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20.2 Reading Guide
Pg 393
1. What are the two major areas of the ocean floor?
2. What kind of rocks or crust makes up the continental margins?
3. What kind of rocks or crust makes up the deep ocean basin?
4. Where do you think the thick wedge of sediments on the continental margins come from?
5. Where do you think the thin wedge of sediments in the deep ocean come from?
6. Why isn’t the shoreline the true boundary between the continent and the ocean crust?
7. What is the continental shelf?
8. Is the continental shelf steeply dipping or shallow in nature?
9. What is the average depth of the ocean over the continental shelf in meters? ________ in feet?
(one meter = approx. 1.1 yd.) ________________ (show work)
10. Where is the widest or biggest continental shelf?
11. On average, what is the width of the continental shelf on the east coast? (in meters) ________
in miles? (one Km. = approx .62 miles) ________________ (show work)
12. Copy and label the picture at the bottom of the page, showing the ocean floor.
Pg 394
13. Why will sea level go down during an ice age?
14. During an ice age, will more or less of the continental shelf be exposed?
15. How is the continental shelf under the ocean different than the land above the water?
16. Describe the continental slope.
Pg 395
17. What is a submarine canyon?
18. What do turbidity currents carry?
19. * What is the difference between the continental slope and the continental rise?
20. List four features that can be found in a deep ocean basin.
21. What is the deepest trench in the world? ______________________How deep is it in meters?
_________________ How deep is it in feet? (show work) _________________,
How deep is it in miles? (one mile == 5280 feet) (show work) _____________________
22. What are trenches associated with?
23. Copy and label the picture at the top of the page.
24. Where are four places that deep ocean trenches can be found?
Pg 396
25. What are the abyssal plains?
26. About how deep are the abyssal plains? ___________ In feet? ________(show work)
27. How flat are the abyssal plains?
28. How do sediments get to the abyssal plains in the deep ocean?
29. ** Career focus** What technique did Chris Newbert develop?
Pg 397
30. Why are the sediments on the Pacific abyssal plain thinner than the sediments on the Atlantic
abyssal plain?
31. What is the most prominent feature of the ocean basin?
32. Where will the mid ocean ridge rise above sea level?
Pg 398
33. Where will mid ocean ridges form?
34. What is another name for the depression that runs down the crest of the mid ocean ridge?
_____________________ What forms there? ____________________
35. From what you read on this page, is the main part of the Atlantic Ocean (away from the
ridge) rising or sinking? ________________________ Why?
36. What is the difference between a seamount and an abyssal hill?
37. How do guyots form?
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