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Importance of Vertical Dimension In determining
facial Esthetics
The Abstract
The human face has been the subject of study since man could first
express himself. Vertical Dimension in its simplest definition
terminology is the length of the face determined by the distance of
separation of jaws. In terms of esthetics, an appropriately measured VD
will appear to a layman's eye as an ordinary configuration of the patient's
nose, lips and chin. Orthodontic treatment must begin with diagnosis of
the patient’s skeletal and dental problems.Treatment planning must be
based on realistic treatment goals. Vertical dysplasias often are among
the most difficult dentofacial problems to treat. It seems obvious that
inherited facial proportions and habits, functional adaptations and other
environment factors may contribute to the etiology. The fact that
changes in the vertical dimension occur together with changes in the
anteroposterior dimension makes control of the vertical dimension an
important aspect in planning orthodontic treatment. A practitioner must
work within the physical constraints of the patient’s dentition and
skeleton, but the end result of dental (occlusal) correction should be in
harmony with the facial (skeletal) esthetics.