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Headgear wear is an essential part of your orthodontic treatment. It is very
important that you follow these instructions carefully, and if you experience
any problems with wearing your headgear, that you let my receptionist know
as soon as possible so I can see you to sort out the problem.
You will be shown how to insert and remove the face bow safely, and how to
attach it to your neckstrap or headcap. Fitting the face bow can seem very
difficult initially, but as with all things, it gets easier with practice.
The face bow has a safety locking mechanism so that it should not come out
of your mouth unless you unhook it. This is to prevent the bow falling out
when you are asleep when you could then roll over onto it and be hurt. You
should not wear the headgear in any situation where it is likely to be knocked
– you are expected to wear it for 12-14 hours out of 24, so the hours that you
are in bed, plus the hours you are watching television, doing homework,
working at the computer etc. should give you enough daily hours. If you wear
the headgear less than 10 hours it is unlikely that there will be any significant
tooth movement, so your planned orthodontic treatment will not be able to be
For the firsts few days you will probably find that your back teeth ache a little
in the mornings, but as they start to move this should stop.
You will be given a timesheet to fill in each day with the times during which
you wear your headgear. Please try to complete this each day – honestly –
so that an accurate assessment of your progress can be made – and bring the
sheets AND YOUR HEADGEAR to each orthodontic appointment.
Rupinder K Sidhu BDS MFDS MSc MOrth
Anglesea Terrace Orthodontic Practice The Basement 6 Anglesea Terrace St Leonards-On-Sea, TN38 0QS
T: 01424 424847 E: [email protected]
Company Number: 08310017
Rupinder K Sidhu BDS MFDS MSc MOrth
Anglesea Terrace Orthodontic Practice The Basement 6 Anglesea Terrace St Leonards-On-Sea, TN38 0QS
T: 01424 424847 E: [email protected]
Company Number: 08310017