Download Time plots In applications like process control, detecting trends and

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ST 370
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Time plots
In applications like process control, detecting trends and other
changes in a process is important. Plotting data values against the
time at which the observation was made is a key step.
Example: chemical concentrations
conc <- read.csv("Data/Table-15-03.csv")$Concentration;
plot(conc, type = "b")
# Target concentration is 100 grams per liter:
abline(h = 100, col = "green")
# Lower Control Limit is 96 grams per liter:
abline(h = 96, col = "red")
# Plot cumulative deviations from target:
plot(cumsum(conc - 100), type = "b")
Descriptive Statistics
Time plots
ST 370
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Example: global temperature
temperature <- read.csv("Data/Temperature.csv");
temperature <- ts(temperature, start = 1850);
# Fit a simple model:
tempModel <- read.csv("Data/TempFit.csv");
tempModel <- ts(tempModel, start = 1850);
matplot(time(tempModel), tempModel, type = "l", lty = 1)
Descriptive Statistics
Time plots
ST 370
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Scatter plots
When exploring the association of one variable with another, such as
the pull-strength and wire-length variables, the scatter plot is an
important tool:
# wireBond <- read.csv("Data/Table-01-02.csv")
Descriptive Statistics
Scatter plots
ST 370
Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Quantile Plots
In a sample of observed data values, the ordered values are called the
order statistics. Each order statistic is a quantile of the sample.
The R function ppoints() shows the fraction represented by each
order statistic.
Probability theory gives a theoretical quantile for each fraction, under
the assumption that the sample follows a given distribution, usually
the normal distribution.
The quantile-quantile plot is a graph of the sample quantiles against
the theoretical quantiles. The R function qqnorm() makes Q-Q plots.
Example: Compressive strengths
Descriptive Statistics
Q-Q plots
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