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Proxy servers
By Akshit, Jay and Bhum Y10
What is a proxy server
A proxy server is a computer that offers a computer network service to
allow clients to make indirect network connections to other network
O A client connects to the proxy server, then requests a connection, file,
or other resource available on a different server.
O The proxy provides the resource either by connecting to the specified
server or by serving it from a cache
O Proxy servers are often used instead of routers since more software can
easily be installed on the computer such as anti-virus, web filtering etc.
Types of proxies
O Transparent Proxy
O Anonymous Proxy
O Distorting Proxy
O High Anonymity Proxy
Where are they used
O Can be used in businesses to share files, can be used in
schools to have student to teacher links.
O Visual designer, Roundtrip Engine. Direct edit, Export as XMI &
More. A web browser can be named as proxy server. As safari,
chrome, mozilla.
O To share Internet connection on a LAN. Some small
businesses and families have multiple computers but with
only one Internet connection, they can share Internet
connection for other computers on the LAN with a proxy
O To speed up Internet surfing. If use proxy server, all requests
from client computers will reach the proxy server at first, if the
proxy server has cached the required resources in its local
hard disk before with the web cache