Download hitler`s foreign policy and the causes of ww2

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In January 1933, Adolf Hitler came to power in
Germany and immediately began to challenge the
Treaty of Versailles and adapt an aggressive foreign
policy, which led to war. Some historians argue that
Britain and France were to blame for the Second World
War because they did not stand up to Hitler.
It is easy to blame Hitler for starting the war.
Hitler's aims were aggressive, and he openly stated
them in his book "Mein Kampf" in 1924:
“Everybody thought that there
was some justification in Hitler’s
demands. All Germans hated
Versailles. Hitler tore up this
hateful treaty and forced France
to its knees…. people said, “he’s
got courage to take risks” German political opponent. (Dr.
Marjie Bloy)
1) Destroy the Treaty of Versailles.
2) Create a Greater Germany (a country of all the German people). After World War One
there were Germans living in many countries in Europe e.g. Austria, Czechoslovakia,
Poland. Hitler hoped that by uniting them together in one country he would create a
powerful Germany or Grossdeutschland.
3) Lebensraum (living space) to conquer land for Germany in Eastern Europe. (Poland,
Once he came to power, Hitler set about doing exactly what he had said he would do.
 1935 - Rearmament
 1936 - Remilitarisation of the Rhineland
 1938 - Anschluss with Austria
 1938 - The annexation of the Sudetenland
 1939 - The invasion of Czechoslovakia
 1939 - The invasion of Poland
Hitler’s actions 1933-1939
Date Event
1933 League of
1934 Austria
1935 Saar
1935 Rearmament
1935 Anglo-German
Naval Treaty
1936 Rhineland
1936 Guernica
1937 Anti-Comintern
1938 Anschluss
1938 Sudetenland
1939 Czechoslovakia
1939 Poland
What happened
Hitler leaves the League of Nations.
Hitler tries to take power in Austria. Austrian Nazis murder the
chancellor, Dolfuss. Italy moves its army to the border and Hitler
backs down.
As planned in the Treaty of Versailles, the people of Saar (which had
been given to France for 15 years) vote to return to Germany.
Hitler increases the size of the German army to half a million
members. Britain, France and Italy do nothing.
Britain helps Germany break the Treaty of Versailles by signing an
agreement to allow Germany a navy one-third of the size of Britain's.
German troops re-occupy the Rhineland. They are given orders to
retreat if France offers any resistance. France does nothing.
Hitler tests his armed forces when German bombers, which are
helping the Fascists in the Spanish Civil War, bomb the Spanish town
of Guernica. Civilians in Britain and France are frightened.
Alliance of Germany, Japan and Italy against communism
Hitler occupies Austria. First, Hitler encourages the Austrian Nazis
to demand a union with Germany. Then he invades when the Austrian
chancellor announces a vote to see what Austrians want. After the
German invasion, 99 per cent of Austrians vote "Ja". Britain and
France do nothing.
Hitler bullies France and Britain into giving him the Sudetenland.
Hitler invades Czechoslovakia and takes control.
Hitler invades Poland and provokes the Second World War.
~ Use the information provided and additional reading from the following links to complete the
questions ~
Explain how Hitler broke the Treaty of
(Make reference to specific treaty clauses
and stipulations –i.e.- article 231 the war
guilt clause, limits to army and defence
force, etc):
did other countries react to Hitler’s
(Be specific and makes
reference to events and countries/leaders)
Explain how Hitler achieved his other two
aims in his foreign policy from 1933-1939:
Compare the Treaty of Versailles to Hitler’s foreign policy. Which should hold a larger
responsibility for causing WW2? Explain your answer.
Context: What historical events and attitudes are
being represented in the cartoon?:
Elements: Look at the cartoonists depictions in the
source. Explain why he has represented particular
figures the way he has:
Limitations: consider the publishing information –
who has the source been constructed by. What bias
exists? And what perspective is represented in the
Message: (Overall ) What is the source trying to say
given its particular representation of history? :