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Prof Kathie Knights Publications 1990-2010
Sallustio, B.C., Knights, K.M., and Meffin, P.J. The stereospecific inhibition of endogenous triacylglycerol synthesis by
fenoprofen in rat isolated adipocytes and hepatocytes. Biochem. Pharmacol. 40: 1414-1417 (1990)
Knights, K.M., Addinall, T.F., and Roberts, B.J. Enhanced chiral inversion of R-ibuprofen in liver from rats treated with
clofibric acid. Biochem Pharmacol. 41: 1775-1777 (1991).
Sallustio, B.C., Knights, K.M., Roberts, B.J., and Zacest, R. In vivo covalent binding of clofibric acid to human plasma
proteins and rat liver proteins. Biochem. Pharmacol. 42: 1421-1425 (1991).
Knights, K.M., and Jones, M.E. Inhibition kinetics of hepatic microsomal long chain fatty acid CoA ligase by 2arylpropionic acid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Biochem. Pharmacol. 43: 1465-1471 (1992).
Roberts, B.J., and Knights, K.M. Inhibition of rat peroxisomal palmitoyl-CoA ligase by xenobiotic carboxylic acids.
Biochem. Pharmacol. 44: 261-267 (1992).
Knights, K.M., and Drew R. Effects of ibuprofen enantiomers on rat hepatocyte intermediary metabolism. Biochem.
Pharmacol. 44: 1291-1296 (1992).
Knights, K.M., Talbot, U.M., and Baillie, T.A. Evidence of multiple forms of rat liver microsomal coenzyme A ligase
catalysing the formation of 2-arylpropionyl-coenzyme A thioesters. Biochem. Pharmacol. 44: 2415-2417 (1992).
Knights, K.M., McLean, C.F., Tonkin, A.L., and Miners, J.O. Lack of effect of gender and oral contraceptive steroids
on the pharmacokinetics of R-ibuprofen in humans. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 40: 153-156 (1995).
Roberts, B.J., MacLeod, J.K., Singh, I., and Knights, K.M. Kinetic characteristics of rat liver peroxisomal nafenopincoenzyme A ligase. Biochem. Pharmacol. 49: 1335-1339 (1995).
Roberts, B.J., and Knights, K.M. Differential induction of rat hepatic microsomal and peroxisomal long-chain and
nafenopin-CoA ligases by clofibric acid and di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate. Xenobiotica 25: 469-476 (1995).
Knights, K.M., and Roberts, B.J. Xenobiotic acyl-CoA formation: evidence of kinetically distinct hepatic microsomal
long-chain fatty acid and nafenopin-CoA ligases. Chemico-Biol. Interactions 90: 215-223 (1994).
Knights, K.M., McLean, C.F., Tonkin, A.L., and Miners, J.O. Lack of effect of gender and oral contraceptive steroids
on the pharmacokinetics of R-ibuprofen in humans. Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 40: 153-156 (1995).
Roberts, B.J., MacLeod, J.K., Singh, I., and Knights, K.M. Kinetic characteristics of rat liver peroxisomal nafenopincoenzyme A ligase. Biochem. Pharmacol. 49: 1335-1339 (1995).
Roberts, B.J., and Knights, K.M. Differential induction of rat hepatic microsomal and peroxisomal long-chain and
nafenopin-CoA ligases by clofibric acid and di-(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate. Xenobiotica 25: 469-476 (1995).
Mackenzie, P.I., Anders, M.W., Yamazoe, Y., Weinshilboum, R.M., Knights, K.M., and Caldwell, J. Drug conjugation:
Diversity and Biological Significance p161-168 in Pharmacological Sciences Perspectives for Research and Therapy
in the late 1990s ed by A.C. Cuello & B. Collier, Birkhauser Verlag Basel/Switzerland (1995).
Knights, K.M (Invited Review). Role of Hepatic Fatty acid:Coenzyme A Ligases in the Metabolism of Xenobiotic
Carboxylic acids. Clin.Exp.Pharmacol.Physiol. 25: 776-782 (1998)
Knights K.M. NSAIDs, from selective to specific. Aus. Musc. Med. 5:17-20 (2000).
Knights K.M. and Drogemuller C.J. Xenobiotic-CoA ligases: Kinetic and Molecular Characterisation. Current Drug
Metabolism. 1: 49-66 (2000)
Sallustio B.C., Nunthasomboon S, Drogemuller C. J. and Knights K. M. In vitro covalent binding of nafenopin-CoA to
human liver proteins. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 163:176-182 (2000)
Knights K.M., Gasser R., and Klemisch W. In vitro metabolism of acitretin by human liver microsomes: Evidence of
acitretinoyl-coenzyme A thioester conjugate in the transesterification to etretinate. Biochem Pharmacol. 60: 507-516
Prof Kathie Knights Publications 1990-2010
Drogemuller, C.J., Nunthasomboon S., and Knights K.M. Nafenopin-, ciprofibroyl-, and palmitoyl-CoA conjugation in
vitro: Kinetic and molecular characterization of marmoset liver microsomes and expressed MLCL1. Arch. Biochem.
Biophys. 396: 56-64. (2001)
Tsoutsikos, P., Miners, J.O., Stapleton, A., Thomas, A., Sallustio, B.C. and Knights, K.M. Evidence that unsaturated
fatty acids are potent inhibitors of renal UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGT): Kinetic studies using human kidney
cortical microsomes and recombinant UGT1A9 and UGT2B7. Biochem. Pharmacol 67: 191-199 (2004).
Bowalgaha, K., Elliot, D.J., Mackenzie, P.I., Knights, K.M., Swedmark, S. and Miners, J.O. S-Naproxen and
desmethylnaproxen glucuronidation by human liver microsomes and recombinant human UDPglucuronosyltransferases (UGT): Role of UGT2B7 in the elimination of naproxen. Brit. J. Clin. Pharm. 60: 423-433
Knights, K.M., Mangoni, A.A. and Miners, J.O. Non-selective nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and cardiovascular
events: is aldosterone the silent partner in crime? Br. J. Clin. Pharmacol. 61: 738-740 (2006).
Miners, J.O., Knights, K.M., Houston, J.B., and Mackenzie, P.I. In vitro-in vivo correlation for drugs and other
compounds eliminated by glucuronidation in humans: Pitfalls and promises. Biochem. Pharmacol. 71: 1531-1539
Bowalgaha, K., Elliot, D.J., Mackenzie, P.I., Knights, K.M. and Miners, J.O. The glucuronidation of ∇ -3-keto C19- and
C21-hydroxysteroids by human liver microsomal and recombinant UDP-glucuronosyltransferases (UGTs): 6 - and
21-hydroxyprogesterone are selective substrates for UGT2B7. Drug Metab. Dispos. 35: 363-370 (2007).
Gaganis, P., Miners, J.O. and Knights, K.M. Glucuronidation of fenamates: kinetic studies using human kidney cortical
microsomes and recombinant UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A9 and 2B7. Biochem. Pharmacol. 73: 16831691 (2007).
Rowland, A., Gaganis, P., Elliot, D.J., Mackenzie P.I., Knights, K.M. and Miners, J.O. Binding of inhibitory fatty acids
is responsible for the enhancement of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2B7 activity by albumin: Implications for in vitro-in
vivo extrapolation. JPET 321: 137-147 (2007).
Knights, K.M., Sykes, M.J., Miners, J.O. Amino acid conjugation: contribution to the metabolism and toxicity of
xenobiotic carboxylic acids. Expert Opin Drug Met. 3: 159-168 (2007)
Gaganis, P., Miners, J.O., Brennan, J.S., Thomas, A. and Knights, K.M. Human renal cortical and medullary UDPglucuronosyltransferases (UGTs): Immunohistochemical localization of UGT2B7 and UGT1A enzymes and kinetic
characterization of S-naproxen glucuronidation. JPET 323: 1-9 (2007).
Rowland, A., Elliot, D.J., Knights, K.M., Mackenzie, P.I. and Miners, J.O. The ‘albumin effect’ and in vitro – in vivo
extrapolation: Sequestration of long chain unsaturated fatty acids enhances phenytoin hydroxylation by human liver
microsomes and recombinant cytochrome P450 2C9. Drug Metab Dispos 36: 870-877 (2008).
Rowland, A., Knights, K.M., Mackenzie, P.I. and Miners, J.O. The ‘albumin effect’ and drug glucuronidation: Bovine
serum albumin and fatty acid free human serum albumin enhance the glucuronidation of UGT1A9 substrates but not
UGT1A1 and UGT1A6 activities. Drug Metab Dispos 36:1056-1062 (2008).
Kerdpin, O., Knights, K.M., Elliot, D.J. and Miners, J.O. In vitro characterisation of human renal and hepatic frusemide
glucuronidation and identification of the UDP-glucuronosyltransferase enzymes involved in this pathway. Biochem.
Pharmacol. 76: 249-257 (2008)
Rowland, A., Knights, K.M., Mackenzie, P.I., and Miners, J.O. Characterization of the Binding of Drugs to Human
Intestinal Fatty Acid Binding Protein (IFABP): Potential Role of IFABP as an Alternative to Albumin for in Vitro-in Vivo
Extrapolation of Drug Kinetic Parameters. Drug Metab Dispos 37: 1395-1403 (2009).
Doogue, M.P., and Knights, K.M. What changes are needed to the current direction and interpretation of clinical
cancer research to meet the needs of the 21 century? Med. J Aus. 191: 190-190 (2009).
Knights, K.M., Winner, L.K., Elliot, D.J., Bowalgaha, K., and Miners, J.O. Aldosterone glucuronidation by human liver
and kidney microsomes and recombinant UDP-glucuronosyltransferases: Inhibition by NSAIDs. Br. J. Clin.
Pharmacol. 68: 402-412 (2009).
Prof Kathie Knights Publications 1990-2010
Miners, J.O., Mackenzie, P.I., and Knights, K.M. The prediction of drug-glucuronidation parameters in humans: UDPglucuronosyltransferase enzyme-selective substrate and inhibitor probes for reaction phenotyping and in vitro-in vivo
extrapolation of drug clearance and drug-drug interaction potential. Drug Metab Rev. 41: 196-208 (2010)
Knights, K.M., and Miners, J.O. Renal UDP-glucuronosyltransferases and the glucuronidation of xenobiotics and
endogenous mediators. Drug Metab Rev. 42: 63-73 (2010)
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