent optimism of new beginnings. Nature’s cycles allow humans to feel this way every spring. We
only have to look at nature’s babies to sense this energy rise within us and renew us with hope for the future. We get
new beginnings all the time in each and every lifetime. We can learn from Aries and create new opportunities every
time we choose to do so. Our desire nature is strengthened in the springtime and Aries is the fiery energy we call upon
again and again to grow and evolve.
This solar year we may need to call upon this energy even more as we rebirth ourselves in this new Pluto in Capricorn
economy. A major point to remember is that the circle does not come back to the same place. It is similar and yet we
are spiraling in a circle, coming back around again with a more expanded sense of consciousness from the last time, in
this case – last spring. We also know this by the rest of the planetary archetypes having moved on to different
locations/cycles from last year.
It is natural for new desires to instinctively arise through Sun in Aries. Many of these desires will be based upon some
type of need for freedom, similar to being stuck inside during the cold winter months and then set free outside when
spring warmth returns again. The constrictions may easily show themselves through this Pluto in Capricorn reality,
compressing us. It can lead us into new ideas and new ways of bursting forth. Pay attention to intuitive gut feelings
and desires coming forth.
When Aries is given the freedom to initiate in a multitude of ways it exhausts the many options, leaving the natural
sparks to pursue further. When Aries does not have the freedom it desires instinctive outbursts of anger come forth as
Aries attempts to break free. And just as suddenly as the anger erupts it will subside. Aries does not hold on, it
doesn’t even look back. It is always moving on, out the door as the leader of the pack.
The archetype of Taurus teaches us about the pulse of life and self-sensuality. The signs of the zodiac move outward
then inward, like breath through the lungs and blood through the heart. This is the polarity of activity and passivity.
The initiations of Aries must be sustained by Taurus. The fire and air signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and
Aquarius) move us outward. The water and earth signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces) move
us inward.
The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Taurus is: I create self-reliance with every metamorphosis. Taurus serves to
ground and stabilize whatever Aries starts. Aries initiates life and Taurus figures out how to stay alive. The instinct to
survive is basic to all species. This creates desire in human consciousness for the resources that sustain us such as
food, clothing and shelter. So Taurus and its ruler Venus relate to our value systems.
Whatever we value creates that which we desire. These desires become what we perceive we need. This can be a
bicycle or the new BMW, a cabin in the woods or a gated mansion. The polarity of Taurus is Scorpio, which rules the
dual-desire nature of the soul – the desire to separate from and to return to, the Universal Source of all creation.
Taurus can represent the desires we still wish to manifest, and the desires we have exhausted yet cling to for the
security they represent.
When we learn how to survive and thrive, we tend to become more secure. Security is another Taurean archetype.
There can then be the tendency to believe that our security is found in the outer world of possessions, food and
resources. This concept is reinforced by today’s religions teaching us that god lies outside of ourselves, and therefore
security is external to us. We become protective of our turf in order to remain secure. This is the domain of Taurus in
today’s modern world – don’t mess with my stuff!
However, if we get too obsessive with the world of outer security, those famous rugs can get ripped out from
underneath us. Our stuff gets thrown away, lost in a natural disaster or repossessed. These losses can actually teach
us a deeper Taurean lesson of inner security. If we become too invested in security outside of self, those outer
manifestations can disappear.
The ultimate self-reliance is in knowing that our inner relationship to Creator is the source of everything. God/Goddess
is essentially found within, and from that deep inner security we can go with the natural ebb and flow of life.
One of the most basic survival instincts in all species is to procreate, or sexuality. Taurus teaches us self-sex and selfsensuality and Scorpio teaches us how to merge with another. Sexuality is one of the most basic desires within
human souls, and it is one of the last desires to naturally be released.
Natural sexuality has been suppressed and distorted (mainly by religions) to such a degree, that almost everyone is
triggered by even mentioning the subject. Go within and listen to how your own body and soul reacts to the word sex.
Do you want to suppress your desire or glamorize it? Both are distortions of the natural sexual impulse. In natural
law, sexuality is one more part of life, accepted and utilized for expression and release of the senses.
The social pressure and judgments around sexuality leave us with little idea of how to naturally express it. Religions
preach abstinence until permission for procreation is given, i.e. marriage. These pressures to sexually conform are
based upon the assumption that somehow spirit and flesh are opposed to one another.
In truth, sexuality is the most sacred act there is. It naturally arises with puberty. When we deny this reality, it gets
shoved into the back seat and distorted with guilt and shame. There are no easy answers in bringing sexuality and
sensuality out of the closet. Yet the subject must be addressed. If we wish our children to be more mature before
making babies, then we must sexually educate them and teach them safe self-sex before sexually engaging with
A deep Taurean self-reliance starts with our own sexual fulfillment or masturbation. In eastern philosophies this is
natural tantric practice to know God/Goddess. It can also lead to deeply meaningful sexual relations with another full
of respect for each other.
Sexually satisfied souls have less desire to project unfulfilled sexual desires unconsciously outward as rape and war.
Unfortunately, sexual suppression has created these distortions for so long we cannot even recognize them anymore.
Isn’t there some statement about making love not war? Perhaps it is true. A healthy Taurus value system
understands sexuality is natural, and this is the time of year many species renew its expression through the birth of al
kinds of cute little baby animals.
All earth signs are opposed by water signs. Earth stabilizes water and provides a container, i.e. security. Water
moves earth, creating change whether steadily wearing away a rock, or with cataclysms like hurricanes when
necessary. Earth and water still evolve. When Taurus reaches for too much security and becomes full of inertia
Scorpio brings the tidal waves.
The solar month of Gemini energizes us to go with the natural ebb and flow of life. Our curiosity arises from the
Taurean well of self-reliance and now we become the great explorer. In Gemini, each moment takes us in new
directions and excitement builds with all the possibilities ahead. Gemini brings opportunity to look at anything from
multiple points of view. This is one reason why it is symbolized by twins.
Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, wants to classify phenomena and take note of all the details. The ability to communicate
comes through as we notice our environment, create words and apply labels. Security seems to come from how much
information we can take in, and from that, how we can explain our physical world in rational terms.
When our center of gravity comes from the ego, we cannot get enough of whatever we are after. The inner dialogue
can be just one more class, one more book, one more possession, one more conversation and we will find what we
are looking for. Eventually we implode upon ourselves and all the information leaves us scattered and exhausted.
People are taught to operate like this in western societies. Authority lies outside of self.
When our center of gravity comes from the soul, instead of the ego, we learn to trust our intuition and our sixth sense.
Then details come in to support what we know is right for us. This is the path we all learn to take on our spiritual
journeys. Inner authority progressively replaces outer stimuli more and more.
Every year the Sun’s month-long passage through Gemini teaches us that the facts and details alone will not satisfy.
They must become integrated and make some kind of sense. Gemini loves to go with the flow, yet there must be a
more solid foundation from which to include or discard the chatter that is taking place. This foundation is the energy of
Sagittarius, the philosopher, which is the polarity of Gemini.
Gemini also brings the gift of realizing the relativity of Sag truth. There can be personal truths, half-truths or lies and
universal, timeless truths. What works for one person may not be right for another.
The duality Gemini faces is the need to explore and yet be secure at the same time. We desire new information as we
intellectualize our life. However, that same new information may create emotional insecurities as we are exposed to
facts that do not fit with our current way of looking at things.
When Gemini feels insecure it will look for the weakest link in any position and attempt to expand upon it until things
end up in chaos and frustration. This is where we play with words rather than listening to the intent behind the words.
It can bring endless arguments and discussions which Gemini both initiates and attracts.
These confrontations are necessary because they reveal the black/white limitations of viewpoints. Emotional and
intellectual insecurities can cause us to filter what we take in and process. We attempt to reject whatever we disagree
with. Gemini is where we open up and learn how to move past these limited ideas.
Life is a fluid process of continuous evolution. We are always in a state of becoming. Something new comes into our
world. We adapt and grow. We create new foundations of security. The process repeats itself. When we resist this
process we can create the need for cataclysmic change rather than uniform, progressive change.
When we learn to utilize the adaptability of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces) we lessen the
need for cataclysmic changes. We learn to balance the need for change with the need for a home base. We learn
when to extend our energy and when to bring it back inward. We ebb and flow. This solar month teaches us that our
foundations are in movement itself.
It will seem especially active this solar month as we experience Mercury retrograde in its own sign of rulership. This
will emphasize the implosive energies as we overload the left-brain. Some sort of checking out – like long walks or
meditation, or just the daily routine – will be necessary to blow off steam and allow for deeper understandings of the
chaos in our lives. When we let an idea or situation rest for a bit, then deeper answers will surface.
The solar month of Cancer ushers in the Summer Solstice. It gives us the longest days and shortest nights of the year
in the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun’s apparent path around the Earth (via the Ecliptic) has reached the Tropic of
Cancer, 23 degrees above the Equator. We now enjoy the warmth of summer and the gifts of the garden. However,
we begin to lose a few minutes of light each day until day and night are equal again at the Fall Equinox.
Our ancestors would celebrate with all-night bonfires during the Solstices. It didn’t take much observation to realize
that without the Sun and its warmth, nothing would live and flourish. The Sun has always been associated as a giver
of life, strength and vitality. When it moves through the sign of Cancer we recognize the feminine gender in its gift of
life – motherhood and nurturing the family.
Before humans realized that biological acts created babies, women were naturally worshipped and honored for their
magical abilities to grow fat bellies and give birth to another generation of life. As human-made religions evolved, the
matriarchy was replaced with the patriarchy. The natural Goddess was replaced with the religious God. The natural
senses of the flesh were made taboo and falsely conditioned to be the fault and temptation of the feminine.
The lessons of Cancer, and its polarity Capricorn, are balancing both the feminine and masculine gender and
energies. Neither can survive without the other. Every soul on the planet must realize that both male and female are
contained within it. The distortions of equality between men and women have existed for so long most souls cannot
even recognize it. Natural femininity is still strong, and natural masculinity still has an emotional body.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and together they represent our emotions in all their depth and range. The Sun’s
passage through Cancer brings the annual opportunity to address our emotional body and find an inner emotional selfreliance. In the long run, our outer world is only as stable as our inner world. The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for
Cancer is: I evolve emotionally with self-responsibility.
Today we are taught to suppress the emotional body (the senses) at the expense of developing our mental and
spiritual bodies. How often have we seen spiritual leaders and intellectual geniuses experience the downfalls of
denying the emotional/physical body of senses? Today it comes out as sexual distortions like rape and child abuse, or
the inability to participate in long-term intimate relationships. Evolution takes place through the emotional body, not in
denial of it.
The Sun’s journey through Cancer brings up our emotional suppressions. One of the deepest issues is the original
anxiety that comes from birth and the separation from the all nurturing womb. Society has realized that children who
are nurtured and held closely early in life turn out to be much healthier as adults. Our westernized societies tend to
devalue motherhood and long-term pregnancy leaves. In spite of talk to the contrary, bombs have more priority and
funding than nurturing energy, education and books.
Most souls are left to figure out on their own in adulthood that they must learn to love themselves before they will really
have successful, loving relationships and careers. This can be a painful process. It could be lessened dramatically
with societal values that appreciated real nurturing (food, clothing, shelter and education in its many ways) of all
children. It really does take a community to raise a child.
Emotionally self-reliant children become emotionally mature adults and contribute to society rather than take from it. It
is easier to build a child than repair an adult.
Eventually, all souls realize that deep, inner self-love is the most important thing they can accomplish. We are each
responsible for our own emotional needs even in the best of relationships. Sun in Cancer allows all souls to nurture
their inner child no matter what age they have become. The souls who learn to do this break the chain and then help
their children become emotionally self-reliant.
As a cardinal, yin water sign Cancer experiences two distinct emotional cycles: withdrawal and animation. These
cycles are unpredictable in their initiation and duration. All humans cycle back and forth between emotionally
withdrawing and engaging in life. The withdrawal cycle represents the pull inward to figure out deep emotional issues
and patterns coming to the surface. Something is ready to be healed, hopefully, versus re-imprinting old wounds.
Once we understand what triggered us, we have opportunity to create change in our emotional world.
We process through our emotional depth and become engaged in our emotional body again. We emote and express
our senses, both positive and negative. We participate in life. We feel free to laugh and cry and share the miracle
spark of soul energy unique to our self. In natural laws, these two emotional states cycle back and forth as our soul
The watery sign of Cancer initiates these emotional lessons. In the depths of this discovery, one comes to understand
the most important lesson is the unconditional love of self. This then leads to the ability to unconditionally love others.
Leo is the zodiacal sign of creative self-actualization. As the Sun passes from Cancer to Leo, we emerge from the
womb of evolving emotional self-reliance into sharing our unique talents with the world. The element of fire is back
with Leo and so the spark of life is ignited again, this time around a special sense of destiny to fulfill. Look at me,
notice me! I am the center of the universe!
Leo is also another archetype for ego and personality, which our soul expresses itself through. In today's western
world, we tend to glorify ego at the expense of our soul and its real needs. The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Leo
is: I align my will with divine will. The Sun's annual passage through Leo is a time for these types of realignments. It is
not about destroying ego, or we would have no way to self-reflect. Even the most evolved souls incarnate through an
ego. Rather, it is about aligning ego with soul, individual soul with Universal Soul, personal will with Divine Will.
Astrology, and life, tends to expand into greater consciousness via contrasts of polarity. Leo operates through a very
subjective reality: the world revolves around me. This sets up Aquarian (polarity of Leo) lessons of objectivity, or
considering a larger point of view outside of self. It doesn't matter how creative you are if you cannot express it in a
way the world finds acceptable, or has a need for.
The fixed energy of Leo may find us willing our creativity into existence through the force of focusing our sense of
power. The life force of the Sun, ruler of Leo, is life-sustaining as the center of our solar system. Life would not exist
as we know it without this solar power. Leo naturally thinks it can “play god” through this sense of power and special
creative destiny to fulfill. The shock of being knocked off the throne can be a very humbling experience for Leo energy
as it is forced to acknowledge the universe does not revolve around it. As immense as the Sun is in our solar system,
we are a tiny speck in a corner of the Milky Way galaxy.
Whenever our emotional sustenance or sense of acknowledgment is dependent upon outside sources, it can create a
sense of fear and a need to control. We have given our power away and made someone/something else responsible
for our happiness. We want others to acknowledge us as the center of the universe. Leo can create lots of drama,
even in negative ways, in attempts to receive this attention and outer love from the world.
Emotional self-reliance means emotional self-responsibility, Cancer and its opposite Capricorn. This lessens our fears
as we find love from within. It also fills us with an inner self-reliance that can then creatively express itself in natural
ways, versus what our ego thinks it needs. Leo faces the lesson of recognizing that all souls have creative sparks of
genius and desire recognition. Emotionally self-fulfilled Leo finds the deepest recognition from within, and ultimately
Universal Source itself. It then naturally gravitates to whatever creative self-expressions are desired from the world. It
then brings forth natural leadership qualities.
The opposite is attempting to impose our creative needs upon the world. It becomes a bottomless pit in regard to a
need for attention in order to feel special and noticed by others. Leo acts like the immature child having a temper
tantrum. The cataclysms to enforce detachment and a broader perspective only happen to the degree necessary.
The Sun’s annual passage through Leo is a natural time to heal this need to be loved and the desire to be noticed as a
creative spark of the universe.
As we deepen our inner sense of self we become creative dynamos. When we fulfill our own need for love we
naturally becoming loving beings, giving as others need to be given to, another Leo lesson. Leo tends to give what it
wants to give from its perspective versus what someone else really needs. The alignment of personal will with divine
will actually empowers us and allows us to shine forth with all the creativity and love we can express. And, the world
loves us back naturally.
The solar month of Virgo is a transitional time as we finish up the first half of the zodiac before moving on to the
second half. As Virgo follows Leo we move from the top of the pyramid to the inverted bottom, learning the lessons
that we are not the center of the universe. We are a most important part of it, and, so is everyone else. Virgo helps us
transition to the equality lessons of Libra.
The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Virgo is: I discern with intuitive wholeness. Mercury is the ruler of Virgo so this
archetype engages our left-brain and analytical talents. This time – Mercury also rules Gemini – we are faced with
self-improvement lessons. Virgo is the essence of adjustment. It brings old patterns to a crisis in order to evolve and
grow – Virgo is a mutable sign. However, many times we resort back to old behaviors, thoughts and patterns once the
crisis has passed. So the crisis repeats until we actually do change. Virgo is learning to mentally adapt. We do this
either in response to the changing realities of our life, or, in order to change our realities – we do have the choice to
initiate the process of change.
Virgo opposes Pisces on the zodiacal wheel. Pisces, ruled by Neptune, brings the potential for perfection and
completion, causing Virgo to become aware of all that is lacking. This brings Virgo to the crisis of seeing the cup “half
empty” or “half full” – a major lesson for Virgo and 6 house archetypes, and a choice that can lead to a path of
“negatives” or “positives” respectively. Virgo can run into the mental blocks of trying to deductively figure something
out in order to understand it. The Pisces polarity of the larger whole – God/Goddess or whatever term we use – is to
understand that the whole is greater than the parts that make it up, which allows us to embrace inductive intuition.
Perhaps one of Virgo’s biggest lessons is to understand that perfection is a process. It is not achieved by standing still
or praying ourselves perfect; rather, one foot in front of the other, step by step, lesson by lesson. Think about this in
terms of evolving our soul. Why is one person born with the silver spoon and another into poverty? We get as many
chances (lifetimes) as we need until we get it right – evolve, perfect and become the next avatar. If only it were that
Virgo takes us down the path toward relationships with others, and Pisces shows us the ultimate relationship to
Creator. For the last 5,000 years or so, humans have been conditioned to believe in a perfect, male, anthropomorphic
god judging us from somewhere in outer space. Over time this has created guilt at our very observable human
imperfections, guilt that now operates on deep unconscious levels. Our response to this conditioned guilt is atonement
or anger, the masochist or sadist, victim or victor.
Much of this guilt is based upon a human-made conditioning that spirit and flesh are somehow opposed to each other.
Flesh and our body of senses – our intuition, our emotions – are suppressed as un-natural. This has resulted in all the
distortions of emotional and physical cruelties that run rampart in the world today. There is a much deeper meaning to
the 60s’ cliché of “making love not war.” Healthy emotional expression, of which sexuality is a natural part, could cool
the war jets better than anything else.
This is the domain of Virgo and Pisces at the ending of the Piscean Age. Virgo senses what is lacking and tends to
get caught up in “blame” games, judging and pointing out what is wrong. It is not the reality of what is wrong or lacking
that trips us up. It is continuing to energize that direction over and over again, and then wondering why things do not
Yet, it takes practice, practice, practice every time guilt arises within us. Am I guilty? By whose standards? Do I
agree with this particular standard of conduct claiming right and wrong? What are my beliefs? Many souls are
pondering these questions in various religions and belief systems all over the planet today. Sadly, perhaps even more
souls blindly accept whatever they are conditioned to believe.
Virgo’s beauty is its ability to bring things to a crisis in order to create change. It is analyzing what isn’t working, and
then focusing on the directions that are working, expanding and energizing that which we desire more of. If we are
always looking at the past then we have our back to the future. If we are always looking at what is wrong then we
have our back toward what is right. If we are always judging then we have our back toward discernment. Virgo is
about choosing the directions we desire to evolve towards, again and again and again, until we arrive at our
Utilize the analytical abilities of Virgo to discern for yourself how best to align with natural, spiritual laws and principles.
It can bring can bring immense releases and relief from this conditioned guilt. When Virgo learns to dance with Pisces
intuition then we have the best of both worlds – deductive and inductive logic working together. It is similar to this
quote from Louise Hay: “Everything I need to know is revealed to me, and everything I need comes to me in my
highest and best time/space sequence.”
Work issues can come up through Sun in Virgo. We may feel like a slave to our job or career. We may feel
persecuted or unappreciated. Here comes the healthy boundaries lesson again. Unconditional love honors and
insists upon healthy boundaries. Virgo is learning to be of service to others, yet in healthy, respectful ways. It may be
time to move on from your current work. It may be time to speak up about things. Or, you may be acting superior to
others and you are the one in need of learning respect. It may be your lifetime to naturally atone by learning to serve a
greater whole, or making amends for previous misdeeds.
Sun in Virgo is a time to take our self-healing to the next level. It is a time to face reality, put our feet on the ground
and then reach for the sky. It is time to treat others as we would like to be treated, and stand up to those who do not.
Let the mental and emotional upheavals come forward and set you free to evolve into the new you. Take self-love to
your next level. Be gentle with yourself. Your emotional body is always the barometer of where your life is it. What
changes in your self will make you feel better?
The solar month of Libra ushers in the second half of the zodiac and creates a focus on relationships for the rest of the
solar year, through March 20, 2009. It also brings the Autumnal Equinox with day and night equal for a brief period of
time, symbolic of Libra’s quest to find balance in all areas of life.
The first half of the zodiac relates to the individual and the second half covers our relationships. As the Sun now
moves into Libra we find ourselves learning to balance the demands and needs of others with our own needs. The
Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Libra is: I balance a diversity of relationships with my own initiative. Libra is where
we learn equality of giving and receiving, or fairness in our relationships.
Every archetype of the zodiac has its natural energies and its unnatural distortions. Libra can be great as the
mediator, helping everyone get along and bringing consensus to a diversity of opinions. Yet Libra must remember to
make its own decisions and find the courage to stand up for its own needs. Libra tends to place more value upon what
others think of them rather than what Libra thinks of itself.
Many times in today’s western world Libra energy can manifest as co-dependencies, basing our decisions upon
another’s approval. Worse yet, we may allow our partners (or parents, friends, etc) to decide everything for us in order
to keep peace or maintain the relationship. Many of us have been in situations where someone with a strong
personality forces their way and it is easier to give in and go along with them.
Libra must find the courage to be a group of one when necessary. It needs to reach across the zodiac to Aries and
learn self-initiative and independence. Libra’s emergence into relationships can create the need to be needed in order
to feel valued. We find ourselves making subtle nuances that either pull people in or repulse them with our neediness.
There are forceful Librans. However, neediness of Libra is more common.
Traditional astrology may also tribute a state of balance to Libra and many times heavy Libra archetypes in a chart
signify the lesson of learning balance. Libra can be the extremes of un-balance, taking the fanatical edge in any
particular situation or relationship. This creates Aries polarity strife and attracting the opposite position to learn the
more middle ground. Libra can also draw those famous lines in the sand and slam the door shut.
Balance is not homeostasis; it is ebb and flow moment by moment. When Libra gets too focused upon what someone
else values or needs, it can create implosions and loss of self that pulls one inward to find our self again. If Libra
becomes too focused upon itself, then social situations will arise to draw one outward. This is a natural ebb and flow
for Libran energy.
In Evolutionary Astrology, Libra represents the diversity of relationships that can exist in the world. It is our interaction
with those who are different that teach us who we are and who we are not. Those whose beliefs and lifestyles differ
from our own can teach us about who we are on deeper levels. It is learning about life through the contrast. More
than anyone else, Libra has the potential to understand the Aquarian Age theme of “unity in diversity.”
What Libra teaches is a balance of self that is neither extremes of selfishness or selflessness. It is never static though
and always moving – a little more giving or taking here and a little less giving or taking there.
Venus as the ruler of Libra represents our ability to relate to others and listen to what someone else has to say.
Venus, Libra and the 7 house of the zodiacal circle represents the psychology of listening. It is a major reason why
Libra is so good at negotiating – it can actually hear and understand what all parties are trying to say. The Libra side
or outer side of Venus is so acutely tuned in to what someone else needs it is hard not to fulfill that need. Libran
energy really does feel better when it gives.
It runs into trouble when the giving is not returned in similar or reciprocal degrees. Then Libra must learn the famous
lesson of when to give and when not to give, and when the not giving is actually a greater giving and service to others.
Example? The parent who enables the wayward adult child to repeat unhealthy behaviors – drug abuse or borrowing
money – instead of holding healthy boundaries and saying no.
Every relationship in our life is a reflection of how well we self-love. A giver needs a taker, a masochist needs a sadist.
If you are surrounded by others who seem selfish and too busy fulfilling their own needs, how does this reflect back to
you? Maybe you need less dependence upon others making you happy, and more initiative to make your self happy.
This is why the great lesson of feeling unhappy with any particular relationship always brings the lesson back to our
self. When we learn how to create healthy, inner relating patterns, then we can attract healthy mates and friends, etc.
We know when how to say no in any and all situations then we have the freedom to say yes.
Libra learns to take care of itself first through its polarity point of Aries. This can be a tough lesson for Libra. While
Aries has no trouble starting from self and sometimes cannot get beyond its own nose, Libra can be extremely aware
of everyone else’s thoughts and feelings to the detriment of its own health. Hence, the need for balance, and in Libra’s
case it must err on the side of self when it is paralyzed.
Venus, the “goddess of love,” in astrology rules both Libra and Taurus. Venus/Taurus is inner love or self-love.
Venus/Libra is outer love or relationships. Our outer world reflects our inner world whether we are conscious of it or
not. While Libra wants to focus on others it is healthiest when there is equal focus on self.
The solar month of Scorpio (October 22 – November 21) is the time to face our limitations and overcome them. It
brings us face-to-face with the edge of our security and therefore whatever makes us feel insecure. As we face those
areas of our life that make us feel vulnerable we become aware of our next necessary step of growth.
The desire to feel secure by maintaining unhealthy attachments to the past is a very strong force. Natural evolutionary
forces are stronger yet. When those changing forces become stronger than our conditioned ability to resist,
cataclysms occur. The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Scorpio is: “I metamorphose myself with evolving selfreliance.”
Changes do not have to be intense and cataclysmic. They are a result of our insecurities keeping us stuck in the
status quo in order to feel safe. Most real growth is slow and uniform evolution. The intense life-altering events just
point out where we are in resistance.
Scorpio is the archetype where we begin to encounter larger forces of power outside of our self. Those forces can be
another person, job, nature, a body of knowledge or anything/anyone we perceive to be more powerful than us.
Conversely, we become aware of our limitations of power by these observations.
The Scorpionic lesson is to merge with that perception of greater power and osmosis it into us. We join forces with
that power, positive or negative, and become more than we were before the merging. Unfortunately, we can then
become co-dependent with that person or thing. We feel we need this attachment to continue our greater sense of
power. We then resist change.
When the need to grow becomes stronger another cataclysm comes along. The partner leaves us. We get fired.
Whatever we have merged with is removed so we learn to incorporate more self-empowerment from within. Scorpio
teaches us to merge and evolve yet not depend upon those outer forces of power. Its polarity is Taurus, the sign of
self-reliance. The Scorpio lesson is to merge and yet retain our sense of self.
That attraction to whatever we perceive we do not have is why Scorpio is considered so hypnotic. It is why we form
relationships. We are attracted to another person who has something we sense we do not have. The lesson is to
create that energy within us. They are in our life in order to teach us that, to mirror the lesson back to us. Then the
relationship can survive and even flourish because we become that which we are attracted to and more than we were
before. We become more attractive through our evolving self-reliance.
The opposite of this healthy osmosis is control, manipulation and obsession; the more negative Scorpio traits. We
must hold on to that which we perceive will make us feel secure. To let go means insecurity so we attach and cling.
Victor or Victim, we play the power games. We must learn the Taurus-Scorpio balance of inner self-reliance before
outer self-reliance, and then that which we desire will stay because they have the freedom to do so.
Scorpio is desire. This includes both the separating desires from that which created us and the returning desires back
the Universal Source of all that is. These dual, conflicting desires exist in each and every soul. We spend countless
lifetimes exhausting these separating desires until the desire to return to Source energy becomes more and more
conscious. Eventually it becomes the only desire left. We call those souls avatars like Jesus or Buddha.
This dual-desire nature of the soul is represented by Scorpio’s ruler Pluto with its separating and returning desires.
This desire nature is also represented on an individual and collective soul basis. The Pluto in Scorpio generation
(1983/84 through 1995) has brought all these lessons with them. Somehow these lessons have been carried forward
from the past. Some say this is the generation that will destroy us (separating desires) or save us (returning desires).
Scorpio can represent recycling or the phoenix rising up from the ashes to begin anew. It is death and rebirth, both
literally and figuratively. As this generation matures and faces their insecurities and their dual-desire natures, they can
become powerful leaders on the planet. They can recycle the finite resources of our planet and create totally new
forms of energy to sustain us (polarity Taurus).
Sexuality is most famous through the archetype of Scorpio. Two individuals merging on sexual levels can osmosis into
creating a baby, or a really good orgasm that takes them to another form of reality. However, sexuality starts with
Taurus and self-sex or masturbation. When we can satisfy our self sexually, we are healthier and then make better
choices in merging with another. When sexual fluids are exchanged, so is the karma energetically. Do you want to
exchange karma with your sexual partner(s)?
In natural law, sexuality is a natural part of life. 5,000 plus years of human-made conditioning has so distorted things
that sex is now glamorized like Hollywood, or it is abused with rape and molestations. Any archetype runs the
spectrum from natural expression to distortion. Evolving Scorpio energy learns to recognize that sexuality is the most
sacred act there is for human beings, and begins to treat it as such. Healthy Scorpio merging leads to soul mates, two
souls on a spiritual path with sacred sexuality, as one of the tools utilized along the way. The last desire to release is
sexuality, upon which the survival of the species depends.
This time of the year tends to bring those financial upheavals as well, both up and down. Scorpio represents shared
resources, or how we merge our resources together. The same principles above are reflected in economics as well.
We share roommates to minimize expenses. We merge our finances into mutual funds and money market accounts.
By pooling our resources together we have more power to invest and increase our holdings.
Trouble comes along when these funds are mismanaged. Power can be intoxicating, and just like a drug we crave
another fix, a bigger fix to out do the previous high. In today’s world, this is represented in the United States by
regulatory laws that were weakened at the beginning of this decade. Financial companies like banks and investment
firms and insurance companies were allowed to merge and interact with new investment instruments (credit default
swaps) without any oversight or regulation. These credit default swaps contain most of the sub-prime mortgages.
Investment firms never use to be in the mortgage business. Insurance firms offered mortgage insurance, not the
mortgages themselves.
All astrological archetypes are balanced by their polarities. Financial upheavals through Scorpio times point back to
Taurean self-reliance. This means learning to be fiscally responsible for our self, or living within our means. The
United States economic system is built upon credit debt and entirely run by a private banking system that attempts to
hypnotically lure us into debt. We think this will create more power (comfort) for our self and we end up in debt,
committing future income to outside forces of power. We end up with less power.
Sun in Sagittarius
The solar month of Sagittarius is a time to broaden our perspective about life. The second half of the zodiac asks us to
incorporate larger and larger circles of relationships. We move beyond Scorpio’s personal intimacies and initiations
with forces of power greater than our self. We realize there is an entire world of deeper knowledge and greater
understanding out there.
We all receive information and awareness from within that just seems to pop into our head. It is a gut instinct. It is our
intuition. It’s lightly called “tapping in.” Tapping in to what? Whatever we intuit and perceive those larger forces of
inner power to be. Unfortunately our western world tends to ignore this kind of inner wisdom. Outer forces of power
want to tell us what to think and how to act in every area of our life.
Sagittarius is the sign where we learn to understand broader points of view. It relates to religion and spirituality,
philosophy and higher education. It is the paradigm that explains our evolving world. This has been a big subject over
the last decade as Pluto (our soul, individually and collectively) moved through Sag from 1995 to November 26, 2008.
Pluto in Sagittarius explored the importance of religion and belief systems over the last ten years, and the clashes
among the differing belief systems in the world. This subject will not go away, yet look at how Pluto’s upcoming transit
into Capricorn is changing the major collective themes from religion to the economy.
Another of Sagittarius’ archetypes is tapping in to a piece of truth and thinking it is the whole truth. As we all expand
our awareness of this vast world, we tend to stop along the way when we have reached the limits of our security. This
is what we know and feel comfortable with. To reach out for more feels insecure. We then move into defending what
we know - our piece of the truth or understanding of life. We teach or preach it to others so that we may feel secure
with them.
It is my way or the highway. My religion is better than yours. Tidbit: The lesson of the emerging Aquarian Age
(approximately 2,100 year cycle) is unity in diversity versus unity in conformity. We get to figure out how to get along
in spite of our differences. The failure to do so risks destroying ourselves, or through complacency allows one group to
control all others.
Gemini is the polarity of Sagittarius and brings us the concept of the relativity of truth. There is always more than one
path home. Every time Sagittarius wants to draw a line in the sand, Gemini brings the wind of another viewpoint. The
great lesson for Sag is realizing that increasing our knowledge and understanding of the world never ends. There is
always another expansion or deeper understanding to what we think we know. Gemini exposes the flaws inherit in
personal truths to help us understand the universal truths that are timeless and in harmony with natural laws.
Somewhere in the history of the human race we came to believe that we could control our outer world in order to feel
secure. We then started to distort our relationships with nature. When natural laws are ignored time and time again
nature has shown us it has the last word. Think Katrina here. Humans must remember we have a symbiotic
relationship with nature; another Sag archetype. Accept and relate to nature. Honor nature, it is the natural place of
worship. Do not ignore it.
Somewhere in the history of the human race we came to think we could be in charge over other species on the planet,
including other human beings. We then created beliefs that some were more entitled than others to discern, regulate
and use the resources of the planet rather than share them. These conditioned beliefs have become so ingrained
most humans cannot even recognize that they are distortions from natural laws and principles.
Human beings have created beliefs (usually via religions) that it is acceptable to declare war and destroy other
humans in order have the control and feel secure. We have been doing it for so long no one can remember who
started war first. We just keep repeating the Scorpionic cycles of revenge and power over others to have the apparent
History, via archeology, shows us this wasn’t always the case. If we go back far enough we can find hunting tools
without finding war tools. Humans lived together in concert with nature. There was no separation of spirit and flesh
which is the Garden of Eden myth of western religions. How, when and why we distorted our relationship with nature
and others is the endless Sagittarian debate.
However, we are able to use our Sagittarian intuition to understand that healthy, happy people are a peaceful people.
Healthy people must have the basics in life taken care of: enough food, clothing and shelter, and in today’s modern
world add on healthcare. They tend to have genuine relationships with other humans and other species. They tend to
have freedom in life, including the choice to believe whatever they choose. Without any formalized religion they can
learn to understand that what they give they receive in turn – and the opposite. Sagittarius is the sign where all these
important natural principles reside.
Sun in Capricorn
The solar month of Capricorn initiates the Winter Solstice and the return of the Sun in the northern hemisphere. For
the next six months, daylight increases a few minutes each day while the dark of night decreases. This return of the
Sun is the basis of powerful myths throughout history. Nothing replaces the life force we receive from the solar
luminary in this physical plane.
The archetype of Capricorn calls us to determine or review our life’s purpose and accept the responsibility in creating
it. Most people call this a career. In this search, however, many souls feel they do not have much control over their
life let alone their choice of work. Capricorn asks us to mature our relationships with society and the world. Sagittarius
helped us make sense of life. Now Capricorn wants us to do something with our life. If the understanding of our world
is that power and security lie outside of us, then we can feel quite powerless. We feel battered around by the whims of
others, and we seek a way to control things in order to feel secure.
Capricorn wants to formalize Sagittarian philosophies into laws and stabilize everything. The risk is crystallizing life
into so much conformity there is no freedom left. All groups of people must create rules, customs, norms and taboos
in order to get along and function as a community or society. Over time, every society balances the freedom to grow
with the need to abide by its customs and laws. This Capricorn tendency to structure and consolidate can be very
necessary. It can further goals by becoming the solid foundation for more sustained growth in the future.
Souls who think that power lies outside of themselves do not feel free even if they live in a “free” society. A deeper
lesson with Capricorn is taught by its polarity Cancer. The sign of Cancer represents emotional self-reliance. We
must learn to become totally responsible for our own emotional needs under any and all circumstances, personally as
well as within society. This will create an inner sense of security regardless of what is happening around us. We
ultimately realize that true power comes from within.
This inner emotional security can then mature into an outer security with Capricorn. Our inner world creates our outer
world. We accept responsibility for ourselves and everything we attract to us. We grow up and mature. We learn how
to function in our community and contribute in healthy ways. The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Capricorn is: I
achieve my goals with emotional self-reliance.
Some societies allow lots of freedom of choice in occupations. Other societies dictate what its citizens must do. In
some societies these freedoms, or lack thereof, are based upon gender. The Capricorn-Cancer axis of the zodiac
relates to gender and gender assignment. Capricorn is known as the father or masculine energies while Cancer
correlates to the mother and feminine qualities. We all have both signs in our birth charts regardless of our gender.
We are all learning to balance the anima-animus within our own soul.
Capricorn tends to define gender roles by traditional means. It wants the masculine outer control, usually over the
feminine gender as well as in every other area of life. Yet that outlook can crumble when the feminine emotions are
not part of the balance. Look at the gender distortions in every country of the world today. As Pluto entered Capricorn
on November 26 for the next 15 years, these gender role and gender equality issues will come to the forefront again
and again. Somehow human consciousness will learn to accept and respect gender freedoms in the coming Aquarian
Age. We will learn to love on a soul basis first, regardless of the gender, while nothing is taken away from natural
gender roles.
When the need for Capricorn control crystallizes our life – relationships, career, beliefs, etc – evolving forces come
along and break things up. We lose control. This is a deep desire with Capricorn, to be able to let go and lose control.
This process usually means learning to access and acknowledge those deep emotions not in balance with our outer
world. Capricorn likes to deny the emotional side of things, and yet evolution takes place through the emotional body.
This can be one of the hardest lessons for Capricorn – denial of outer success until the emotional work is addressed.
We are effective in our careers when we bring our Sagittarian intuition along, which tends to operate through the
emotions. How many times has the spark of genius just come out of nowhere? Healthy Capricorn energy gets in
touch with that emotional realm and leads with it. We learn to reach into the depths of our own soul and develop
healthy self-determination. We take charge of our lives with an inner sense of knowing that allows us to adapt and
change with whatever happens in our outer world.
The Sun’s, and Jupiter’s, transitions from Sagittarius to Capricorn are mini examples (these two months and 20072008 respectively) of what we may expect through Pluto’s long, 15-year, transit in Capricorn. The days of Pluto in Sag
(1995-2008) – more and more expansion like one big party that never ends – are crashing into Capricorn reality
checks. The bubbles have burst. Nowhere do we see this more starkly than in the economic arena, worldwide.
The westernized world’s financial structures have been increasingly based upon mathematical wizardry with no
connections to physical resources, the domain of Capricorn. Monetary supplies are paperless and in real danger of
becoming meaningless. It will be an interesting ride through Pluto in Capricorn, especially when Uranus moves into
Aries and makes its SEVEN first-quarter squares (crisis in action) to Pluto in 2012-2015.
The lesson is to re-prioritize our relationship with the outer world and material resources. It is learning to live within our
means, including financial ones, and honoring all resources as sacred fruits of Gaia, planet Earth. The global
community, Capricorn, is at a crossroads of social systems and structures based upon exclusiveness versus
inclusiveness. Will we learn to love each other or destroy each other?
The self-responsibility journey of Capricorn will find collective groups balancing support for basic human rights with the
need to mature. Many groups and organizations deplore government welfare systems while their financial systems are
dependent upon keeping the public in perpetual debt. The distortions of the archetype of Capricorn are classic for
creating extremes between the “haves” and the “have nots.” When the lessons of more equitable social structures are
not learned, Aquarius comes along with the famous rebellions and revolutions.
The physical realm of Capricorn – an earth sign – must recognize that everything is connected to everything else – in
holographic energy and therefore in manifestations. Capricorn without Cancer is incomplete, as all signs need their
polarity in order to be whole and complete. Physical well-being, Capricorn, comes from emotional well-being, Cancer.
Sun in Aquarius
The solar month of Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) is a time to detach and look at our life as objectively as
possible. Where are we stuck? What needs to be released? Aquarius teaches us to de-condition from our patterns
and progress forward in life. The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Aquarius is: I break free with new creativity in
Our souls desire security quite strongly, post Sun in Capricorn. We tend to become entrenched with holding on to
what has come before. In other words, we project past experiences forward into the future. We then wonder why
nothing in our life ever changes. The future, no matter how much we may desire to create it, is unknown and therefore
insecure. It takes courage and willpower to move ahead and leave the past behind.
Aquarius, with its rulership from Uranus, represents the unconscious mind or the individuated unconsciousness. It is
where all the left-brain details end up. It is the storehouse part of our mind we access to understand the past, no
matter how far back, no matter how many lifetimes ago.
Our tendency is to push the present day issues we wish to avoid below the surface into the subconscious. Aquarius
will not allow us to do that for long. It will keep popping those issues back up into consciousness to be processed.
These are the thoughts in our head that just do not go away. Aquarian energy is always helping us address things in
order to evolve.
Aquarius can also give us visions of the future and the blueprint to follow. Our unconscious mind sparks us with
repeated messages of what is coming next. The more repetitious the messages we experience, the more immediate
our choices become. Many times it is where our soul really desires to go on the deepest levels. If it is too
disassociated from the present moment, we tend to ignore things again.
Then, due to this tendency to suppress the revelations of the unconscious mind, the present moment can blow up in
our face. This is how Aquarius signifies shock and trauma. We ignore our own warning signs. Who hasn’t had that
relationship or job or possession taken away, and upon reflection we can see how we just ignored the signposts along
the way.
Such are the meanings of Aquarius. We can detach to observe and yet we must reengage back in and live life. The
polarity sign is Leo which can be full of self. Leo thinks the world revolves around it. Aquarius comes along to teach
us about the world and community. The detachment is to look outside of our self in order to see our role in the
As the second-to-last sign of the zodiac, Aquarius demands that our perspective broaden until we can glimpse the
whole global village. Aquarius tends to rip apart whatever Capricorn has tried to crystallize for its security reasons.
Many times the Aquarian rebels are working to move things forward which are very threatening to the status quo.
Society is always balancing the needs of the group with the needs of the individual. Aquarius is our opportunity to
relate to the community and yet not hold us back from changing. When we can break free from the past or societal
conformities, we individuate. This is more difficult than it sounds. It is much easier to go along with the crowd than
stand up and be noticed as different or progressive.
Yet to truly be our self is the only way to satisfy our soul. Allowing others to condition us makes us feel trapped. From
Capricorn to Aquarius we get to figure out how to be in society yet not of society. We quest to become a free
individual functioning in our groups as we continue to evolve and change.
Currently, the first day of spring in the tropical zodiac is moving backwards through the constellation of Pisces and into
the constellation of Aquarius. The transition into the Aquarian Age is happening. The exact date can be debated;
however, the changing times on this cusp of Ages cannot be ignored. The transitions of the Great Ages always bring
the shakeups of old cycles and patterns to be released in order to move forward, with an emphasis when the coming
Age is Aquarius. Jesus is associated with ushering in the Piscean Age 2,000 years ago and both were known as the
symbol of the fish.
Every year as the Sun passes through tropical Aquarius, these detach, break free and evolve lessons are intensified.
It can be quite unsettling, and it is a preview of the times to come. It requires a major effort to step back and see the
larger picture versus the immediacy our own situation, both individually and collectively.
One of the most popular Aquarian Age messages is “unity in diversity” rather than demanding unity in conformity or
sameness. Look around and observe nature. Have we found any two fingerprints, snowflakes or animal species the
same yet? Diversity is natural law. How diverse can you become while serving your community? Let Aquarius show
you the way.
Sun in Pisces
The solar month of Pisces is the time for deep inner reflection that brings the annual solar cycle of creative
actualization to closure. In metaphysical terms, the wave returns to the sea as we face our next merging with
Universal Source. Pisces is ego learning how to unite with soul.
This is not an easy thing to do for most of us. It is far easier to want for yet another egoic desire rather than initiate
deep soul searching. The Aquarian shocks are usually followed by Piscean intuition and deeper understandings.
When the shock and trauma lessons of Aquarius are too much, we can then check out through Pisces’ addictions,
fantasies and illusions.
The Evolutionary Astrology mantra for Pisces is: I am in wholeness with my reality. As the last sign of the zodiac,
Pisces can symbolize wholeness, perfection and unconditional love. Virgo, its opposite sign, signifies the lack of
perfection and conditional love. The Virgo-Pisces axis can also symbolize the flesh and spirit of human-made religions
that have evolved onto the planet. Over the last two thousand years of the Piscean Age, humans have been
conditioned to believe flesh and spirit are somehow opposed to each other.
We have been lead to believe there is a perfect (male) god out there judging us from above. This has created false
beliefs, thoughts and emotions of guilt over our human imperfections of the flesh. This guilt is deeply unconscious for
most of us. Two responses have followed: atonement and anger, or the victim and victor. We can take this to the
extremes of the masochist and the sadist. Many bounce back and forth between these cycles of punishment and
frustration, never questioning what created these conditionings in the first place. After all, why would a perfect god
create this mess?
Is it possible the Unmanifest came forth in a desire to evolve and perfect itself? Can perfection be a process?
Conditioned guilt and the judgments created around it can carry some powerful control mechanisms. A deep Piscean
lesson is learning to unconditionally love our self and our imperfections as we strive to evolve and perfect. Pisces
compassion anyone?
Natural spiritual principles teach us that Universal Source, Creator, Great Spirit, God, Goddess (pick your term here) is
beyond both genders. Source is found completely within to then be reflected outward to the degree that we can
recognize it. The biggest realization is that the Universal Source is an Evolving Force. How about a creation based
upon evolution?
If Christianity (or Islam or Judaism, etc) is the only way to find that perfect god, what are the other religions or
indigenous beliefs to do? Truth is simple. Pisces is about dissolving the boundaries until we realize we are all One.
The journey we all take is to arrive within our self. As each of us evolves one more step, so does the Evolving Force
that created us.
Humanity is so invested in the word religion and waging wars over the competing beliefs around it. We want to convert
everyone to our own beliefs in order to feel secure or “right” or superior. Some of the most deeply loving and giving
people never set foot inside a mosque or church or holy building. They call Earth itself the most holy place. They
emanate holiness without any connection to a specific belief system.
How petty we will look to the extraterrestrials when they make their presence known in the coming Aquarian Age! Oh
dear! Is this is too much information? It must be time to check out. Where did my Piscean illusions go? I need
another fix. Pisces is also a sign of humor. When things get too deep or too scary, it is time to laugh or cry or check
out with the latest escape mechanism.
This is the solar month to practice love, the giving and receiving of it. The more we practice something the better we
get at it. Can you love someone enough to set them free if that is what they desire? Can you love yourself the way
you desire another to love you, especially when they do not love you the way you desire? Can you love yourself
enough to remove your presence from those who are abusive or loving you conditionally?
A beautiful expression of unconditional Pisces love is self-love, especially with all our Virgo imperfections. If guilt
arises at the thought of loving yourself, ask where it comes from – conditioned guilt or natural guilt? Can you discern
the difference? If another calls you too selfish, can you discern if this is true and make any necessary changes?
Or, could it be their lack of self-love choosing to manipulate you instead? When we truly grasp that unconditionally
loving our self is neither selfish nor selfless, we are able to hold healthy boundaries where necessary. We start
moving down that path of reconnection to Universal Source. We align our ego with our soul’s deepest desires, and
then merge our soul with another and another until we realize we are all One.
Again, this is much easier said than done. It takes major Aquarian objectivity to see past five thousand years or more
of human-made conditioning. We doubt (Virgo) ourselves. Uprisings of anger may be necessary signs that something
is out of balance. Unconscious anger also relates to Pisces and it happens when we have given our power away
outside of our self. It can also come from power that has been taken away from us.
As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces must understand everything (11 other signs) that came before it. This means
Pisces must accept complete responsibility for every thing or person or situation in its life. We create both consciously
and unconsciously. When Pisces realizes it has something to do with attracting ALL its experiences, then selfresponsibility becomes more conscious. We create our realities – good, bad and everything in between.
However, when we accept complete responsibility for our self, we also gain complete freedom for our self. Anger
begins to lessen when we utilize it as a tool to know our self better, and become more and more conscious of exactly
what we energize into our lives. It is far easier to cry “victim,” yet doing so just sets us up to repeat the patterns into
the future. We may actually be the victim in any particular situation, yet claiming self-responsibility for co-creating on
every level moves us along the path of freedom to energize a different outcome next time.