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UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Appendix A
Hazard Assessment and Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for High Voltage Activities
UC Irvine shall develop and employ work practices and procedures to minimize work involving energized electrical
systems and components. In the event that this increases the hazard(s) or is infeasible, UC Irvine shall utilize work
practices and procedures to prevent electrical shock or other injuries resulting from either direct or indirect electrical
The best known method for preventing accidents, injuries, and other incidents during energized electrical work is to
pre-plan the corresponding work and use the appropriate work procedures, tools, guards, personal protective
equipment (PPE), and other controls to minimize the potential for contact with energized electrical circuits. UC Irvine
will develop and implement a written Hazard Assessment and SOP for all High Voltage activities. The Hazard
Assessment and SOP should be written and implemented when a project possesses an exposure or a non-routine
task possesses a hazard.
Qualified High Voltage Electrical Workers must assess the tasks to be performed and note whether the work can be
performed with the equipment in the de-energized state, as described below. The equipment manual, as well as
personnel who are experienced with the equipment, shall be consulted for assistance in making these determinations.
When work on equipment must be performed while energized, follow the procedures for energized electrical work as
described in this program.
When work involves cords and plug-in equipment, follow the cord and plug-in procedures as described below.
Identity of High Voltage space: ______________________________________________
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
Illumination - Auxiliary
lighting must be provided
where fixed lighting is not
adequate to provide
appropriate light levels.
Illumination Employees must not
reach into any areas that
may contain energized
parts without adequate
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
Housekeeping Individuals performing
electrical work must use
good housekeeping
Housekeeping - Work
areas should be kept
clean and free of debris
to allow for the work to be
completed safely.
Housekeeping Housekeeping duties
should not be performed
when energized parts
present an electrical
contact hazard, unless
adequate safeguards
such as barriers and
insulating equipment are
Housekeeping Electrically conductive
cleaning materials (e.g.,
steel wool, metallized
cloth, silicon carbide,
conductive liquid
solutions such as
ammonia, etc.) should
not be used in close
proximity to energized
equipment unless
procedures are followed
that will prevent contact
with the energized
Equipment and
Apparel - Personnel
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
performing electrical work
shall not wear conductive
apparel such as:
watches, rings, key
chains, necklaces, metal
headgear (including
glasses), and other metal
accessories unless
rendered non-conductive
by insulating means.
Equipment and
Apparel – All
necessary protective
devices such as insulated
and rated gloves, safety
glasses (nonmetallic and
non conductive), hoods,
and rubber blankets must
be used. Shoes or boots
must be nonconductive.
See Appendix C.
Equipment and
Apparel - Conductive
measuring tapes, fish
tapes, ladders or tools
shall not be permitted
when working on or near
electrical equipment.
Equipment and
Apparel – A careful
inspection shall be made
of all equipment used for
handling or testing
energized lines or
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
Equipment and
Apparel – Inspect
cables, connectors, and
any other supplies for
damage. Do not use if
they are damaged.
Equipment and
Apparel – Protective
equipment must be
stored in a dry location.
Protect equipment from
heat, light, and oily
Signs and Labels Safety signs, tags, labels,
and barricades must be
used during electrical
work to warn persons of
electrical shock and burn
Signs and Labels - If
safety signs, tags, and
barricades do not provide
sufficient warning about
electrical hazards (e.g.,
an electrical interlock
removed from an AC
distribution box with
voltages above 600
volts), an attendant shall
be stationed to warn
employees and restrict
Signs and Labels Guarding to protect
personnel who may be in
the general work area,
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
but are not directly
involved in the electrical
work, should be used
when normally enclosed
live electrical circuitry is
exposed for maintenance
or repair. This can
include the use of cones
or other means of fencing
off the work area from
unqualified or other
employees not involved
in the operation.
Access Control Supervisors are
responsible for installing,
maintaining, and
guarding equipment
containing exposed
energized electrical
components that could
be accessed by
unauthorized persons.
Access Control Safety warning signs
must be posted on and or
around the equipment to
clearly identify exposed
energized electrical
Access Control Precautions must be
taken to prohibit
unqualified, or other
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
persons from performing
tasks that might place
them in contact with
energized electrical
circuits. These
precautions may include
posting signs or placing
barriers to restrict
Access Control Adequate access and
working space shall be
provided and maintained
around all electrical
equipment to permit
ready and safe operation
and maintenance of such
equipment in accordance
with 8 CCR 2932(a).
Clearance – Follow
Cal/OSHA access and
clearance distances
(Appendix D) for all high
voltage activities.
First Aid – First Aid
equipment must be
readily available and
personnel trained in firstaid are on site.
First Aid – An
effective system of
communication for
contacting help has been
Lockout/Tagout –
All equipment that will be
de-energized has written
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required
UC Irvine – High Voltage Electrical Safety Program
Areas to assess in
high voltage
Check box to
indicate if areas
have been
Hazards identified
in high voltage
activities (e.g.
physical hazards)
Check box to
indicate if
hazards are
Indicate how
hazards are
and posted
Employee completing Hazard Assessment and SOP checklist: ___________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________
Supervisor reviewing Hazard Assessment and SOP checklist:____________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________________________________________________
EH&S Reviewer: _______________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________
Check box if work
unit specific
training is required