Download Unit F: Quadrilaterals (1.6, 5.3-5.7)

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Unit F: Quadrilaterals (1.6, 5.3-5.7)
□ I can define and classify special quadrilaterals.
□ I will define and recognize a trapezoid, kite, parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, and square.
□ I will sketch, label, and mark a quadrilateral given a specific description.
□ I can apply the properties of a kite to solve problems.
□ I will explain and use the relationship between the nonvertex angles of a kite.
□ I will explain and use the relationships formed by the diagonals of a kite.
□ I can apply the properties of a trapezoid to solve problems.
□ I will explain and use the relationships between the angles of trapezoids and isosceles
□ I will explain and use the relationship between the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid.
□ I can apply the properties of midsegments of triangles and trapezoids to solve problems.
□ I will define the midsegment of a triangle and trapezoid.
□ I will explain and use the properties of a midsegment in a triangle to find the measures of angles
and lengths of segments.
□ I will explain and use the properties of a midsegment in a trapezoid to find the measures of
angles and lengths of segments.
□ I can apply the properties of parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, and squares to solve
□ I will explain and use the relationships between the angles of a parallelogram.
□ I will explain and use the relationship between the diagonals of a parallelogram.
□ I will explain and use the relationships formed by the diagonals of a rhombus.
□ I will explain and use the relationships formed by the diagonals of a rectangle.
□ I will explain and use the relationships formed by the diagonals of a square.
□ I can find and compare the slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines.
□ I will explain the relationship between the slopes of parallel lines.
□ I will explain the relationship between the slopes of perpendicular lines.
□ I will find the equation of a parallel or perpendicular line given a slope and point.
Key Vocabulary and Concepts
base angles
consecutive angles
isosceles trapezoid
nonvertex angles
vertex angles
Kite Angles Conjecture
Kite Diagonals Conjecture
Kite Diagonal Bisector Conjecture
Kite Angle Biesctor Conjecture
Trapezoid Consecutive Angles Conejcture
Isosceles Trapezoid Conjecture
Isosceles Trapezoid Diagonals Conjecture
Three Midsegments Conjecture
Triangle Midsegment Conjecture
Online Textbook
Trapezoid Midsegment Conjecture
Parallelogram Opposite Angles Conjecture
Parallelogram Consecutive Angles Conjecture
Parallelogram Opposite Sides Conjecture
Parallelogram Diagonals Conjecture
Rhombus Diagonal Conjecture
Rhombus Angles Conjecture
Rectangle Diagonals Conjecture
Square Diagonals Conjecture
classpass: elliott12
Online Resources
Summary of types of quadrilaterals:
AWESOME summary of quadrilaterals and their properties:
A video summarizing quadrilaterals and their properties:
Fun and cheesy video/song about quadrilaterals:
Video summarizing properties of a kite:
A review of slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines:
Extension Exercises
An interactive activity discovering the properties of a kite: