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Creating a Customer and Calling the Account Service
This guide will walk you through retrieving a customerKey, which is a numeric value that is used to
retrieve data for a particular customer. A new customer is created with an initial dataset each time you
make a call to the createCustomer operation under the Admin service. You’ll need to create a customer
first, as all the other web service calls rely on a customerKey. We will create a customer and retrieve
their unique customerKey. Then we will use this customerKey to make a call to the Account service in
order to retrieve a list of bank accounts for the customer. Please follow the steps below:
1.) Navigate to the Developer Portal at:
2.) Click the “Sign in” link and log in with your developer account:
3.) Click on the “Applications” icon on the left side of the Developer Portal. You should see an
application registered here. If you do not see one, please follow the steps to register an
application in the following guide: “PNC_Developer_Portal_Registration.pdf”
4.) On the Application page, you should see a text box for Client ID. Click the button called “Show”
to reveal the Client ID value:
5.) Copy and save this Client ID value. A valid Client ID is needed to access all of the web services.
An example Client ID is: c1a12b9b-2805-4bfc-ba38-fbda5f3e2db6
6.) Now click on the “APIs” icon on the left side of the Developer Portal. Find the “Admin” service
and click on it:
7.) Under the “Resources” section find the “createCustomer” service. Click the “+” icon in the
“Details” column to show the URL endpoint. Save this URL for use in the next step:
8.) Modify the URL endpoint to use your Client ID. For example:
9.) Call this URL endpoint to generate a new customer. For example, you can copy this URL with
the Client ID parameter into a web browser. Entering this URL will return a JSON response that
contains the customerKey:
In this case, the “id” value of “609407” is our customerKey. Save this customerKey value for our
next web service call.
10.) We will now call the URL endpoint for the “Accounts” service to return a list of bank accounts
for our customer. We will use our Client ID and customerKey as parameters in this URL. More
details of this API call can be found in the service guide, “TartanHacksServices.pdf”:
11.) You can test this call by pasting the “Accounts” service URL into a web browser. It will return a
JSON response containing a list of bank accounts:
Note: Please reference the API service guide “TartanHacksServices.pdf” for further details and
additional URL endpoints for all the other available services.