Download Solution Week 45 (7/21/03) Sliding along a plane

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Week 45
Sliding along a plane
The normal force from the plane is N = mg cos θ. Therefore, the friction force on
the block is µN = (tan θ)N = mg sin θ. This force acts in the direction opposite to
the motion. The block also feels the gravitational force of mg sin θ pointing down
the plane.
Because the magnitudes of the friction force and the gravitational force along the
plane are equal, the acceleration along the direction of motion equals the negative
of the acceleration in the direction down the plane. Therefore, in a small increment
of time, the speed that the block loses along its direction of motion exactly equals
the speed that it gains in the direction down the plane. Letting v be the speed of
the block, and letting vy be the component of the velocity in the direction down the
plane, we therefore have
v + vy = C,
where C is a constant. C is given by its initial value, which is V + 0 = V . The final
value of C is Vf + Vf = 2Vf (where Vf is the final speed of the block), because the
block is essentially moving straight down the plane after a very long time. Therefore,
2Vf = V
Vf =
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