Download Exam 4 Review Sheet Fall 2011 Major topics: Essential amino acids

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Exam 4 Review Sheet Fall 2011
Major topics: Essential amino acids, carbon sources for aromatic amino acids, fate of chorismate,
compare/contrast branched amino acid synthesis and mechanism, amino acids derived from aspartate,
activated methyl cycle, feedback inhibition, branched pathway regulation, multiple gene regulation,
cumulative feedback, neurotransmitters, compare/contrast pyrimidine/purine synthesis, building blocks
and key reactions of orotate formation, decarboxylation of oritidine, role of cysteine in ribonucleotide
reductase, general and specific strategies for amination, cofactor roles in methylation of TMP, cancer
treatments, sources of heavy atoms in purine base, aminations of inosinate, regulation of nucleotide
synthesis, purine degradation, pyrimidine degradation, phospholipid structure and synthesis, energetic
costs of membrane lipid synthesis, sphingolipid synthesis, cholesterol structure, 3 stages of cholesterol
biosynthesis, lipid transport vesicles, role of LDL in cholesterol metabolism, bile salts, regulation of HMG
CoA reductase
Helpful Hints: There is quite a diversity of information on this exam, but the focus is biosynthesis. Keep
the big picture in mind first, including small molecule sources for the synthesis of more complex
compounds, cofactors involved, and energy utilized. Look for recurring reaction themes (nitrogen
incorporation, etc.). Work through the worksheets for each section in as much detail as possible.
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