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Q: What are the symptoms of hypogonadism (“low testosterone”)?
Loss of muscle mass
Fat gain
Poor recovery
Decreased memory
Lack of libido
Erectile Dysfunction
A problem with using these symptoms to diagnose hypogonadism is that you cannot
directly relate either the number of symptoms present, or the severity of any of them, to
the actual severity of the hypogonadism. That is why proper evaluation by a physician
specifically trained in this type of medicine, as well as appropriate laboratory testing
(much more on that in future articles), is absolutely necessary.
Q: What diseases are associated with hypogonadism?
Cardiovascular disease
Dementia (including Alzheimer’s)
Erectile Dysfunction
That is a scary list, to be sure!
Q: Is TRT helpful in treating these diseases and conditions?
Yes, it is not enough to recognize that low hormone levels are associated with a given
disease state or physical symptom. It also must be shown that raising that hormone’s
level reduces the risk of developing, or dramatically improves—even eliminates--that
disease or symptom. Fortunately, scientific studies have shown that TRT does this for
every single one of the above listed diseases AND symptoms.
Q: Is TRT dangerous?
Literally millions of men, from all over the world, have enjoyed the benefits of TRT. To
date, we have not found a single case of appropriate TRT hurting anyone.
Q: Can TRT give me cancer?
Absolutely not. In fact, appropriate TRT has been shown to reduce your risk of cancer,
probably due to its immune system boosting benefits.
Q: What are the possible negative side effects of TRT?
Some men report some water retention. This usually subsides, but if it doesn’t, can be
easily controlled by using a medication or OTC (Over-the-Counter) supplement to lower
estrogen—the usual cause of chronic water weight gain while on TRT.
The risk of possible liver disease is listed on the package insert. But this is a throw back
to the abuse of testosterone supplementation—in other words, taking steroids. I have
never heard of appropriate TRT damaging the liver.
While the possibility of inducing, or increasing, the symptoms of BPH (Benign Prostatic
Hypertrophy) is often mentioned, numerous studies have shown this is not the case. TRT
has also been shown to not increase the risk of prostate cancer as well.
On the subject of prostate cancer, that is one of two medical conditions which are, at this
time, an absolute contraindication (meaning a reason to withhold treatment) to TRT. That
is why doctors who administer TRT monitor prostate health with regular PSA tests and
Digital Rectal Exams. The other contraindication is male breast cancer.
Patients on blood thinners may need to have these medications dosed differently, as TRT
also helps protect against unwanted clotting. On the other hand, the consistency of the
blood is appropriately monitored while on TRT, as a few men will develop polycythemia
(blood that is too thick)—a completely reversible condition. In fact, TRT’s ability to
build up the blood is why it is one of the treatments for anemia.
Diabetics—whether on insulin or oral medications—usually need to have the dosages of
these medications decreased, often dramatically. TRT is profoundly effective at
controlling blood sugar levels.
Patients with hypertension (high blood pressure) on a class of medications called beta
blockers may need to have their meds monitored as well.
Q: My doctor tested my testosterone level, and because it was just barely above the
bottom of normal range, he said I do not need TRT. Is he right?
The “normal” reference range for Total Testosterone is found through statistical means,
meant to include 95% of all adult males. Yet, when tested properly—with what is called a
Bioavailable Testosterone assay—about half of all men over the age of fifty have low
testosterone. That means a significant percentage of those included in “normal” range
are actually sick with hypogonadism (reread the list of serious diseases associated with
hypogonadism). Therefore “normal range” has absolutely nothing to do with health and
Anti-Aging experts agree that if you are experiencing the symptoms of hypogonadism
(low testosterone), even if your levels are as high as mid-range, a course of TRT is
probably warranted. If your symptoms improve or disappear altogether, that proves you
had the disease. This is known to doctors as “therapeutic testing”.
Q: Can any adult male with low or low-normal testosterone levels get TRT?
At this time, men who have either prostate or breast cancer are deferred from undergoing
TRT. We are also careful to regularly monitor PSA levels, as well as manually checking
the prostate with a Digital Rectal Exam.
Along the way, we monitor blood levels, as a small portion of TRT patients will have
their blood become too “thick”, a condition known as polycythemia. This can happen
because testosterone supplementation stimulates the production of red blood cells, which
is why it is sometimes prescribed to treat anemia.
Beyond that, it is just a matter of finding a physician well-trained in how to best
administer this profoundly effective treatment therapy.
Q: If I go on TRT, how will it change my life?
Most men report dramatic increases in sexual performance, up to and including a reversal
of Erectile Dysfunction (ED) symptoms. They also have much more energy, better
stamina, increased muscle and decreased fat, and an improvement in their ability to
concentrate and remember things. All of a sudden they are being active well into the
evening again, enjoy great sex, can catch up to the grandkids, and hit that golf ball 40
yards further. They tell me they have regained their “edge”. Plus they feel they just plain
look younger. And this is in addition to the dramatic decreases in the risks for the serious
diseases I listed previously in this article.
Q: If I go on TRT, is it forever?
No, you can always go back to feeling the way you used to!
Q: Is Testosterone Replacement Therapy the same thing as doing steroids?
Good question, especially with all the press lately regarding steroids in professional
sports. Doing steroids means taking testosterone waaaaay above the top of normal range.
This is VERY bad for your health. Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT), on the
other hand, is merely restoring, or optimizing, testosterone levels to healthy range.
Studies have shown that men get healthier (and happier) as they approach the top of
normal range. And they tend to stay that way much longer.
A good analogy is the recent recommendation that a glass of wine at dinner each night
may be good for our health. But drinking a whole bottle is a different matter entirely!
Q: What exactly do you do with TRT treatment? Shots? Pills?
There are several different methods for administering TRT: testosterone
gels and creams, patches, pills, implantable pellets and injections.
Each has their respective benefits, and shortcomings. Which
testosterone delivery system to use has as much to do with each
individual’s lifestyle as it does the medical condition. That is why
this decision must be made TOGETHER by the physician and the patient.
In my professional opinion, the best two methods are the gels/creams,
and injectable testosterone.
Q: What is Anti-Aging Medicine?
It typically includes the tenets of Preventative Medicine, such as diet, nutrition and
exercise. These efforts are meant to reduce the risks of serious diseases such as cancer,
diabetes and heart disease. But it goes far beyond that, to the optimization of hormone
levels, in order to maximize health, fitness and happiness. This includes not only
testosterone, but also growth hormone, thyroid and even adrenal hormones. In coming
articles we will explore all of these treatment modalities in depth.
This is why patients who want to maintain—or regain--their “edge” need to seek out the
care of an Anti-Aging Specialist.
Q: After recognizing that I have the symptoms of hypogonadism you describe, I
asked my doctor about possibly getting on TRT. He told me I should not get TRT,
because it is natural for men to have their testosterone levels drop as they age. Is
that true?
You might want to respectfully ask your doctor is he/she prescribes HRT for aging
women. After all, it is “natural” for their estrogen levels to drop during menopause, and
this is what causes their profoundly uncomfortable symptoms--which dramatically affects
Quality of Life (QOL). Yet doctors routinely prescribe estrogen replacement for them,
even though this is treating a completely “natural” condition. It has been said that female
“menopause” is like falling off from a cliff, while male “andropause” (loss of male sex
hormones) is more like rolling down a hill—it happens more slowly and insidiously. But
the dangers of hypogonadism with respect to tremendous loss of QOL is undeniable.
More so, it is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes,
osteoporosis, depression, dementia (including Alzheimer’s) and Erectile Dysfunction.
The fact most doctors feel it is perfectly acceptable for them to treat a drop in sex
hormones in women, but not men, may be thought of as a form of bias against men’s
When thyroid hormones get low (hypothyroidism) we give thyroid medication. When
insulin gets too low (diabetes) we give insulin. Why should it be any different for the sex
On the second point, there is not one shred of evidence to suggest that TRT causes
cancer. Not one. In fact, multiple studies have shown that LOW testosterone levels are
strongly associated with a higher risk, and worse form of, cancer.
Both points demonstrate why you need a doctor who really understands this stuff. The
risk of being subjected to unnecessary disease is too great. And why not live life to its
fullest, for as long as possible?
Q: Why should I enlist the help of a genuine Anti-Aging Medicine physician to test
for hypogonadism, and administer my TRT?
In the first place, God bless any doctor who is willing to provide TRT. But there are so
many new developments in this exciting new kind of medicine that you want someone
who is specially trained in this type of therapy. That is the only way to truly optimize
one’s health and fitness.
Q: Where can I research more information on this subject?
The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, of which I am proudly a member (and
also lecturer and Moderator of their national and international conferences), maintain a
website resplendent with information at: You can even subscribe
to their free email newsletter, which is a fascinating read, and some pretty exciting stuff!
Welcome to the cutting edge of medicine.
Q: What other services do you provide at the ALLTHINGSMALE Center for Men’s
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