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Byzantine project
330: Constantine finds the new capital of the Roman Empire on the existing site of the ancient Greek city
Byzantium Byzantium was renamed Constantinople
395: The Roman Empire splits in half, with the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople and the
Western Roman Empire in Rome.
476: The Western Empire Falls. The Eastern Empire doesn’t and now is called the Byzantine Empire.
526: Justinian's reign begins.
568: Lombards attack Italy, eventually taking Northern Italy from the Byzantines.
610: Heraclius becomes emperor.
693: Muslims attack Constantinople.
690: Loss of North Africa to Muslims.
717-718: A large Muslim force attack Constantinople by land and sea. The attack is held off.
721: get back control of Asia Minor from the Muslims
800: Charlemagne is crowned "Emperor of the Romans" in Rome. For the first time in 300 years, there is
an emperor of the East and an emperor of the West.
917: Bulgars under Symeon overrun Thrace.
924: Bulgars unsuccessfully attack Constantinople unsuccessfully.
941: Prince Igor attacks Bithynia and later attacks Constantinople: The Byzantines defeat the Russian
976: Basil II becomes Emperor.
992: Venetians granted extensive trading rights in the Byzantine Empire
995: Basil II gets back Syria from the Muslims.
996: Basil II gets back Greece from Bulgars.
1055: Loss of south Italy to the Normans.
1071: Defeat at Manzikert to the Seljuk Turks. Permanent loss of most of Asia Minor.
1075: Loss of Syria to Muslims.
1054: The Great Schism. (The Latin Roman Church and the Greek Orthodox Church excommunicate
each other.)
1087: Byzantines defeated in Thrace.
1095: Alexius appeals to Urban II at Council of Piacenza for help against the Turks. The First Crusade is
proclaimed at Council of Clermont.
1096: Crusaders arrive at Constantinople. The Crusaders are successful, but eventually withdraw from
cooperation with the Byzantines.
1121: Reconquest of southwestern Asia Minor.
1179: Byzantine Army defeated by the Sultanate of Rum at Myriokephalon. Hopes of regaining Asia
Minor are lost.
1202: Fourth Crusade is assembled at Venice.
1204: Fourth Crusade captured Constantinople. The Latin Empire of Constantinople is formed as well as
many Byzantine states. they never really recovered from this capture.
1261: Nicaea recaptures Constantinople and restores the Byzantine Empire.
1453: Fall of Constantinople to the Ottomans. End of the Byzantine Empire.
Population-When Byzantium began to recover after a series of conflicts in the 8th century and its
territories stabilized, its population began to recover. By the end of the 8th century there were 7,000,000
Romans, a figure that climbed to over 12,000,000 people by 1025. The numbers began falling steadily to
9,000,000 people at 1204 and even lower to 5,000,000 people at 1282 with the arrival of the Turks.
Capital-Constantinople was founded by the Roman Emperor Constantine I (272–337 AD) in 321 on the
site of an already-existing city, Byzantium, which was settled in the early days of Greek colonial
expansion, around 671–662 BC. The site lay astride the land route from Europe to Asia and the seaway
from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean, and had in the Golden Horn an excellent and spacious harbour.
What was it(paragraph)
The term Byzantine comes from from Byzantium, the ancient Greek colony founded by a man named
Byzas. It was located on the Black Sea to the Mediterranean it was supposed to serve as a trade point
between Europe and Asia Minor. Even though Byzantium was ruled by Roman law and Roman politicals
its official language was Latin, Greek was also widely spoke. The Education that was taught Was Greek
History literature and culture. And the Religion was mainly Christian. It's Capitol was Constantinople and
it's greatest ruling period was 555 AD under Justinian the Great. The countrie's currency consisted of
hyperpyrons and solidus's and the country had a very dense population with about 26,000,000 people at
565 AD. The Fall of Constantinople took place on may 29, 1453, finally ending the empire.
Where was it?
Located on the European side of the Bosporus (the strait linking the Black Sea to the
Ideally located to serve as a transit/trade point between Europe and Asia Minor
During 527-565 under Justinains rule, the empire included most of the land surrounding the
Mediterranean Sea, his armies also conquered part of the former Western Roman Empire,
including North Africa
Byzantine's capitol city is located where Istanbul is today
stretched throughout Asia, Europe and Africa
After the 4th crusade, Byzantine was limited to only inner Turkey and Greece, 1202-1204
GovtThe Byzantine Empire was run by a system of aristocracy and bureaucracy, which was originally
made from the Roman Empire.
Aristocracy was a form of government that was run by a small, privileged class (mostly composed
of wealthy families.)
bureaucracy was a form of government that was staffed by departments with non elected
Byzantine was ruled by an emporor, that for the most of his days, sat at the apexof his pyramid
with staff and court members beneath him.
Byzantine had many rulers, great and not so great. Which were divided into 22 different sections
(Constantinian dynasty, non-dynasty...etc)
The most important, and known as the "greatest rulers" were composed of 12 emperors:
Basil II
Constantine XI