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How to audit your website for accessibility
issues with HiSoftware
Auditing your website can be accomplished via the following steps:
1) Login to the server
2) Create a scan
a. Set the display name and base URL/Start Page
b. Assign checkpoints
c. Save the scan settings
3) Run the scan
4) Create a view
a. Set the name and choose the scan
b. Set your options
c. Save the view
5) Review the results
6) Creating overrides for visual checks
Login to the server
Login to using your AccessNet credentials
If you don’t have access, contact your accessibility liaison, or submit a TUhelp ticket.
Create a scan
Click the Scan tab and click New
Set the display name and base URL/Start Page
Set the display name (the name that will be displayed in the list of scans on the previous screen). Then
type in the base URL you want to scan. By default everything after will transfer to the ‘Start
It is strongly recommended that you scan template pages first, fix all the errors on the template pages
before scanning your full site. To scan the template pages add each one as a Start Page, and set the
level to 0 so that it doesn’t crawl through your site. The levels indicate how many levels of links it
should crawl to check for accessibility issues.
Assign checkpoints
Assign what types of checkpoints you want to scan. Most times you’ll want to add the “Temple Web
Standards – public facing web content” and maybe “Alt Text Quality Report”.
The choices for checkpoints are:
How to audit your website for accessibility issues
Alt Text Quality Report
One of the most common issues, particularly as sites are updated, is that Alt text is not added to
images, or the alt-text is not of good quality. This scan, like others, verifies that alt-text exists, and
unlike other scans, checks the quality of it. You may want to run this scan in addition to other scans.
Section 508 – use for checking vendor based content
Temple adheres to WCAG 2.0. Vendors are only legally required to adhere to section 508. Use this
scan to check for 508 issues on a vendor hosted site, or a web application provided by a vendor.
Site Quality Checks
Use this to check for broken links, spelling errors (note: names often appear as spelling errors), and
page load time.
Temple Web Standards – Authenticated web login (login required to view, i.e. Blackboard,
This scans for WCAG 2.0 AA compliance, with the exception of scanning for audio/video files. These
types of content might not need to be captioned or audio described, unless there is a request for it
to be done. Given that authentication is required, you may need to use a scripted scan.
Temple Web Standards – public facing web content
This scans for WCAG 2.0 AA compliance, including checking audio/video content for captions and
audio descriptions. Any publically available video needs to be captioned.
Save the scan settings
Once you’re done configuring you scan, save the settings
Run the scan
On the Scans tab click Run on the line for the scan you just created
It may take several minutes for the scan to finish.
How to audit your website for accessibility issues
Create a view
Click on the Views tab, and click New
Set the name and choose the scan
Set the name and choose the scan you just created. It is generally recommended that the name for the
view include the name of the scan. You may choose to create multiple views of the same scan (one
which details the errors on a page by page basis, and based on checkpoint compliance.)
How to audit your website for accessibility issues
Set your options
To view the issues page by page, choose table type “Page compliance”. It’s also recommended that you
view Visual checks as a fair number of compliance items require visual (manual) checks.
Save the view
Review the results
Once your view has been saved and the scan has completed you can use the icons on the right to:
Preview the scan results
View a web page of the scan results
View a PDF of the scan results (note: the scan results can sometimes be fairly large, it may take a
while before the PDF is created.)
How to audit your website for accessibility issues
Creating overrides for visual checks
The accessibility of some items can’t be checked by an automated scan (such as being able to access
everything on the page via a keyboard only). Items that require visual inspection will be denoted as
"Visual Check." These must be addressed in addition to the failed items.
Checkpoints starting with TU_###, and the description ends with "(with override.)" Once you have
visually inspected the page and verified that all of the items have been addressed and are not an
issue, you can include <tu_###/> in the body of the page to have the checkpoint mark that page as
passed. For example, if your page is flagged for contrast issues (TU_G18), but you've verified there
aren't any contrast issues on the page, add <tu_g18/> to the page and compliance sheriff will flag that
page as a 'pass' for that particular checkpoint.
How to audit your website for accessibility issues