Download iv infusion therapy the center for bio

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We are happy to provide this valuable service at the center for bio individualized medicine under
the direction of Mary T. Kashurba, MD
Intravenous infusion therapy can provide the following benefits:
Replaces essential Vitamins, Minerals, Nutrients and Amino Acids
Nature's antibiotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal and natural detoxifier
Boosts and restores Immune System Functions
Greater tissue saturation with no side effects
Effectively eliminates and neutralizes a wide variety of toxins and infections, assists in
returning body to pre-deficiency states
Increases energy and appetite
Provides Intravenous nutritional support to patients who cannot eat to meet their
nutritional needs as it regards disease and treatment of chronic and acute illness.
Stimulates collagen formation
Compliments traditional therapies
Relieves pain and promotes well being
IVC Infusion Therapy is a fantastic way to get antioxidants and vitamins that your body is
lacking back into your system. Most vitamin supplements cannot be taken orally in sufficiently
higher doses and quantities that are required by the body. These high dosage vitamins when
taken orally cannot be metabolized by the liver in time and are removed from the body before
getting to the cells that need them. An example of this is any oral dose of vitamin C greater than
2 grams can cause diarrhea while IV doses of vitamin C of 25 grams or more have no reaction.
High Dose Vitamin C Therapy, IV infusions allow for greater tissue saturation and the body
tolerates high doses required for improved immune system function and detoxification of cells.
As one of your treatments, we use different mixtures to provide immune system support,
detoxification, skin rejuvenation, improved circulation, heavy metal removal and to elevate
energy levels. The result being overall better health levels as a proactive means of disease
How can I get these infusions? In order to be considered for intravenous infusions you need to
make an appointment with Dr. Kashurba will evaluate your history, laboratory results and
prescribed the appropriate infusion combination. All intravenous infusions are performed by a
licensed registered nurse in our comfortable IV suite.
How much does this cost? To support the need for these programs we have money-saving
packages for those who need multiple intravenous infusions. See attached.
How can I make an appointment? Please call 610 449-9716 and speak with The Patient
Coordinator and she will schedule an appointment with our medical physician.