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College of Science and Health
Department of Computer Science
Course Coverage Assessment Report
CS 2300: Computer Science I_____________________________________________________________________________
Software fundamentals
 Categories of programming languages
 Application versus system programs
 Editors, compilers/interpreters, and the linkage editor
 Source codes, object codes, and executable files
Hardware fundamentals
 Functional units of a computer and their characteristics: CPU, main memory,
secondary storage, input and output systems.
 Basic operations of a computer: input data, process data, and ouput of the
 Instructions execution cycle: the fetch, decode, and execute cycle.
Program development environment: Windows and Visual C++ IDE or equivalent
 OS basics: files, secondary storage, and basic operations on files and
 Integrated Development Environment such a Visual C++
 How to run a C++ program: preprocess, compile, link, load, and execute cycle
Basic elements of the C++ programming language:
 comments, statements, and the preprocessor directives,
 identifiers and keywords,
 Variables, basic data types, and the declaration statement.
 Constants and data representation.
 Assignment statement.
 Arithmetic expressions
 Output and formatted output using cout
 Input using cin
 Naming constants: const variables and the #define directive.
 Structure of a C++ program: functions and function main.
 Concepts of procedural and object-oriented programming
L1, L11,
L3, L4
How is topic
How is Knowledge assessed?
About Learning Outcome and/or Topics
(please use additional sheets if necessary)
Problem solving and algorithm development
Concept of an algorithm and algorithm specification using flowcharts and
Logical expressions.
Problem solving using control structures: one-way selection using the ifstructure; two-way selection using the if-else-structure; counter-controlled
iteration using the while/for-loop structure; multiple-way selection using the
if-else structure; logically-controlled iteration using the while/for-loop
structure; sentinel-controlled iteration using the while/for-loop structure.
 Path of program execution and software testing: tracing the execution of a
Problem solving using more complex control structures:
 Multiple-way selection using the switch structure.
 Logically-controlled iteration using the do-while structure.
 Problem solving using nested if-else structures.
 Problem solving using nested iterations.
 Concept of procedural abstraction
 Function definition, function prototypes, and header files
 Calling void functions and functions that return a value.
 The C++ library functions
 Scope and lifetime of a variable
 Parameter-passing mechanisms: call-by-value versus call-by-reference
 Signature of a function and function overloading
 Structured program development: top-down design and stepwise refinement.
Pointers and Arrays
 Concept of a pointer variable
 Pointer variables definition and initialization
 Using a pointer variable to access the value of a memory location.
 Using a pointer variable to access a memory location.
 Pointer parameters.
 Concept of an one-dimensional array
 Defining and referencing one-dimensional arrays.
 Using indexed variables and initialization of a one-dimensional array.
 Processing one-dimensional arrays.
 Passing a one-dimensional array to a function.
 Sorting (bubble sort/selection sort) and searching (linear search and binary
 Problem solving with one-dimension arrays
 Concept of a two-dimensional array
 Defining and referencing two-dimensional arrays.
 Using indexed variables and initialization of a two-dimensional array.
 Processing two-dimensional arrays.
L5, L6,
L8, L12
L7, L9,
L14, L15
L9, L10,
L13, L16,
Passing a two-dimensional array to a function.
Problem solving with two-dimension arrays
Hands-on activities
 Formulate solutions to practical problems
 Develop algorithms in terms of flowchart/pseudocode
 Convert algorithms to C++ source code
 Test run the debug programs in Windows platform using the IDE of C++ such
as Microsoft Visual C++
Comments/Suggestions about Prerequisites and Co-requisites:
General Comments/Suggestions about the Course:
L1, L5,
L11, L19
Learning Outcomes
1. I am able to create, compile, and run a C++ program
2. I am able to explain the difference between high-level languages and low-level languages
3. I am able to describe the concept of a variable, and evaluate arithmetic expressions
4. I am able to write a program using simple input/output statements
5. I am able to write a simple algorithm from program specification
6. I am able to write an use simple if-else or switch statements
7. I am able to write and use nested if- else statements
8. I am able to use and write simple while or for statements
I am able to use and write nested while/for statements
10. I am able to combine if-else, while, and for statements
11. I am able to write, document, execute, debug and test a program in at least one program development
12. I am able to trace the flow of a given piece of code
13. I am able to write and use one-dimensional arrays
14. I am able to create a function which uses pass-by-value
15. I am able to create a function which uses pass-by-reference.
16. I am able to handle the basic concepts and implementation of arrays and pointers
17. I am able to write programs with two-dimensional arrays
18. I am able to describe the major components of a digital computer system with their functions
19. I can program a computer in C++