Download Unit 1: Enterprise in the business world

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In The Assignment Brief Scenario...
Research and identify two job roles at one of your
chosen businesses and:
1. Describe the functions of each job role.
2. The progression routes of each role.
3. Explain the role of two businesses that support retail
business such as transport or accountancy,
identifying the importance of these for the effective
operation of the retail business.
1.Job roles
1.Some of their other jobs are….
1.What makes each job role different..
2.Main Job roles and routes
Example: Role of manager at Cadbury
3.Supporting businesses
Examples of business that support the retail industry are:
•Transport and delivery companies,
•Suppliers and manufacturers,
•Computing Services,
•Shop fitters,
•Marketing and advertising agencies,
•Legal and accountancy firms.
How are they important?
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