Download Aim: To understand the Hindu belief in ahimsa (L4).

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How does belief in Brahman
influence actions?
Aim: To understand the Hindu belief in
ahimsa (L4).
Goal: To apply this belief to a moral
dilemma (L5/6).
When we add salt to
water, we cannot see it.
Yet we know the salt is in
every part of the water
because we can taste it, no
matter how small or large
the amount of water.
This helps us to
understand a key Hindu
belief about Brahman…
Key Words
The belief that Brahman exists in all living
things, therefore all life should be respected.
When something is holy (special to God)
When you treat something a special way
because it is valued.
Brahman is everywhere and in
everything, but we cannot see Brahman
with our eyes.
Brahman is in people and all living things.
Everything in the world is sacred and
should be respected.
This is known as ‘ahimsa’.
Level 2/ 3 question
Describe using key words what
Hindus believe about ahimsa.
• You can tell me what Ahimsa is.
• You can tell me how Hindus would treat
all living creatures.
• You can use today’s key words in your
Think – Pair – Share
How might this belief affect how
Hindus should behave towards:
Other people?
Animals and the
(2 minutes)
Belief in Action
Beliefs affect how people behave in their lives.
• Morality
A person’s ability to decide what is
right and wrong in a particular situation.
• Moral Issues
Real life situations which require a
person to decide what is right and what
is wrong.
We are now going to
see an example of
ahimsa in action!
Shambo the bull
Brain time
Imagine you are a member of the Hindu community in
South Wales.
Compose a letter to the Welsh Government, explaining
why Shambo should be saved.
Remember to include information about the Hindu
belief of ahimsa.
What key words do you need to include?
Vote with your feet
“Shambo should have been saved”.
Do you agree or disagree?
Vote with your feet by moving to
the relevant side of the room.