Download Sustainability Research Inventory_DrexelUniversity

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College of Engineering
Faculty Member Name
Sustainability Research Interests (key words)
Karen Miu
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dagmar Niebur
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Chika Nwankpa
Kevin Scoles
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Richard Cairncross
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Joe Elabd
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Masoud Soroush
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Jason Baxter
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Vibha Kalra
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Ken Lau
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Giuseppe Palmese
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Michel Barsoum
Yury Gogotsi
Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Steven May
Jonathan Spanier
Materials Science and Engineering
Materials Science and Engineering
Mitra Taheri
Materials Science and Engineering
Nicholas Cernansky
Young Cho
Alexander Fridman
E. Caglan Kumbur
Harry Kwatny
Matthew McCarthy
David Miller
Alexander Moseson
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Power systems, distribution networks,
optimization, system analysis
Electric power systems dynamics, security, Design
and control of terrestrial and shipboard power
Power system dynamics, Power electronic
switching systems, Optically controlled high power
Alternative energy
biofuels, sustainable energy, life cycle analysis
fuel cells, batteries, capacitors, water purification
solar cells
solar cells, photovoltaics, photocatalysis
batteries, fuel cells, solar cells
solar cells
polymers from renewable sources
MAX Phases & Green Concrete
Energy Storage, supercapacitors, batteries
Oxide Films & Interfaces: Materials for Energy
Conversion and Electronics
Solar cells/photovoltaics
Materials for nuclear energy and materials for
extreme environments
Combustion chemistry and kinetics, combustion
generated pollution, utilization of alternative and
synthetic fuels
Water treatment
Pollutant mitigation, Super-adiabatic combustion
Alternative Energy Systems, Fuel Cells
Control of electric power plants and systems
Energy and sensor applications
Combustion, Incineration of hazardous municipal
and infectious wastes
Sustainable development
Ying Sun
Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics
Photovoltaics, electrochemical systems
Kurt Sjoblom
Peter DeCarlo
Grace Hsuan
Joseph Martin
Civil Architectural and Environmental Civil Architectural and Environmental Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Ivan Bartoli
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Anu Pradhan
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Patrick Gurian
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Geoenvironmental Engineering
Outdoor Air Quality
Sustainable construction materials, Recycled Materials in Geotechnics
Hydropower management
Structural monitoring of Wind Turbines, Structural monitoring of gas and oil pipelines, Monitoring of power/electrical infrastructure post natural disaster
Monitoring of power/electrical infrastructure post natural disaster, Data fusion and data mining as it relates to energy
Environmental Modeling and Statistics, Indoor environmental quality, Environmental Health and Community Outreach, Renewable Energy, Building energy efficiency and modeling, Risk Analysis of Environmental and Infrastructure Systems, Building Occupant Energy Behaviors
Sustainable water systems, Community Outreach and sustainable green design, Green Infrastructure Planning, Modeling, Design, Ecological Restoration
Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, Sustainable water systems
Net-­‐zero building, indoor environmental quality, building energy efficiency and modeling, Building Occupant Energy Behaviors
Indoor Environmental Quality, building energy efficiency, building energy modeling, Indoor Air Quality Climate impacts of particulate matter
Sustainable and smart building design at the nexus of health, energy and technology, building energy efficiency, Building Occupant Energy Behaviors
effects of climate variability and change on water systems
Environmental Remediation, Sustainable water systems, Renewable energy, Biofuels, Ecological Restoration
Franco Montalto
Paul Block
Jin Wen
Michael Waring
Peter DeCarlo
Eugenia Victoria Ellis
Paul Block
Mira Olson
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Patricia Gallagher
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Sabrina Spatari
Kurt Sjoblom
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Civil Architectural and Environmental Charles Haas
Civil Architectural and Environmental Engineering
Recycled Material Flows in Construction, Application of Life Cycle Methods in Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, Urban Geothermal Energy Potential, Environmental Remediation, Recycled Materials in Geotechnics, Sustainable construction materials, Geoenvironmental Engineering
Application of Life Cycle Methods in Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Engineering, Recycled Material Flows in Construction, renewable energy, Biofuels
Urban Geothermal Energy Potential
Sustainable water systems, Wastewater Reuse, Health implications of alternative water management strategies, Effects of built infrastructure on societal water needs, Environmental Modeling and Statistics, Environmental Health and Community Outreach, Risk Analysis of Environmental and Infrastructure Systems
College of Media Arts & Design
Debra Ruben
Dee Nicholas
Gena Ellis
Jody Graff
Paul Runyon
Lisa Hayes
College of Arts and Sciences
Participatory Design, Sustainable Design, User-­‐centered design, sustainable materials, community design, Participatory Design, Sustainable Design, User-­‐centered design, sustainable materials, community design, Architecture + Interiors
Engineering & Architecture+ Interiors joint appt. Daylight, Health, Low-­‐energy lighting
Environmental Graphic Design applications:material or installation; the REU Smart Textiles proposal Media Arts
(collaboration); packaging materials or engineering; Personnel project:changing environment of the American West, impact on the landscape & people, emphasis on Media Arts
water issues
development & application of more sustainable textiles for use in design-­‐Emphasis on recycled poly &/or Fashion Design
fabrics/finished requiring less after care
Architecture + Interiors
Gail Hearn
Jacob Russell
Sean O'Donnell
Mike O'Connor
Walt Bien
Don Charles
Dan Duran
Sustainability, conservation biology, primates, oil,Africa, Equatorial Guinea
Ecology, Evolution, symbiosis, ants, fish, bacterial symbiosis
Community Ecology, biological diversity, Tropics, Social insects, Ecology, genetic and physiologic regulation of insect behavior, ants, birds
Biophyiscal ecology, physiology, temperature, hyrdric, organismal distribution, gas exchange, turtles
Community ecology (New Jersey Pine Barrens); fire ecology; natural resource management; restoration ecology; conservation biology with special interest in rare plants and the spatial ecology of the Northern pine snake
Applied freshwater ecology; use of diatoms as ecological indicators; paleolimnology; water quality assessment, eutrophication, climate change
Phylogeography, speciation, molecular ecology, and conservation genetics of insects
Jon Gelhaus
Richard Horwitz
Susan Kilham
Danielle Kreeger
Biodiversity, evolution and ecology of freshwater insects, particularly Diptera, in New World and Mongolia; Biodiversity of insects in New Jersey Pine Barrens
Ecology of freshwater and estuarine fishes; watershed planning, management, and restoration; conservation of rare species; invasive species; phylogeography of freshwater fishes
Climate change; aquatic ecology; physiological ecology of phytoplankton ; tropical stream food webs
Physiological ecology, ecosystem services and restoration of suspension-­‐feeding bivalves; ecology and restoration of coastal wetlands; climate change
Botany; phylogenetic reconstruction; pollination biology; morphological and functional evolution of flowers; climate niche evolution; biogeography; biodiversity
Tatyana Livshultz
John Lundberg
Richard McCourt
Jerry Mead
Dan Otte
Tracy Quirk
Ling Ren
Academy of Natural Sciences
Barbara Rinkel
Academy of Natural Sciences
Gary Rosenberg
Jim Spotila
David Velinsky
Robert Brulle
Emmanual Koku
Culture & Communication
Culture & Communication
Mimi Sheller
Robert Stokes
Nathan Hanna
Erin Graham
Culture & Communication
Culture & Communication
English & Philosophy
History & Politics
Christian Hunold
History & Politics
Ichthyology; diversity and evolution of fishes
Biodiversity; evolution; ecology; and, specifically charophyte and conjugating green algae.
Development, disruption, dynamics of ecosystems, biophysical economics; stream ecology; watershed science; bioenergetics; stream morphology; spatial analyses
Taxonomy and biogeography of Orthoptera, particularly grasshoppers and crickets; origin of species
Taxonomy, ecology, and biogeography of freshwater diatoms
Wetland plant ecology, nutrient and carbon cycling, and accretion dynamics
Phytoplankton ecology, coastal eutrophication, mesocosms and ecosystem modeling; diatom identification and use in water quality assessment
Soft-­‐bodied algal ecology, distribution and use as water quality indicators; marine green algae, in particular endophytic species
Magnitude and origin of species-­‐level diversity in the Mollusca
Physiological and biophysical ecology; conservation biology; biology of sea turtles, crocodiles, salamanders and giant pandas
Fate and transport of chemical contaminants, Stable isotope and nutrient biogeochemistry; sediment geochemistry and deposition, water quality
social effects of climate change; environmental policy
water issues
sustainability & transportation; infrastructure & susainability
mass transportation; environmental policy
engineering ethics human security, climage changes, and institutions
sustainability & food production; governments & sustainability
Law School
Alex Geisinger
Environmental Justice, Economic Theories of regulation, behavioral considerations and social norm-­‐based regulatory tools, Risk based regulation
School of Public Health
Ann Klassen
Amy Auchincloss
Yvonne Michael
Amy Carroll-­‐Scott
John Rossi
Esther Chernak
Suruchi Sood
Marianna Chilton
Igor Burstyn
Longjian Liu
Loni Tabb
Hernando Perez
Carla Campbell
Arthur Frank
Carol Gross Davies
John Rich
Nicole Vaughn
Nora Lee
Brian Lee
College of Nursing and Health Professions
food systems, urban built and social environment, environmental impact on chronic disease prevention, health disparities
Built Environment and Health, Chronic disease
Built Environment and Health, Chronic disease
CBPR, Community Assets, GIS, Urban Health Animal/Human Disease systems, ethics, Preparedness, vulnerable populations
Global health, health communication, evaluation of large scale policy interventions
Food policy for vulnerable populations, social policy interventions
Environmental health, Occupational Health
chronic disease burden globally
Urban built environment, spatial methods
Industrial impact on environment, urban health, asthma and other environmental health disparities
urban health, lead poisoning, environmental policy Environmental health, Occupational Health
Environmental health, Occupational Health
safe communities, Community based interventions, chronic disease reduction, community based violence reduction, nutrition interventions in the community
Global Tobacco Cntl and Policy, Neonatal health, environmental epi
Built Environment and Health, Chronic disease
Stella Volpe
Nutrition Sciences
Jennifer Nassar
Nutrition Sciences
Jennifer Quinlan
Nutrition Sciences
Alison Ventura
Nutrition Sciences
Obesity and diabetes prevention, Body composition, Bone mineral density, and Mineral metabolism and exercise
dopamine-­‐mediated mechanisms of food intake regulation in humans and its impact on metabolic homeostasis, especially as it applies to obesity, eating disorders and aging
microbiological quality and safety of produce, dairy and meat products in markets in high and low socioeconomic areas eating behaviors and dietary preferences during infancy and early childhood
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