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Windsor High School
Earth and Space Science B
Teacher:Meg Jacobson
A. Introduction to and History of
What is the study of astronomy
Significant events in the history of
Methods of ancient astronomers
Chapter 26
B. The Moon
Surface features
Possible origin
Human exploration
Possible future explorations
Chapter 28
C. The Solar System
Formation and structure of the solar
Minor members
Major members
Physical Properties that govern the
A1. Describe the importance of
astronomical events to ancient cultures
A2. Explain the difference between
astronomy and astrology
A3. List major events in the history of
astronomy and explain their
significance to today
A4. Understand that astronomy is the
most uncertain and changing of all the
Earth Sciences
A5. Duplicate the activities of ancient
astronomers to learn their methods of
B1. Compare and contrast the surface
of the moon to the surface of Earth
B2. Describe the formation of the
major surface features of the moon
B3. Model the motions and
movements of the moon
B4. Discern the most logical
explaination for the formation of the
B5. Explain the history of human
exploration and the potential for further
exploration of the moon
A Historical Dates quiz
A-B Moon Quiz
Important Dates in the History of
Astronomy Handout
Important Dates in the History of
Astronomy Powerpoint
Lab Investigating the Methods of
Ancient Astronomers
Moon Motions and Features Handout
Moon Motions and Features
Lab Investigating Crater Formation
The Flight of Apollo 11 Video
Lab Phases of the Moon
Lab Investigating Lunar Landscapes
Lunar and Solar Eclipses Handout
Lunar and Solar Eclipses Powepoint
Moon Crossword
The Planets Video
Lab Investigating the path of
Astronomical Objects
Lab Investigating Kepler's Laws
C1. Describe the formation of the solar
system and define membership in the
solar system. Contrast a solar system
to a galaxy
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solar system
Chapter 27 and 28
C. The Solar System - continued
Characteristics of the individual planets
Size and scale of the solar system
Units of measure in the solar system
Collection of data about the solar
The Sun and its characteristics
Activity within and on the surface of
the sun
Chapter 29
D. Stars, Galaxies and the Universe
The life cycle of stars
Earth and Space Science B
Windsor High School
C2. Classify the minor and major
members of the solar system
C3. Describe the physical properties
that govern these members
C4. Compare and contrast the planets
to each other
C5. Differentiate between the inner
and outer planets
C6. Describe the major features of the
8 classic planets in the solar system
C7. Explain how we have determined
the characteristics of the solar system
and how we define its limits.
C8. Justify the new definitions for
members of the solar system
C9. Diagram the major features of the
C10. Explain how features on the sun
impact the rest of the solar system
C11. Realize that errors could be made
in data collection from the solar system
C Quiz - Kepler's Laws and Other
C Quiz - Features of the Sun
The Solar System Handout
Cosmic Catastrophies Video
Lab Making a Model of the Solar
The Inner Planets Handout
The Inner Planets Powerpoint
Lab Measuring Astronomical Distances
The Outer Planets Handout
The Outer Planets Powerpoint
Lab Investigating Bode's Trick
Savage Sun Video
Lab Features of the Sun
The Sun Handout
The Sun Powerpoint
Lab Investigating the Occurrance of
Lab Investigating Sunspots...What do
They Tell Us
How Big???? Powerpoint
The Life Cycle of Stars Handout
The Life Cycle of Stars Powerpoint
A-F Review Quiz - Astronomy and
Other Things
Lab Building a Telescope
H-R Diagram worksheet
Space Shuttle powerpoint
Lab Measuring Mass in Microgravity
Life Cycle of a Star activity
Is Anybody Out There video
What's Out There powerpoint
Starry Night constellation program
D1. Diagram the life cycle of a star,
depending on its starting mass
Chapter 30
D. Telescopes
Different types of telescopes and the
wavelength of electromagnetic
spectrum they collect
What we have learned from telescopes
Use of telescopes vs. space probes
D1. List the different types of
telescopes and identify what part of the
electromagnetic spectrum they collect
D2. Discuss the history and value of
D3. Discuss the future of telescopes
and how they will influence future
space probes (both manned and un-
A-F Astronomy Final
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Earth and Space Science B
Windsor High School
Astronomy Final Review crossword
--Chapter 26
E. Current Methods of Manned
Space Exploration
Space Shuttle
F. Components of the Universe
What things can we see in the night sky
What is beyond our solar system
What are the constellations and what is
their history
--Chapter 30
A. Introduction to Geology
Earth Materials and their human uses
A. Introduction to Geology
Earth Materials and their human uses
(continued from March)
Rocks and the Rock Cycle
--Chapters 5, 6 and 7
B. Earthquakes
Causes of earthquakes
Locating where an earthquake has
E1. Identify the properties and uses of
the space shuttle
F1. Identify the difference between a
solar system/galaxy and the Universe
F2. Describe the physical
characteristics of the Universe
F3. Be able to identify their individual
zodiac constellation, and be aware of
some of the major constellations and
objects that can be seen in the night sky
A1. Identify the basic components of
earth materials
A2. Identify and perform the tests of a
minerals physical properties
A3. Compare and contrast minerals
and rocks
A4. Describe how Earth materials
occur as the result of Earth formation
A5. Describe the formation and
characteristics of the three types of
A6. Evaluate human use of Earth
B1. Describe what an earthquake is,
what makes it happen, and the
consequences to humans
A Review Quiz-After Minerals and
Physical Properties of Minerals handout
Lab Physical Properties of Minerals
Lab Mineral Identification
The Rock Cycle video
Three Main Types of Rocks handout
Lab Rock Identification
Rocks That Form on Earth's Surface
Lab Investigating Metamorphic Rocks
Lab Investigating Sedimentary Rocks
Earthquakes powerpoint
Fault Line Video
Earthquakes Terminology handout
Lab Investigating Earthquake Activity
Seismogram from Alaska 1964
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Patterns of earthquake occurrance
Earthquake Safety
--Chapter 12
C. Volcanoes
Causes of volcanoes
Different types of volcanic eruptions
and the cones they produce
Significant historical eruptions
Relationship between earthquakes and
volcanic eruptions
--Chapter 13
D. Glaciers
Development of glaciers/ice ages
Major features of glaciers
Earth and Space Science B
B2. Locate where an earthquake has
occurred, given data from three
seismograph stations
B3. Recognize that earthquakes are not
random events, but have a pattern of
B4. Recognize skills that could
increase rates of survival during an
earthquake event
Windsor High School
Lab Locating an Earthquake by
Volcanoes Handout
Volcanoes powerpoint
Mt. St. Helens Powerpoint
Mt. St. Helens recovery video
Lab The last Eruption of Mt. Mazama
Features of Glaciers handout
Features of Glaciers powerpoint
C1. Describe what causes a volcanic
eruption to occur, and where on Earth
they are likely to occur
C2. Identify the three different types
of volcanic cones, describe they nature
of the eruption they would produce and
what igneous rock they would be made
C3. Identify significant historical
eruptions and evaluate their impact on
history and humans
C4. Identify the
relationship/occurrance of earthquakes
and volcanoes
D1. Describe the conditions necessary
for glaciers/ice ages to form, and
D2. Identify the major features of a
glacier, and the features they create
during their presence
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Earth and Space Science B
May 2008
D. Glaciers (continued from April)
How have glaciers influenced the
movement of humans into North
What is the potential for future ice ages
and how do they relate to the sunspot
D3. Evaluate the role of the most
recent ice age in the shaping of the
northern hemisphere and in allowing
humans to expand into this hemisphere
D4. Evaluate the potential for future
ice ages
D. Quiz - Identification of Glacial
A-D Geology Review Quiz
A-F Geology Final
Final Exam, Lab and Written
--Chapter 17
E. Geologic Time
How have we determined the age of
Earth and Earth events in the past
How has this information changed over
The Geologic Time Scale
Fossils, fossil preservation and the
value of fossils
Chapter 8,9
F. The Shaping of Earth's Surface
What are the major factors involved in
weathering and erosion
How do landscapes develop
Reading a map
The impact of plate tectonics
Chapter 14, 10
E1. Understand the processes by
which the Earth has been dated
E2. Understand that Earth has changed
over time
E3. Evaluate how information and
ideas have changed over time in
reference to the age of Earth
E4. Know the four eras of the geologic
time scale and what the major life
forms were and why they changed
E5. Formulate an opinion on the age
of Earth and the changes that have
taken place over time
E6. Identify the major forms of fossil
Windsor High School
Evidence for the Ige Age handout
The Glacial Features of Grant Town
Lab Investigating Tree Rings
Geologic Time Handout
Methods of Fossil Preservation
History of Life poster
Video Fossils
Lab Methods of Fossil Preservation
Weathering and Erosion handout
Weathering and Erosion powerpoint
Earth's Catastrophic Past video
Landscapes handout
Lab Investigating Topographic Maps
Plate Tectonics handout
Plate teconice video
Plate Tectonics activity
Geology Crossword
Lab Earth and Space Science With
Google Earth
Final Review Crosswords
F1. Compare and contrast weathering
and erosion and the factors that
influence them
F2. Describe the major landscapes of
Earth and describe how they formed
F3. Read and interpret a variety of
types of maps
F4. Understand the dynamics of plate
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Earth and Space Science B
Windsor High School
tectonics, how it has shaped Earth, and
what changes might take place in the
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Earth and Space Science B
Windsor High School
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