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Frozen Embryo Transfer
If you have embryos frozen after egg collection, these may be used in a frozen embryo
cycle of treatment.
Frozen embryo transfer can be arranged as a natural or drug cycle. A natural cycle does
not use any drugs or medication and the embryo is replaced after natural ovulation. This
may be suitable for patients who have regular periods and ovulation.
In a stimulated cycle, medication is given to prepare the lining of the womb. This can be
used when patients have irregular or no periods.
The clinic will discuss with you and advise which is the best way for you.
Natural Cycle
In a natural cycle of treatment, you will be asked to ring the Nurse on 01270 273499 on
the first day of your period.
Please use condoms from this period.
The nurse will ask you to commence daily ovulation test kits which are urine tests
(available at chemists) from early in your cycle. They will give you a date to commence
testing. It is important to test at the same time each day. You may not have a positive
test before your scan, however if you do, please ring the Nurse on 01270 273499.
A scan appointment will be made mid-cycle for checking the endometrial thickness (lining
of the womb).Please bring the consent form to this appointment.
If the endometrium thickness and appearance is optimum, then the date of embryo
transfer will be confirmed.
Drug Cycle
You will be asked to ring the Nurse on 01270 273499 on the first day of your period.
If you do not have periods or have irregular periods, you may have been asked to use
condoms for two weeks, then do a pregnancy test and then commence some medication
to induce a bleed. You would then ring on the first day of bleeding.
Please use condoms from this bleed.
The Nurse will ask you to attend an appointment about 21-23 days after to collect your
medication from Pharmacy at Leighton Hospital. This should then be taken to the Nurse
where you will be shown how to administer the injections.
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These injections of Buserelin 0.5mls daily would continue at the same time each day.
When you have a bleed, please ring the Nurse on 01270 273499 and she will give you a
date to reduce the dose of the injection to 0.2mls and add in the Progynova 2mgs three
times a day.
It is important not to reduce it yourself as the dates need to be calculated.
You will have the prescription chart that you may record the dates on.
The scan appointment will be arranged. Please bring the consent form to this
appointment. This is to check the endometrial thickness (lining of the womb). If this is
optimum, then the date of embryo transfer will be confirmed.
On the date planned for the transfer, the Embryologist will ring you to confirm and
arrange a time that day to attend The Hewitt Centre at Liverpool Women’s Hospital.
You will need a semi - full bladder for this appointment. Some ladies with a retroverted
uterus (womb which tilted backwards) will be asked to empty their bladder.
You can eat and drink as normal but empty your bladder before you leave home to go to
the appointment and then do not go to the toilet.
The Embryologist will explain the quality of the embryo and you will be able to see your
embryo on screen.
A speculum is placed in your vagina and the embryo is placed in a catheter and passed
into your womb by the Doctor or Nurse. You may feel some discomfort although this is
usually for a short time.
The Embryologist checks the catheter to ensure the embryo has been transferred.
You will be given a date to carry out your pregnancy test on and you need to ring the
Nurse at the Fertility Clinic at Leighton Hospital to inform her of the result.
If you have any problems or concerns, please telephone the Nurse on 01270 273499.
Good luck
The Fertility Team
This information is available in audio, Braille, large print and other languages. To request
a copy please telephone 01270 273499.
Printed September 2015 Review September 2017 Ref: WCSH/FC/0050915
NHS Choices:
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