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Historical Eras
Prehistoric Era
Classical Antiquity
The Middle Ages
Modern History
Contemporary Era
5000 years ago
The Prehistoric Era
• The first humans are called cavemen.
• Why do we call them cavemen?
What’s a cave?
• What are the cavemen holding?
• What are the cavemen wearing?
The Prehistoric Era has three parts.
1. The Paleolithic Period
2. The Neolithic Period
3. The Metal Ages
1. The Paleolithic Period
• Hunting and gathering
• What’s hunting?
• What’s gathering?
2. The Neolithic Period
• Agriculture and husbandry
• What’s agriculture?
• What’s husbandry?
3. The Metal Ages
• Peoples used copper (cobre), bronze (bronce), and
iron (hierro) to make tools and weapons.
• The wheel was invented.
• Why is the wheel important?
Classical Antiquity
• Begins when writing was invented 5000 years ago.
• Major empires and trade routes appeared.
The Middle Ages
• The Middle Ages begin with the fall of The Roman Empire in
476 AD.
• The Middle Ages end with the discovery of America in
In 1492, Colombus sailed the ocean blue.
Modern History
• Modern History begins with the discovery of America and
ends with the French Revolution in 1789.
• New lands were explored.
• What lands?
• Revolutionary ideas emerged.
The Contemporary Era
• The Contemporary Era begins with the French Revolution in
1789 and continues until today.
• The world is divided into rich and poor countries.
• There are major developments in technology.
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