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The Holocaust
Beware of those who burn books
The Nazis had ___________________________________ for books they deemed “un-German”
Heinrich Heine, a German poet in the 1800s predicted…. “Where they have burned books, they will end in
burning human beings”
• "___________________________" is a word of Greek origin meaning "sacrifice by fire."
Anti-Semitism in Europe
_______________________________ – hatred or discrimination of Jews
The Jewish people had be discriminated against for over 2000 years
Especially by Christians in Europe from the Middle Ages to the years prior to WWII
Prior to the early 1800s Jews could not ____________________________
They turned to lending money as a way to earn a living = the reason why stereotypes of Jews are
bankers or money hoarders (no other option for work)
Adolf Hitler
___________________________ outlined his goals: one of the main ones being to get rid of nonAryans especially Jews
Hitler also wanted to enforce racial “purification”
In his view, Germans—especially blue-eyed, blond-haired “Aryans”—formed a “master race” that
was destined to rule the world.
___________, ______________, _____________ and all nonwhites are “inferior races”
These people along with homosexuals, the disabled and communists will be targeted
during the Holocaust
• He was not the first person to say this, the idea was around since the 1850s
Hitler had no clue what he was talking about
The historical ___________________ people came from the Middle East and then to India
So they weren’t _______________ to begin with
He claimed the Aryans were _______________ not Middle Eastern
_____________________ – scientific group to verify this myth
Of course they couldn’t because IT ISN’T TRUE
From stone tool finds in Germany they said that the Cro-Magnons were from Germany and wiped
out the less advanced Neanderthals
This is not true but used as a justification for the Holocaust
The Swastika
The word is derived from the Sanskrit svastika, meaning “conducive to well-being
it is a sacred symbol in _____________________, ______________________, ___________________,
and _______________________
Heinrich Schliemann discovered the hooked cross on the site of ancient _______________. He connected
it with similar shapes found on pottery in Germany and speculated that it was a “significant religious symbol
of our remote ancestors
This was taken by the Nazis (and others) to be used as a symbol Aryan race
So…Why does Hitler hate the Jews
Some say because of his childhood in Vienna
Some say because of WWI and the economic collapse in Germany
Most banks were in Germany were ran by Jews
Others that his mother died because of a Jewish doctor
The fact is that the Jewish people were easy to _________________________ and blame all the problems
of Germany on them because many people already disliked them
Beginning the Persecution
Citizens are encouraged to stop going to _______________________
This became the official policy of the Nazi party
___________________________________ – passed in 1935
• Stripped Jews of their German citizenship and said Jews could not marry non-Jews
Jews fleeing Germany
From 1933 – 1937 about 130,000 Jews fled Germany
– This was _______________________________________
– The most famous of these Jews of __________________________________ who fled to the US
in 1933 and _______________________ who fled to Britain in 1939
The Persecution Continued
1937 and 1938 – the Nazis began to “Aryanize” Jewish businesses
____________________________________ – Jews had to register their property and dismissed
Jewish employees and managers. Jewish doctors were banned from treating non-Jews
Germans had to carry ___________________, Jews cards were marked with a big red J
• Jews also got new middle names – Sarah for women & Israel for men
The Persecution Continued
“Night of the Broken Glass”
November 9-10, 1938 – The Nazis in Germany and Austria destroyed Jewish stores, houses and
SS St. Louis
900 Jews fled Germany on a luxury cruise liner
They hoped to reach _____________ and then travel to the US but were _________________________
in Cuba
They passed near Florida and cabled the US but ________________________________
• They ___________________ to Germany and more than 250 were killed by the Nazis
From Persecution to Genocide
_____________________ - the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or
cultural group
In 1939 Germany took over __________________ and everything changed
_____________________ Jews lived in Poland
The solution, at first, was to put Jews in __________________ by the Gestapo
________________________ – Nazi secret police force that would round up Jewish populations in
Germany and conquered territory to first be put in Ghettos then eventually Concentration Camps
• Led by Reinhard Heydrich
Identifying Jews
Jew were made to wear ______________________
_____________________________ - famous Ghetto in the capital of Poland
The goal was to offer to young girls who were "racially pure" the possibility to give birth to a child in secret.
The child was then given to the ____________________________ which took in charge his "education"
and adoption.
This is a breeding program like as is done with dogs and horses
As Nazi Germany invaded the East, Aryan looking children were ___________________________
______________________ and sent back to Germany to be raised
• It is unknown how many children were taken but it is estimated between 20,000 and 200,000
Invasion of the Soviet Union
During the invasion of the Soviet Union special _______________________________ were sent behind
the advancing army to kill the Jewish populations
Called the Einsatzgruppen
• __________________________________ was responsible for this unit
Death and Revenge
______________________________ is killed in _________________________________ by a British
trained soldiers
Intelligence falsely linked the assassins to the villages of Lidice and Ležáky. Lidice was razed to the ground;
all men and boys over the age of 16 were shot, and all but a handful of its women and children were
deported and killed in Nazi concentration camps.
“The Final Solution”
Nazi officials met at the _____________________________ outside Berlin in 1942
The plan they came up with was to build special concentration camps
It is in these concentration camps that the Jews will be systematically murdered
• The SS will run the camps
Death Camps
The Nazis built death camps for ________________________
Jews were crammed into trains shipped to the camps
These camps had _____________________________ disguised as showers
When the Jews got to the camps, they didn’t really know where they were going or what would
happen to them, the elderly, most women and children and those too weak to work were sent to the
gas chambers and killed
Death Camps (Continued)
Those who were not killed immediately were forced to live in unbearable conditions
Men and women were forced to have their heads shaved and a registration number
______________________ on their arms
After Jews were killed other prisoners were forced to carry the bodies to the
• _________________________ - most infamous death camp
Questionable Response by the Allies
In the spring of 1944, four prisoners escaped from ______________________________, carrying tangible
proof of the Nazi's systematic program of mass murder.
In mid-July, American and British leaders learned what was happening at Auschwitz, but they
___________________ pleas to bomb the gas chambers or the roads and rail lines leading to the camps.
Military officials opposed the bombing because it would divert "considerable air support essential to the
success of our forces now engaged in decisive operations."
Medical Experiments
At many of the camps Nazi doctors performed inhumane medical experiments
___________________________ was the most infamous doctor at Auschwitz. Called the “Angel
of Death”
• Escaped captured and was never brought to justice
Fighting Back
Some Jews fought back against the Nazis
In April 1943 the _________________________ revolted against being moved to a death camp and held
off the Nazis for 27 days
In August 1943 the prisoners at the _______________________ camp revolted so badly that it had to be
shut down
In October 1944 workers from a munitions factory in _______________________ took gun powder the
Sonderkomando (Jews were forced to run the crematoria) killed SS guards and blew up one crematorium
Fighting Back
The _________________________________
After the Germans killed their parents and two brothers in the three surviving brothers of the Bielski
family—Tuvia, Asael , and Zus established a Jewish partisan group. They formed a community deep in the
forest and took in Jews in need of protection. They launched guerilla operations against the German
• Hundreds were protected by the group
Saving People
______________________________ – saved over 1000 Jews from being sent to Auschwitz by convincing
the SS that they were necessary to run his factory for the war effort
__________________________ – a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania who helped save thousands of Jews by
issuing visas for them to leave Europe for Japan
______________________________ – famous Italian cyclist. Used the handlebars on his bike to hide
counterfeit identity papers, Bartali would ride to Jews in hiding and deliver their exit visas he is credited with
saving the lives of 800 people.
Saving People
___________________________ – Swedish diplomat in Hungary who prevented the deportation of tens
of thousands of Jews to Auschwitz by distributing Swedish certificates of protection
Disappeared after the war, possibly died in Soviet prison
____________________________ - organized the rescue of 669 children destined for Nazi concentration
camps when he arranged for trains to carry Jewish children out of occupied Prague.
________________________________ – issued thousands of visas for Jews to leave Vienna and go to
China against orders
Even after it was a foregone conclusion that Germany would lose the war they continued to run these
• Advancing Allied troops found the camps and ________________________ the prisoners
Some of the American troops who liberated __________________ were so appalled by conditions at the
camp that they _______________________________________________________.
It is officially reported that 30 SS guards were killed in this fashion
The __________________________________________ of the town of Dachau were later forced to bury
the 9,000 dead inmates found at the camp
Before the Holocaust ______________________ were rarely held accountable for state policies
After the Holocaust top Nazi leaders were put on trial for Crimes against Humanity
• As well as others who participated
Justice at Nuremburg
Nuremberg was where it was decided to first start persecuting Jews
Nuremberg Trials
Major War Criminals
_______ were put on indicted _________ were given the death penalty
12 Additional trials were held for doctors, judges, industrialists and army and SS officers
185 indicted ______ received the death sentence
Adolf Eichmann
Eichmann took part in the ________________________ and was responsible for the deportations to the
camps (a main architect of the Holocaust)
He along with many other Nazis escaped after the war
He made his way to _________________, who would not extradite him (or send him out of the country to
face justice)
_______________, yes the same group NCIS has talked about, sent people to kidnap him and bring him to
Executed in Israel in 1962
Formation of Israel
With the victory the Allies controlled the area that is now Israel
They formed the nation so that _________________________________________________ so
this did not happen again
Mossad – an agency formed to hunt down Nazi war criminals who escaped