Download In this part we are going to prove a technical lemma which is used

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In this part we are going to prove a technical lemma which is used throughout mathematical probability theory, when one needs to prove that some statement holds for all sets
in some σ -algebra. Dynkin’s lemma allows to do this in two steps:
• First we show the statement for a class of simple sets which generates the σ -algebra
and is closed under finite intersections.
• Then we prove that the collection of all sets for which the statement holds satisfies
three simple conditions (conditions a) - c) below).
While the statement of the lemma does not look very impressive, its applications are.
Some are included below; you will see many more during this course.
• Let S be a set and let D be a collection of subsets of S . Then D is called a d-system
(to honor E.B. Dynkin) if:
a) S ∈ D.
b) if A, B ∈ D and A ⊆ B then B\A ∈ D.
c) if An is an increasing sequence of elements of D, then An ∈ D.
• A collection I of subsets of S is called a π -system if it is closed under finite intersections.
1. Dynkin’s lemma: if I is a π-system and D is the smallest d-system, containing I ,
then D is the σ -algebra generated by I .
Here is a way to organize a proof:
• Show that a collection of subsets of S is a σ -algebra if and only if it is both a π -system
and a d-system. This is obvious in one direction and fairly easy in the other. We thus only
need to show that D is a π-system. This is done in two steps:
• First, prove that D1 = {B ∈ D : ∀C ∈ I B ∩ C ∈ D} is a d-system and, consequently,
D1 = D .
• Next, let D2 = {A ∈ D : ∀B ∈ D A ∩ B ∈ D}. Prove that D2 is a d-system, which, by
the previous step contains I .
• Conclude that D2 = D and show that this ends the proof of Dynkin’s lemma.
2. Applications: Let I be a π-system of subsets of some space Ω and let µ1 and µ2 be
two probability measures on the σ -algebra σ(I). Prove that if µ1 = µ2 on I , then µ1 = µ2 on
σ(I). Apply this to the following specific cases:
a) Uniqueness of the Lebesgue measure.
Prove that there is at most one probability measure λ on the Borel σ -algebra of the
unit interval, such that for any a, b ∈ [0, 1], a < b, λ(a, b) = b−a. This is, of course, the Lebesgue measure. Proof of its existence requires other methods (the Carathéodory extension theorem
or Riesz representation theorem).
b) Definition of a product measure.
Let (Ωj , Fj , Pj ), j = 1, 2, be two probability spaces. Let Ω = Ω1 × Ω2 and consider the σ algebra F on Ω, generated by rectangles, i.e. by sets of the form A1 ×A2 , where Aj ∈ Fj . Prove
that there is at most one probability measure P on F such that P [A1 × A2 ] = P1 [A1 ] × P [2[A2 ].
Such a measure (whose existence has to be shown by other means) is called the product
of measures P1 and P2 .
c) Uniqueness of the Kolmogorov extension.
Prove that the measure, whose existence is asserted by Kolmogorov extension theorem
stated in class, is unique. Again, this says nothing about existence.
Definition: Let (Ω, F, P ) be a probability space. A finite collection of sub-σ -algebras,
F∞ , F∈ , . . . F
Q\n of F is called independent if for every choice of Aj ∈ F| , j = 1, 2, . . . n, P [A1 ∩ A2 ∩
. . . ∩ An ] = j=1 P [Aj ]. An infinite collection of σ -algebras is defined to be independent if its
all finite subcollections are independent.
1. a) Prove that random variables Xj : Ω → R are independent (in the sense of the
definition given in class) if and only if the generated σ -algebras are independent.
b) For any event A, consider the σ -algebra σ(A) generated by the single set A. How
many elements does σ(A) have? Show that σ(A) = σ(IA )—the σ -algebra generated by the
indicator function of A, defined by IA (ω) = 0 when ω 6∈ A and IA (ω) = 1 when ω ∈ A. Prove
that events Aδ , δ ∈ ∆ are independent if and only if the σ -algebras σ(Aδ ) are independent.
c) Prove that events Aδ are independent if and only if their complements Acδ = Ω\Aδ are
2. Independence of random variables is not always obvious. This problem gives an
example, which is of importance in mathematical physics. Consider the two-dimensional
integer lattice Z2 . The points of the lattice are called sites. A segment connecting two
nearest-neighbor sites (x, y ∈ Z2 , |x − y| = 1) is called a bond. Bonds divide the plane R2
into squares of unit area, called plaquette. This weird terminology comes from statistical
mechanics/quantum field theory. In graph theory sites are called vertices, bonds are edges
and plaquettes become faces. Now, assume that to each bond b we assign a random variable
Jb with the symmetric Bernoulli distribution:
P [Jb = 1] = P [Jb = −1] =
The Jb are defined on some probability space and they are independent. For each plaquette
p we define
Sp =
Jb ,
where ∂p is the boundary of p, which consists of four bonds.
Prove that the random variables (Sp ) are independent and have the symmetric Bernoulli