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Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA)
Center of Environmental Health and Biophysics
Atmospheric Environment Division (AED)
Director: Professor Christos Zerefos, Academician
Presenter: Kostas Eleftheratos (PhD) [email protected]
The Atmospheric Environment Division (AED) of the Biomedical Research
Foundation of the Academy of Athens (BRFAA) focuses on continuous monitoring of
the dangerous solar ultraviolet radiation, daily total ozone and sulphur dioxide
columns as well as of gaseous species and meteorological parameters, all of which
are related to environment and health.
Measurements at AED are performed on a daily basis at the roof of BRFAA by a
spectroradiometer, two pyranometers and a meteorological station. AED
collaborates closely with the Department of the Northern Hemisphere Ozone
Mapping Centre of the World Meteorological Organisation of the United Nations
and has participated at the national project of GSRT entitled “National Network for
the Measurement of Ultraviolet Solar Radiation” (Coordinator AUTH, 2003–2006,
AED has participated in a number of national and international activities, among
which was the free offer of the erythemal doses of solar UV radiation to the
Olympic athletes of ATHENS 2004, through the website Since the
beginning of its operation, scientists working at AED have participated in a number
of competitive European research projects (CANDIDOZ, QUOBI, SCOUT-O3,
QUANTIFY, GEMS, CIRCE, GEOMON, AMFIC and MACC). Scientists working in AED
have published papers in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings and
participated in the WMO/UNEP and IPCC assessments.
AED has participated in the organization of three important international
meetings: a) in October 2003 in cooperation with the European Academies Science
Advisory Council (EASAC), b) in June 2004 at Kos Island, where about 500 scientists
from all over the world participated in the Quadrennial Ozone Symposium 2004 and
c) in Athens, in September 2007, AED participated in the organization of the
Symposium on the occasion of the 20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol
entitled “Ozone depletion: from its discovery to Envisat and Aura”.
In December 2009, a unique Greek-Swedish research cooperation between
industry and academia on environment and climate in the Mediterranean was
signed in Stockholm. The Bert Bolin Centre for Climate Research at Stockholm
University, the Centre of Environmental Health and Biophysics of BRFAA and TEMES
S.A., a Greek private company, signed a trilateral agreement for the establishment
of the “Navarino Environmental Observatory (N.E.O.)” in Greece, in the region of
Messinia in the southwest Peloponnese. N.E.O., which started operating during
2010, is dedicated to the study of climate change and its impacts on the natural
environment and human activities in the Mediterranean region.
• One Brewer MK IV monochromator measuring columnar amounts of ozone, SO2 and NO2. It is
also operating as a spectroradiometer, measuring irradiances in the UV-B part of the spectrum
at 0.5 nm intervals.
• Two Yankee UV-B instruments measuring solar erythemal doses.
• A multi-channel NILU radiometer measuring solar radiation in the UV-B and UV-A parts of the
spectrum as well as photo-synthetically active radiation (PAR).
• A multi-filter rotating shadow band radiometer (MFR-7) providing aerosol optical depths at five
wavelengths (415, 501, 615, 675, 867 nm).
• Other radiometric instruments, central computer facility
• One complete meteorological station providing measurements of air temperature, relative
humidity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind speed and wind direction.
• Library
Northern Hemisphere Ozone Mapping Centre of the WMO
National network for the measurement of ultraviolet solar radiation
UV radiation measurements at Nicosia
National network for the measurement of ultraviolet solar radiation
Forecast of UV index
Contact Details
National Delegate: Prof. Christos Zerefos
Supervisor: Prof. Vassileios Tritakis
Scientific Collaborator: Mrs Eleni Christia
Contact persons in GEO
Dr. Robert Koopman, Climate, Architecture, Data (GCI)
Support to the Architecture and Data Committee
Dr. Michael Williams
External Relations Manager
EC ENVIRONMENT Project “Chemical and Dynamical Influences on Decadal Ozone Change (CANDIDOZ)”,
(Coordinator E. Kyro), 2002-2005.
EC ENVIRONMENT Project “Quantitive Understanding of Ozone Losses by Bipolar Investigations (QUOBI)”,
(Coordinator P. von der Gathen), 2002-2005.
EC FP6 Integrated Project ”Stratosphere-Climate Links with Emphasis On The UTLS (SCOUT O3)”, (Coordinator N.
Harris), 2004-2009.
National project “Greek national network for UV-Monitoring (UVNET)”, (Coordinator A. Bais), 2003-2006.
EC FP6 Integrated Project “Quantifying the climate impact of global and European Transport Systems (QUANTIFY)”
(Coordinator R. Sausen), 2005-2010.
EC FP6 Integrated Project “Global and regional Earth-system Monitoring using Satellite and in-situ data (GEMS)”,
(Coordinator T. Hollingsworth), 2005-2010.
EC FP6 Integrated Project “Climate Change and Impact Research: The Mediterranean Environment (CIRCE)”,
(Coordinator A. Navara), 2007-2011.
EC FP6 Integrated project “Global Earth Observation and Monitoring (GEOmon)”, (Coordinator P. Ciais), 2007-2011.
EC FP6 Project “Air Quality Monitoring and Forecasting in China (AMFIC)”, (Coordinator R. Van der A), 2007-2009.
EC FP7 Project “Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate (MACC)”, (Coordinator A. Simmons), 2009-2011.
• Symposium “20th Anniversary of the Montreal Protocol”, Athens Concert Hall, Greece,
23-26 September 2007.
• Colloquium entitled: “Climate Change”, IGBP-Global Change and MariolopoulosKanaginis Foundation for the Environmental Sciences, Foundation for Biomedical
Research of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece, 15 June 2006.
• Workshop on Implementation of IGACO-Ozone, Athens, Greece, 15-17 May 2006.
• XX Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, QOS2004, Kos Island, Greece, 1-8 June 2004.
• Colloquium entitled: “Environment and Health”, Foundation for Biomedical Research of
the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece, 22 October 2003.
1. Laboratory of Climatology and
Atmospheric Environment, National
and Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Greece
A. Bais, Professor
Visiting Scientist
Atmospheric Environment Division
Biomedical Research Foundation of
the Academy of Athens
2. National Observatory of Athens,
A. Kazantzidis, Assistant Professor
Visiting Scientist
3. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
C. Meleti, Assistant Professor
Visiting Scientist
4. Department of Geophysics,
University of Oslo, Norway
5. Department of Dynamics of the
Atmosphere, Institute of
Atmospheric Physics, D.L.R.,
6. Bert Bolin Centre for Climate
Research at Stockholm University,
P. Nastos, Associate Professor
Visiting Scientist
E. Gerasopoulos, Research Director
Visiting Scientist
S. Kazadzis, Associate Researcher
Visiting Scientist
V. Amiridis, Associate Researcher
Visiting Scientist
K. Eleftheratos, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Ken Lamb
4 Soranou Ephessiou
11527 Athens, Greece
Tel: +30 210 8832048
+30 210 6597216
+30 210 7274133 (University)
Fax: +30 210 8842098
e-mail: [email protected]