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Chapter Nine
The Use and Abuse of
Psychoactive Drugs
The Process of Addiction
• Addictive behavior has some common aspects
– Reinforcement: physical and psychological with regards to
pleasure or reduction of negative ones
– Compulsion: time, energy, and money are spent to pursue the
behavior. Normal behavior has already degenerated
– Loss of Control: addicted people lose the ability to control their
behavior and results in addiction to more than one drug or
– Escalation: more of the substance is required over time to
produce the desired effects
– Negative Consequences: the behaviors continues, regardless of
the outcomes
Development of Addiction
• There is no single cause of addiction, however,
the following factors can play a role with this
Characteristics of the person
Environment of where the person lives
Nature of the substance or behavior in question
What is a Drug?
• Substance, other than food, that alters structure
or function in a living organism
– psychoactive drug – alters the mind (feelings, behaviors, mood)
What is Drug Abuse?
• Substance Abuse involves one or more of the
• Recurrent drug use, resulting in a failure to fulfill major
• Recurrent drug use in situations in which it is physically
• Recurrent drug-related legal problems
• Continued drug use despite persistent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of
the drug
Drug Dependence
7 specific criteria the APA uses to diagnose substance dependence
• Developing tolerance to the
• Spending a great deal of time
obtaining the substance,
• Experiencing withdrawal
using the substance, or
recovering from its effects
• Taking the substance in
larger amounts or over a
• Giving up or reducing
longer period than was
important social, school,
originally intended
work, or recreational
activities because of abuse
• Expressing a persistent desire
to cut down or regulate
• Continuing to use the
substance use
substance in spite of
recognizing that it is a
Who Uses Drugs?
• The use and abuse of drugs occur at all income and
educational levels, among ethnic groups, and at all ages
• There are no clear prediction methods for potential
drug users, however, the following characteristics do
place people in higher risk for trying illicit drugs:
Being male
Poor self image
Risk taking personality
Peer or family group that partakes in this behavior
Dysfunctional or chaotic lifestyle at home
Why Do People Use Drugs?
• Curiosity
• Imitation of adults
• Spiritual experience
• Alter moods
• Remove emotional pain
(coping mechanism)
• Provide a temporary
• Peer pressure
How Drugs Affect the Body
Stimuli converted into electrical impulses
Signals are converted into neurotransmitters
Messages are sent between neurons
Synapses are the result of message sent
Psychoactive drug can change or enhance
reactions of the cell site
Drug Factors Which Influence
Different Effects
The pharmacological properties of a drug
The dose-response function
The time-action function
The person’s drug use history
The method of use
User Factors Which Influence
Different Effects From Drugs
• The physical and psychological characteristics of
the drug user
General health
User expectations (placebo effect)
Effects can also be manipulated by particular social settings
Six Classifications of
Psychoactive Drugs
• Stimulant
• Depressant
• Hallucinogen
• Cannabis
• Narcotic
• Inhalant
Narcotics (Opioids)
• Effects: relieves pain, euphoria
• Examples: opium, morphine, heroin
Depressants (Sedatives/Hypnotics)
• Effects: slows down the CNS and possibly
causes drowsiness
• Examples: barbiturates, rohypnol, alcohol,
• Effects: elevates sensory function of the CNS
• Examples: cocaine, amphetamine, caffeine,
• Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug in the
United States
• Active ingredient: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
• Effects: variety of psychoactive results
• Examples: hashish, marijuana
• Effects: alters perception of the CNS
• Examples: LSD, PCP, peyote, MDMA
• Tends to be the highest among younger
• Effects: volatile chemicals producing drunk-like
effects or aggression
• Examples: gasoline, paint, aerosol cans
Drugs, Society, and Families
• Americans spend over 50 billion annually on illegal
• The criminal justice system is inundated with drug
related crimes
• Healthcare issues are involved with drug use with
regards to hospital visits, treatment programs, and
• Drug abuse takes a toll on families, creating long term
health problems, unemployment, and neglect
Drug Testing
• It is estimated that 10% of the workforce use
psychoactive drugs
• Dangers are great in specific job assignments that all
workers should be tested regularly
• Most drug tests involve a urine test
• Due to the accuracy of tests improving over the years,
there are fewer opportunities to cheat or to yield false
• The FDA now has approved home kits for parents to
check their children for drug use
Treatment For Drug Dependence
Community programs
Hospital facilities
Private facilities
Self-help groups/Peer
• Medication assisted treatment
Preventing Drug Usage
• Developing persuasive anti-drug educational
programs offer the best hope for solving the
drug problem in the future
• Direct approaches targets non-users (education)
• Peer counselors promote that the majority of
people do not use drugs
Societal Response to
Drug Use
Increased incarceration time
Early prevention programs
Drug testing
Nationwide organizations to increase awareness
Other Drug Terminology
• Dependence: refers to the need to continue
using a drug for psychological or physical
• Withdrawal illness: toxic response of the body
as it attempts to regain control (abstinence
• Tolerance: acquired reaction to a drug in which
the continued intake has diminished effect
• Applies to those who are close to the individual
who is addicted to something
• Focused upon protecting or coping with the
• Lose their sense of identity due to becoming
unaware of their own feelings
Chapter Nine
The Use and Abuse of
Psychoactive Drugs