Download TB (Tuberculosis) Screening Test Results

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Brandeis University Health Center
Medical Evaluation for Latent Tuberculosis Infection (LTBI)
(To be completed and signed by a licensed medical provider)
Student’s Name: ________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________________
Test must be read by a health care provider 48 – 72 hours after administration. If no induration, indicate “0mm”.
Results of multiple puncture tests, such as Tine or Mono-Vac are NOT accepted.
Date administered: ____/____/____ Lot: ________________________ Exp date: ____________________________
Date test read: ____/____/____ Result: _____ mm of induration (sign bottom of page)
Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) (Copy of Lab Report REQUIRED-Please attach)
Date obtained: ____/____/____ Specify Method: QFT-GIT
Result: ☐Negative
☐ Positive ☐Indeterminate
other ________
☐ Borderline (T-Spot only)
Interpretation of Tuberculin Skin Test
Risk Factor
Positive Result
Close contact with a case of tuberculosis
5 mm or more
Born in a country that has a high rate of tuberculosis
10 mm or more
Traveled or lived for a month or more in a country that
10 mm or more
has a high rate of Tuberculosis
No risk factors (test not recommended)
15 mm or more
If Tuberculin Skin Test or IGRA is POSITIVE, now, or by history, the following are REQUIRED:
1. Date of positive PPD or IGRA: ____/____/_____ Results _________ mm.
2. Chest X-ray: Copy of X-ray Report REQUIRED. Date of X-ray: ____/____/____
☐Normal ☐ Abnormal ______________________________________________ (Describe)
3. Clinical Evaluation:
☐Normal ☐ Abnormal ______________________________________________ (Describe)
4. Treatment:
☐No ☐ Yes ___________________________________________ (Drug, dose, frequency and dates)
HEALTHCARE PROVIDER SIGNATURE (REQUIRED): ____________________________________________________
Date: __________________ Tel: (________)________________________________ Fax: (________)________________________
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