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World History II- Meyers
Unit 3: The Period Between the Wars
Enduring Understandings for American and World History
EU#1: The United States gradually became a global superpower during the 20th century.
EU#2: American society and culture has changed throughout the 20th century.
EU #3: Social, political, and economic systems and movements shaped 20th century World History.
EU #4: Conflict and cooperation between nations shaped 20th century World History.
Essential Questions for Unit 3:
1. What was the long-term impact of WWI on countries around the world?
2. How was the 1920’s a period of expansion of rights and restrictions of freedoms for some groups in the
United States?
3. What was the impact of the “new economy” on American society?
4. What are the causes of the Great Depression?
5. How did various countries around the world react to the challenges of the Great Depression?
Essential Topics for Unit 3:
Red Scare, Roaring 20’s, speculation, stock market, business cycle, gross domestic product, inflation,
Keynesian economics, New Deal, social welfare, totalitarianism, fascism
Unit 3 Skill: Economics Concepts
Unit 3 Project: Document Based Questions and Writing
Unit 3 Exam:
Monday, November 16
30 Multiple Choice / Matching (60 points)
Short-Answer Based on Essential Questions (40 Points)
1 Take-Home DBQ Essay (50 points)
Monday, 10-25
Introduce Unit 3,
Roaring 20’s Text Sets (EQ 2, 3)
BL 480-488
Purpose: What values, ideas, and groups
are in conflict during the 1920’s and why?
Tuesday, 10-26
Roaring 20’s Text Sets Wrap Up, Video:
The Jazz Age (EQ 2, 3)
BL 492-495
Purpose: How was American culture
changing during the 1920’s?
Wednesday, 10-27*
(Late Start)
Roaring 20’s: Liberal vs. Conservative,
Web Activity (EQ 2, 3)
African American Poetry and Music:
Read, Listen, and Respond
Thursday, 10-28
Assign DBQ, Causes of the GD (EQ 3, 4)
Friday, 10-29
Causes Essay, Document Analysis
(EQ 3, 4)
BL 530-534
Purpose: What were the most significant
causes of the Great Depression?
DBQ: Identify Most Significant Causes
Monday, 11-1
DBQ: Identify Documents to Support
Each Main Idea
Tuesday, 11-2
DBQ: Draft General Arguments #1 and #2
Wednesday, 11-3
Economics 101 (EQ 3, 4)
Incorporating Documents into Your DBQ
Causes of the GD, Doc. Pres. (EQ 4)
Thursday, 11-4
Life During the GD (EQ 5)
BL 556-562
Fill out New Deal Acts Chart
Friday, 11-5
FDR and the First New Deal (EQ 5)
BL 564-569
Fill out New Deal Acts Chart
Monday, 11-8
FDR and the Second New Deal (EQ 5)
DBQ: Draft General Argument #3
Tuesday, 11-9
Breadline, Latin America (EQ 5)
Wednesday, 11-10*
(Late Start)
Thursday, 11-11
Friday, 11-12
Rise of Totalitarian States: Italy,
Germany, Japan, Russia (EQ 5)
PLAN (no P.5, P.7 Meets) DBQ Workday
DBQ Due!
Rise of Totalitarian States: Italy,
Germany, Japan, Russia (EQ 5)
GR 842-847
Fill out Totalitarianism Chart
GR 850-858, GR 881-882
Fill out Totalitarianism Chart
Finish DBQ
Keyword Outlines for Each EQ
Review Lecture / Text Notes
Quia Review
Monday, 11-15
Tuesday, 11-16
Review Game
Unit 3 Exam
BL 535-539
Purpose: What was life like during the
Great Depression?
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