Download 1. What type of cloud is most likely to produce light to heavy

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Name: __________________
Date: _____________
Lesson Assessment: Weather Patterns
1. What type of cloud is most likely to produce light to heavy, continuous rain?
a) stratus clouds
b) altocumulus clouds
c) nimbostratus clouds
d) cumulus clouds
2. What type of instrument is used to measure relative humidity?
a) precipitation gauge
b) barometer
c) psychrometer
d) anemometer
3. Which type of storm forms as a low pressure system circulating over tropical waters?
a) tornado
b) thunderstorm
c) hurricane
d) lightning
4. Meteorologists are trying to develop a way to create rain in areas that need it. This process is called _____.
a) freezing nuclei
b) coalescence
c) cloud seeding
d) super cooling
5. Warm fronts are preceded by certain clouds. What types of clouds give the first sign of an oncoming warm
a) nimbostratus and stratus
b) altostratus and cirrostratus
c) cirrus and cirrostratus
d) cumulonimbus and cirrus
Name: __________________
Date: _____________
Lesson Assessment: Weather Patterns
6. Relative humidity is given as a percentage. Saturated air has a relative humidity of 100%. What does a
relative humidity of 60% mean?
a) The atmosphere contains 40% of the amount of water saturation it can hold at a specific temperature.
b) The atmosphere contains 60% of the amount of water saturation it can hold at a given temperature.
c) The atmosphere contains 40% of the amount of water saturation it can hold.
d) The atmosphere contains 60% of the amount of water saturation it can hold at any temperature.
7. Map symbols are necessary tools that aid in reading weather maps. What type of front is represented by a
blue line with blue triangles?
a) warm front
b) cold front
c) stationary front
d) occluded front
8. It is usually fairly difficult to accurately predict _____.
a) amount of precipitation
b) wind direction
c) wind speed
d) temperature
9. What type of air mass transfers rain and snow to the Pacific Coast?
a) continental arctic air mass
b) maritime tropical air mass
c) continental equatorial air mass
d) maritime polar air mass
10. The eye of a hurricane is an area of _____.
a) strong winds
b) calm, clear air
c) torrential rain
d) hailstorms
1.. c
2.. c
3.. c
4.. c
5.. c
6.. b
7.. b
8.. a
9.. d
10.. b