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Stronger with the EU – a united Europe closer to the citizens
Poul Skytte Christoffersen
Chairman of Think Tank EUROPA
Mr. Christoffersen is Chairman of the Danish think tank
EUROPA as well as “Chairman of the Board” to the think tank
European Policy Centre in Brussels. He is the former
Ambassador at the Permanent Representation of Denmark to
the EU (1995-2003 and 2009-2010) as well as former Danish
Ambassador in Rome (2003-2005) and Danish Ambassador to
Belgium until 2014. Mr. Christoffersen has served as Head of
Cabinet to Commissioner Fischer Boel, and in 2010 he was
Special Advisor to High Representative Ashton.
For Mr. Christoffersen’s take on European challanges in wake
of the Trump victory please click here:
Herman Van Rompuy
Former President of the European Council
Mr. Van Rompuy has a long political career in Belgian and
European politics behind him. He is the former President of the
European Council, appointed from 2009 to 2014. A politician
from Belgium's Christian Democratic and Flemish party, Van
Rompuy served as Prime Minister of Belgium from 2008 to
2009. In November 2009, he was selected by the members of
the European Council as the first full-time President of the
Council under the Treaty of Lisbon. In March 2012, he was reelected for a second term from June 2012 to November 2014.
For an interview with Mr. van Rompuy on the consequences of
Brexit for the EU, please click here:
Ivan Krastev
Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies
Mr. Krastev is the Chairman of the Centre for Liberal Strategies
in Sofia and Permanent Fellow at the Institute for Human
Sciences in Vienna. He is a founding board member of the
European Council on Foreign Relations, as well as a member
of a range of organizations, amongst others a member of the
advisory board of the ERSTE Foundation and a member of the
global advisory board of Open Society Foundations in New
York. Mr. Krastev is also associate editor of Europe’s World and
a member of the editorial board of the Journal of
Democracy and Transit – Europäische Revue.
For an opinion by Mr. Krastev in The New York Times on Trump
and Europe, please click here:
Lykke Friis
Prorector of the University of Copenhagen
Mrs. Friis is the Prorector of the University of Copenhagen in
Denmark, but have a long political career behind her. She has
been the Minister of Climate and Energy as well as Minister for
Equality in Denmark (2009-2011), and was a member of the
Danish Parliament from 2011-2013. Mrs. Friis also has a career
in academia. She holds a PhD from the University of
Copenhagen and has been an affiliate professor at the
Copenhagen Business School as well as having taught at a
range of Danish institutions of higher education on European
For an article on how the EU could reform European
universities, please click here:
Enrique Barón Crespo
President of the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation
Mr. Crespo is the President of the International Yehudi
Menuhin Foundation as well as a member of the advisory
board of the British think tank Gold Mercury International. He
is a member of the Spanish Socialist Worker’s Party and sat in
the European Parliament for the group until 2009. He was
previously President of the European Parliament from 19891992. Before Mr. Crespo was Chairman of the Group of the
Party of European Socialists in the European Parliament (19992004) and Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
(1992-1995) amongst other roles.
For a recent speech by Mr. Crespo on the monstrous or civic
nature of the EU, please click here:
Connie Hedegaard
CEO of KR Foundation
Mrs. Hedegaard is the CEO of the KR Foundation which works
on climate change. Climate change has also been a key subject
in her political career. She is former European Commissioner
for Climate Action (2010 – 2014 and prior to her position as
Commissioner, she was Minister for The United Nations
Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen (2009), Danish
Minister of Climate and Energy (2007-2009), and Danish
Minister for Environment (2004-2007). She has also been a
member of the Danish Parliament from 1984-1990 and from
For an interview on her legacy as the first Commissioner for
Climate Change, please click here:
Uffe Ellemann-Jensen
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs in Denmark
Mr. Ellemann-Jensen was Minister of Foreign Affairs in
Denmark from 1982-1993 and President of the Danish Liberal
Party, Venstre, from 1984-1998. He has been a long-time
member of the Danish Parliament being elected in 1977, but
withdrew in 2001. He was also the President of the European
Liberal Party ELDR from 1994-2000. Furthermore, he was
Chairman of the former Danish Centre for International Studies
and Human Rights from 2004-2008 and an affiliate professor
at the University of Copenhagen in 2007.
For an opinion for Project Syndicate on Brexit by Mr. EllemannJensen, please click here:
Eske Willerslev
Professor at Centre for Geogenetics, University of Copenhagen
Mr. Willerslev is Director of Centre of Excellence in
GeoGenetics and the National CryoBank and Sequencing
Facility, situated at the National History Museum and the
Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen. During his PhD,
he established the first ancient DNA facility in Denmark, which
became internationally recognized for establishing the fields of
ancient sedimentary and ice core genetics. Mr. Willerslev is
now an internationally recognized researcher in the fields of
ancient DNA, DNA degradation, and evolutionary biology. He
has 38 publications in Science and Nature, and 160
publications in other high profile peer review journals.
For an interview with Mr. Willerslev in the New York Times,
please click here:
Bjarke Møller
Director of Think Tank EUROPA
Mr. Møller is the Director of Think Tank EUROPA, a proEuropean think tank based in Copenhagen. Before joining
EUROPA, he was Editor-in-Chief at the weekly magazine and
Danish think tank, Monday Morning from 2008 to 2013. For
more than twenty years he has worked as a journalist, foreign
correspondent and editor at leading newspapers and at the
Danish Broadcasting Corporation. Mr. Møller is the author of
several books on globalisation, European affairs and
For a speech given at the “Model Europan Parliament” for
European students, please click here:
Stronger with the EU – a united Europe closer to the citizens
Participants in the political debate
Jan E. Jørgensen
Member of the Danish Parliament
Mr. Jørgensen has been a Member of the Danish Parliament since
2011. He was elected as a candidate for the Danish Liberal Party,
Venstre, and is the party’s spokesperson on EU affairs.
Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen
Member of the Danish Parliament
Mr. Hummelgaard has been a Member of the Danish Parliament
since June 2015. He was elected as a candidate for the Social
Democrats’ Party, and is the party’s spokesperson on EU affairs.
Zenia Stampe
Member of the Danish Parliament
Mrs. Stampe has been a Member of the Danish Parliament since
2011. She was elected as a candidate for the Danish Social-Liberal
Party, and is the party’s spokesperson on EU affairs.
Participants in the business leader panel
Jørgen Tang-Jensen
Mr. Tang-Jensen has been the CEO of VELUX since 2001, but has
been affiliated with the company since 1981. VELUX is a 75-yearold
Danish company specializing in roof windows that now operates in
more than 40 countries worldwide.
Jukka Pertola
CEO of Siemens Denmark
Mr. Pertola has been the CEO of Siemens Denmark since 2002 and
was also the CEO of Infrastructure and Cities for Siemens in the
North European Region from 2011-2014. Furthermore, he was
elected President for the Academy for the Technical Sciences in
April 2016.
Torben Möger Pedernsen
CEO of PensionDanmark
Mr. Pedersen has been the CEO of PensionDanmark since the
company’s beginning in 1992. Furthermore, he is a board member
of, amongst others, the Danish Society for Education and Business,
the Danish Insurance Association and a member of the Investment
Committee of Copenhagen Infrastructure I and II.